近些年希腊政局持续动荡,经济进一步衰退,导致银行不良贷款率呈增长趋势。欧盟委员会、欧洲中央银行敦促希腊政府出台措施解决银行不良贷款频发的情况。在此背景下,2017 年 8 月 4 日,希腊政府颁布一项有关公司债务重组的新法规 4469/17。在该法规下,大多数负债的公司将有资格申请债务重组,债务重组的程序也将更加便捷。值得注意的是,该法规规定,一旦公司被认定有资格进行债务重组,专业机构将就该公司债务金额减免、贷款重组等问题提出书面建议。外国债权人/供应商将有义务遵循该建议。
The procedure for debt restructuring, under the new law Companies can file a request digitally on a platform of the ministry where they can register the creditors with the payable amounts. The companies must also present proof about all the following:
-Most recent balance sheets
-Obligations towards the public sector (e.g. customs, social security fund, tax authorities),
-Unpaid salaries to employees etc.
-Loans from banks
-All the personal belonging of the company owners
Through the platform, an automated check of eligibility for inclusion in the provisions of the law, will take place.
Once eligible, professionals/debt restructuring experts like Alix Partners, Dr. Wieselhuber etc. will draft a recommendation which will suggest whether there must be a deduction of the debt amounts and how much, refinancing of the company etc.
This recommendation will be a path that also foreign suppliers/creditors will have to follow.
Already, from the beginning of the month August of 2017, 4000 entrepreneurs have registered in the platform whereas 350 companies already entered the process of debt restructuring.
It must be noted that the total amount of NPL’s exceeds the 65.9 billion EUR (77.7 billion USD). This amount is expected to be reduced in 2018 and 2019 to 53.0 billion EUR and 40.2 billion EUR respectively. The reduction, according to the Greek banks, will be mainly driven by curing of loans and write-offs. In lesser extend by liquidations, collections and sales of loans.
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