本鸟昨天收到一个美国客户的邮件询盘,对于一只刚接触led外贸行业的菜鸟来说我有很多看不懂。所以向各位大神求教,希望各位大神能够帮忙出出主意,而且还有很多专业点的词语也希望各位大神能够点出来,我会去详细了解但是觉得大神们提出来的会更专业,更易懂。先谢谢啦!邮件如下:Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm looking for products with the following specifications:
Directional light fixtures that are architectural grade and built for sale in the US. Must be built to UL/CSA or ETL standards. We need track heads, downlights, surface mount and multiples.
Track fixtures need to be available in all adaptors, see attached example. Downlights with flippers on the sides for installation from below are NOT acceptable. Downlights must have a housing to be installed from above the ceiling.
Fixtures need to be in 2 versions, hard-wired and socket-based. Wattages will be up to 18W now and 40W in the future as we develop other LED packages.
1. LED fixture where we will supply our own light engine, including LED, optics and heat sink. We will NOT use the standard LED. The light engine will be hard-wired into the fixture.
2. Standard socket-based fixture that will accept our LED lamps. We will be using MR16 and AR111 in low voltage. We will specify a transformer that will be compatible with US Lutron dimmers. Hatch RS12-60-LED or equal is acceptable. There will also be a mains voltage version in GU10, 120V and 220V. We will supply the LED lamps.
See the light engine specification attached. Lamps are standard sizes, and can be found at the Soraa website.
和你的供货商一一对应 能否满足客户需求
如果都匹配的话 就回复都可以满足 再进一步谈价格等问题
如果产品 要求不匹配的话 沟通是否能修改
你好,英文要求你的产品需要有UL/CSA 这方面的认证资质。如果需要这方面的服务 加我qq:253652342
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