本人一直给一个南非客户供应冷轧镀锌带钢。今天客户问起螺纹钢焊接网和螺纹钢,所以完全不懂。望出口该类产品的,指点下。QQ:327305033。电话:13738090322。 沈先生。
1,螺纹钢 屈服:屈服450MPa及以上,国标对应哪种?国标貌似只有300,400,500的? Y25, Y32指的Y是直径吧?几种粗的哪里有卖?
2,螺纹钢焊接网:Ref. 100, Ref.193?指的是什么?4.0mm diameter rebar指的是丝径吧? 200mm centres是网孔? 和 in sheets of 6mx2.4m 网片尺寸?这东西装箱有问题?厂家怎么处理的?
Hi Jack
How are you, I hope you are well.
I am just enquiring as to the prices of reinforcing steel – grade minimum yield strength 450MPa. I am not sure what standard strength of rebar you have available –if it is 500MPa then that will also be fine.
Please could you send me prices on 12m long pieces – or 11995mm? (whatever length they make it to fit into a container)
High Yield Mimimum 450MPa Deformed Reinforcing bar:
30 tons of Y8.
40 tons of Y10,
40 tons of Y12,
20 tons of Y16,
10 tons of Y20,
10 tons of Y25,
10 tons of Y32.
Reinforcing Mesh Ref. 100 – pre welded wire mesh 4.0mm diameter rebar welded at 200mm centres in sheets of 6mx2.4m – 20tons
Reinforcng Mesh Ref.193 - pre welded wire mesh 5.6mm diameter rebar welded at 200mm centres in sheets of 6mx2.4m – 20tons
Please let me know, thanks
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