



Yeah, I got the PI and it looks great.

I didn't reply right away because I'm still teaching and although we had one day off for what I would like to call Poet's Day, it's the end of the semester so the kids always need a lot of attention because they're afraid to fail and the time is almost over.

Yeah, you see, I would prefer to call the recent Mid-Summer festival as Poet's Day because I'm a college instructor and my wife is a publisher and translator of literature. Most of her books are in English translated from Chinese. My MA is in Composition and I've been a college teacher most of my adult career. However, I was also a computer programmer for a long time that I was teaching. I wasn't just a programmer actually, I was a partner with a publisher and part of my job was to make the programming happen.

I grew up with computers and technology because it runs in my family. You could say I'm a geek. I was a kid who always had toys that were just a little too extreme for most kids because of my dad's position as an engineer. So, as far as sports. . . well, no I'm not interested in team sports and I never have been.

In fact, Jacky, I'm not really a fan of competition at all.  I think people should compete a bit less than they do. But I won't bore you with speeches.

What I do love is technology and especially green tech. Let's talk about that. I love solar thermal with a passion.

Although I am indeed busy these days and still working as a full-time college instructor, I am looking forward to having a lighter schedule in the future. What I'd like to do with my free time is pursue solar thermal technology more than I have in the past.

This is where it's a pity that Allen has moved on because she already was keeping up with my work so far. But I am happy to share with you some of my experiments.

When I got my first set of tubes the first thing I did was set about making measurements and posting them on my own web server to share with my family and friends.

I'd send you the link to the web page, but the service I was using for my domain name had decided to begin charging for their redirect service. You see, Jacky, this is what upsets me about people competing about everything. The internet started off as a place where many things were free. One of them that always existed until very recently was called dynamic domain name services for the world wide web. I'm not sure how much you know about hosting, but it's one of the things I started doing a long, long time ago and never stopped.

I used to host my own servers on early version of Windows but then around 2001 I switched to Linux and never went back. So, I expect certain services  on the web to be free of charge. But over time corporations have bought up free services and started charging money for what used to be free.

See, that makes me feel upset about competition. It makes me not want to watch the World Cup or participate in the worship of competition that people so easily get sucked into. I don't really trust the motivations of the people who manage such things. You could even say I'm an academic who is not really trusting of business people by nature. Have you heard of Confucius? Just kidding.

Anyway, back to technology. I can't show you my home page because of this ridiclous corporate idiocy going on in the US. However, I can show you my Facebook page. We can be friends there. I'm a teacher so I have hundreds of friends who are students.

Let me send you a link to pictures of one of my ongoing solar projects and you can see that I like to have fun while I experiment. And then we can be Facebook friends.

https://www.facebook.com/ah.foo. ... 57039359&type=3

Anyway, if it doesn't work directly then try sending me a friend request

My FB ID is:
[email protected]

But, as you might guess, I'm not really a fan of Facebook. I use it because of my work but I prefer to use my own web server as my media platform.

However, I will let you know what I'm doing right now meaning right this moment which is not on my Facebook page.

Right now, I am playing with Arduino. You know it? Probably you have heard of it. It's the main tool for what is called "physical computing" you know what that means? I'll remind you what it is. It's when you use small computers called microcontrollers to do things that are simple like turning on switches or controlling motors.

The big problem with physical computing is that it can be a little complicated. So the Arduino is a system from some professors in Italy at a small school kind of like the one I teach at.

Forgive me if you already heard this story, but I will keep it short. Those professors wanted to produce a microcontroller platform that everyone could share their source code. That's called open source. That means it's easy to re-use other people's code.

I like that.

So, I got my first Arduino in 2009. It was called the Duemillenova or something like that. They're already out of date. The new ones are called Uno.

I just got my first Arduino Uno this weekend.

So one of the cool things about Arduino and physical computing is that it can be used to make robots. Wow, cool . . .  robots. Everybody likes robots.

Because robots are so popular, one of the main ideas of the Arduino project was to make it so that extra pieces like high voltage switches (also called relays) or LCD displays could be added like lego blocks. The idea was to keep it as simple and reliable as possible while still being low cost.

Those lego blocks are called "shields". So, I bought an Arduino Uno board and I bought two shields. I bought an LCD shield and I bought a relay shield. That's a fun toy.

Although, one of the main interests for most people who buy such items is robotics, they can be used for designing other kinds of systems such as a thermal storage system or a mirrored solar tracker. In fact, it's all up to your imagination to see what you can do with them.

So, for me, with my interest in solar thermal I certainly am interested in sun tracking systems to be used with mirrors and also in thermal storage systems using salts and high temperature oils and other chemistries. You know, in California, there is a lot of direct sunlight. I believe that is a resource that can be harvested using low cost but very sophisticated technology.

In fact, Jacky, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Some people are already making money with parabolic trackers in California. When I say making money I mean not just dealing equipment but translating the heat of sunlight directly into money.

Perhaps you already know about such things but in case you don't, let me give you some examples of what is going on.

First, there is Terrajoule.


I don't know these guys personally, but I have written e-mail to them. Unfortunately, they didn't seem that interested in chatting.

I know their story very well though.

They're from Australia. Maybe you do or do not know but there is a lot of open-source publicly shared solar thermal experience in Australia already and there has been since the first internet news groups. The Australians were doing stuff that people in the States were only talking about in the 90s.

This group that is now called Terrajoule was from Australia. Several groups in Australia had been using five meter wide parabolic mirror trackers focused on glass vacuum tubes with therminol heat transfer fluid instead of water to create industrial systems like air conditioning systems since the 90s. This particular group tried to get venture funding in Australia to add a powerful engine design based on very old steam engine plans from the 1920s and were ignored and insulted that they couldn't get access to money.

Some of these Australians tried pitching their technology in San Jose, which is not too far from where I come from, around 2010. Surprsingly, they got funded.

Well, it is a surprise and it is not a surprise. To me, it's no surprise in a way because I believe the technology is real and works. However, it's true that it is a little bit surprising to me that they got funded by venture capital in San Jose.

But as a native Californian, I understand the importance of water in California. I have become a Taiwanese, but I was born and raised in California. California is in my blood. It is my land, literally. So I understand the issue of water there. Water is no joke in California.

What the Australians proposed was to power deep-water wells in the farming part of California called the Central Valley. There's already a hell of a lot of money flowing there. What the farmers do is to run very deep wells on diesel engines. A deep well requires large amounts of power to suck the water from so deep in the earth. That costs real money and the pumps need to run twenty four hours a day.

The company, Terrajoule, offered to replace the cost of the diesel fueling the pumps with sunlight captured in high temperautre storage. Well capturing heat is one thing. But how to convert it into working energy to fuel a high-tech pump?

[ 本帖最后由 gsh2020 于 2014-6-5 13:10 编辑 ]













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