

这个英国的客人, 一开始5月份他在阿里巴巴上发来的询盘,一直跟进,他所需要的产品其实是我们没有优势从外面买进来的产品,客人是英国一家很大的做面料的公司,有自己的全套工厂,在世界十几个国家有分公司。见面的时候他声称,在英国的几乎所有火车,汽车上面的布都是他们公司生产的。他找我们是因为他一个做家具的客户需要我们这种布,他这个客户也可以说是全英国最大的家具生产商之一。一开始的询盘,我以为他是个骗子,所以他要求寄样的时候,我要了他的到付账号还有要他下单安排取件。当时还寄了一些我们有优势的产品和一本产品目录,他收到之后,各种夸奖。几乎要我全部报价。这不是开玩笑吗?这么多不同类型的,要累死我啊。我就报了一部分他最初感兴趣的。6月20号-7月5号回了一趟学校(西安)领毕业证。这期间,他发了好几封,我回来之后就具体给他报了他后来挑的。之后他有四款需要一米样还有一款需要7米,做测试。要知道这些我们都是从外面拿的,问我师傅,他就说样品费就别收了,也不是很多(现在想想应该收的)后来我就用他的账号寄给他了。没多久,他说要来中国,把我们公司列为潜在供应商,要来看厂。要我发邀请函给他。后来还写了封好长好长的邮件(英国人写英语邮件还真是不吝啬)说明他要验厂的内容,包活员工宿舍,食堂之类的。我看了都要无语了。首先我们没有工厂,当时我们这个产品是从福建买的,公司在浙江(真佩服采购啊,跑那么远)后来跟经理商量了一下就决定带他去江苏看一个我们认识的厂,也不远。我在邮件里还特地声明我们其实没有工厂,那是我们合作了很多年的(也是吹)我们负责买原材料,还有质量控制之类的。我以为我这样说了之后他不会来了。他竟然说OK。这之间他还把我介绍给他们一个设计师Jane,跟她通了几封邮件,关于产品技术方面的。他们的邮件都是长的可以当课文了。我对这个技术方面也不是很熟啊,包活我师傅。我也不知道怎么蒙混过关的。后来8月19号,下了很大的雨(之前都很热)我还有外贸经理去他在江苏的住的酒店接他,真是有钱人待的地,见了他之后有点意外,一个三四百斤的BIG GUY.(这个词是他发短信描述自己的)后来带他去了那个所谓的工厂,也很小。来到厂长办公室,他的第一件事就是拿出名片盒,每个人发了张(那名片可以说是我见过的最高档的了,只有黑白两色,很简单,厚度相当于两三张普通名片)之后就是介绍他们公司,听得一愣一愣的。然后他调侃了一下说他是rain man,他把英国的rain带到了中国,他在英国的时候,那边一直下雨,现在中国也开始下雨了,他父亲给他打电话说他走后他们那的天气放晴了。真是个幽默的人(不过也确实比较巧,接他的时候开始下雨,中间停了一回,送他回酒店又开始下雨)后来去工厂参观,完了之后,他拿出本子,说工厂的产值,工人数量之类的问题,我经理也瞎弄了个说给他。之后带他去吃饭,普通的饭店,点的菜还行,他一直夸(英国人真的很会夸人)后来说要他去我们办公室看看,在车上,跟他聊了很多很多,这是我说英语说的最多的一次,本来我不健谈,遇到这么一个健谈的人,也没办法了。说到年龄,他问我多大,我说21,他说他50多了,他跟他老婆是丁克,我有点意外,他说这在英国已经很常见了,也是一个很大的社会问题。我还问他,你觉得我的英语怎么样,他说你的邮件写的相当不错(窃喜啊)反正说了一堆夸人的话,听着乐啊。后来去了办公室谈了会,省略吧。。。合了个影,就送他回去了,本来我想我不用去了的,老板说要我也送下,练习下英语,两个小时的车程,来回四小时啊...无语...开车的是我们一个跟单的,开的太快了,还不是很稳。客户就开始系安全带了,在接他的时候是经理开的,他还一直夸经理说开的好,不用系安全带。哈哈.....看他也累了,就让他睡会吧。然后到他酒店的那会就开始下雨了....rain man....晚上他给我发了条短信,说谢谢我对他的照顾之类的,还说向Catherine给了我们一个非常好的评价。之后跟Catherine 通了几封邮件,关于技术方面的,后来由于一些误解,又跟Ken通了几封,都是长篇大论的。过来一段时间,我们的联系少了,他说他在等那个家具商的反馈,我也一直在等他的好消息.....可是一直没有消息...前几天给他发了一封圣诞祝福的邮件,然后收到了他的自动回复...I am now left ***可以联系***难道他离开那家公司了吗? 我跟了四个月的客户就这样没了??不过期间我也学到很多,特别是邮件方面。还是很感谢这个英国的Ken,后来我经理说你在车上跟那客户还挺能聊的,说的还很不错。那些跟了很久而没有成交的客户,真心感谢你们! 从2012年12月实习到现在有一年了,这期间,接待了来自阿尔及利亚,英国,土耳其(2个)印度,俄罗斯,墨西哥,虽然成交的不过,不过也让我成长很多。我在这里把我的一些故事分享出来,希望大家一起成长。下文是我跟这个英国客户的所以邮件,很多很多...大家有兴趣看一下,就当是练练英语也行。



Dear Ken Rankin,

This is Tracy from *****
Thank you for your inquiry and glad to know you are interested in our company and products.
We have many kinds of air mesh fabric and sofa fabric. First, a e-catalogue of our products can be sent for your reference.
If you are interested, we can make further negotiations.
Looking forward to your kind reply.

Hello Tracy

Thanks for your e-mail.

Thanks for the info.

Very interesting. We are looking for spacer and sandwich fabrics, in nylon and polyester up to 8mm in thickness

Can you send us any photos of these items?

Can you also provide a price list and advise on min qts, initial buying terms etc.

I assume you make everything that you sell? Is that correct?
Can you provide more photos of the factory eg knitting, dye house etc

How can I get samples? Can you send me some to the address below.
Need pcs at least the size of an A4 sheet.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Ken Rankin

Dear Ken Rankin,

Thank you for your reply.

Attached is the air mesh product list of some patterns. We have many styles, but our common thickness is 2-3mm. Of course we can do it according to your requirements.
If you want  to see more air mesh, i can send you pictures. Are you still need the sofa and upholstery fabric product list? Do you have any instant messagers like Skype?
It's more convenient for us to communicate.


Hello Tracy

Very interested in your air mesh spacer fabrics, especially at 2-3 mm and would like samples and prices for all.

Do you manufacture this fabric?

Also liked
Polyester mesh (0121), 5D -01,11A -02,11A-03, 5F -23, 7A -22,11A - 22,
Different meshes like brush mesh (11C-03)
Tricot flocking various 1-1,

We have Skype, but the band speed is poor around here, pictures stall and therefore e-mail is actually easier.
Besides I am from Scotland and you may find my accent hard to understand!

Is it possible for you to send us samples of the above requested fabrics and a price list.

Ken Rankin
Dear Ken Rankin,

What's the meaning of "Polyester mesh (0121), 5D -01,11A -02,11A-03, 5F -23, 7A -22,11A - 22, Different meshes like brush mesh (11C-03) Tricot flocking various 1-1"?

Have u checked the air mesh e-catalogue in my last email?

2013/5/8 11:43:37
Hi Tracy

Yes I checked it, I liked the photos of the airmesh product and want samples of these products.

The other points,

went onto your www site and selected some items so for example
Polyester mesh (0121) refers to .....
Is that clear now? I also require samples of the other products that I listed.
Can you confirm what you have actually produced.
Ken Rankin
Dear Ken Rankin,

I have checked the photos that you refered in your last email,  a price list can be send for your reference.
And free samples can be send if you can place a courier order.
Yes, we manufacture those fabric and tricot flocking is our very strong item.
Besides, could you kindly give a brief introduction of your company and the business you deal with?

Looking forward to your kind reply.

2013/5/14 11:53:30
Hi Tracy

If you go onto our www site
you can certainly find out more about us.

We are a textile manufacturer, mainly weaving upholstery performance fabrics.
We have our own dying, spinning, weaving and knitting facilities in the UK and a weaving mill in Lithuania.

However there are things like warp knitting, PVC fabrics etc which we sell, that we import in as we have no manufacturing capability for them within our group. My job as sourcing manager is to find offshore partners that we can work with.

I particularly liked some of the samples in your photos and bearing in mind my comments about searching for 2-5mm product, would like to explore this and flocked products, more thoroughly with your company..

Can you send me a price list for the items you have photographed and that I have stated we were interested in.

Is it possible to get samples and swatch cards from you?
Please send them via UPS and charge to our account.
Please use Standard service as cheaper
UPS account is ****
Parcel should be marked for my attention and sent to***

Do you have any photos of the factory that we could look at?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Ken Rankin
Dear Ken Rankin,

Thank u for ur email.

I am sorry that I am in home now not in office, and i have a business trip tomorrow and will be back the day after tomorrow.
Once i come back, i will give you the price list of the products u r interested in.
About the sample, we can provide it, but i suggest that u ask the UPS courier people to pick up the sample from our company,
as it's unconvenient for us to use the UPS, i hope u can understand.

Looking forward to cooperate with you.

No problem.

Please advise address where courier is to go to pick up samples and contact tel numbers and I'll ask for an e-label to be sent to you.


2013/5/14 12:48:30

Thank u very much.
Our courier information is as belows
Company name:
Zip code:
Contact person: Tracy Zeng
Mob: 86-15202990763
Once everything is prepared, i'll inform you.

That is very helpful.

Let me know when you have everything ready and I'll ask for a label to be sent to you.

Any idea how long it will take as I want to make sure your samples are considered alongside a lot of other samples I am gathering for an evaluation meeting.


All this prepared will take about 3 days and anyway, once it is prepared i'll inform you at the first time.

Dear Ken

How are you doing?

The samples have been prepared. i make two small hangles of 10 kinds of air mesh fabric.
And 5 swatches of the mesh one you picked from our website, 3 swatches of the flocking one.
I also prepared a catalogue for your reference, hope you can satisfied.
So now, just awaiting the courier people to pick up the samples.
About the price, it's better to quote the price according to your demand after you rcvd the samples.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Dear Ken,

How are you? haven't hearing from you for several days. I hope you everything is going well.
About the samples, i have prepared for several days and waiting for your reply.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi tracy
I was waiting to hear from you that samples were ready.

Please advise yr address and contact number and I'll get a label made up from our courier company.

Dear Ken,

Thanks for your reply.

Our courier information is .......
Warm Regards
Dear Ken,

I have rcvd the UPS lable, i'll attach this to the samples.

Dear Ken,

The samples have been picked up by the UPS courier people.
So when you rcv the sample, pls kindly inform me.

Awaiting for your comments.Thanks&Regards

Hi Tracy

Will do.

Only problem is that I am on holiday for two weeks from Saturday, so if I'm away
please don't worry I'll revert when I get back.

Hi Ken,

No problem, I look forward to your comments.
Enjoy your holiday my friend.

Warm Regards

Hi Tracy

Back in today.

Very pleased with your parcel. Many thanks.

To be frank, I like everything you have sent in and intend to show ALL of them to our designers on Friday, in a meeting specifically about warp knitting.
They will select the items that they especially like. but I would have thought they would favour a lot of the thinner spacer fabrics and meshes. They really are very good and the yarn dyed items are particularly attractive..
I need the prices on ALL items that you submitted along with technical details like

Material composition,
price in USD per l/m
Shipping terms ex which port

I need the technical info so that I can do comparisons of your product vs other items that we are considering.
Can you do this for me for tomorrow latest.

Many thanks
Regards Ken


Dear Ken,

Thanks for your comments on the samples.

Attached is the quotation list of the spacer fabric and the mesh fabric, pls kindly check it.
The yarn count of the mesh fabric is as belows,
FN-14: 50D(FDY) FN-15: 75D(DTY)  FN-16: 75D(DTY)  FN-17: 68D(FDY)

Any questions, pls feel free to contact me.
Looking forward to making further negotiations with you.



Is the fabric 100% polyester or is it poly/nylon?

Ken Rankin

forget query below, I've now looked at the quote sheet!!
Please confirm, that the price is per linear m, NOT per m2

Ken Rankin
Dear Ken,
I rechecked, pls check the attachment. About the quote, the price is per meter.

Hi Tracy

What about the items in your cards?
At this stage main info req'd is composition, FOB price and MOQ.
Ken Rankin

Hi Tracy

Would have to say that your samples very well received by our design team.

I need to order the following items from you for testing in our lab ( Fire Resistance, abrasion, colour fastness etc)
Sorry but need 1m linear lengths (ie full width) because we test them on seat frames and also do weight/thickness tests on different width points
of the items selected.

Items selected
FN06  FN05  FN04  FN03  FN02

These Items are yarn dyed.

Can you also quote me a price for the above using a plain yarn. ie same knit but 100% undyed plain yarn.

Lastly could you quote for the above in plain yarn but piece dyed.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Ken Rankin

Dear Ken,

Thanks for your email. I am really sorry that i was not in company these days and will be back on 4th July. So for some of your questions, i will reply you once i come back, hope you can understand.
If it is really urgent for you, i can ask my collegue for help to reply you.

Many thanks for your understanding.
Best regards



In addition to the 1m pieces requested below (which we use for fire testing, lab tests etc) and all the other queries, we also need some additional meterage.

Have some good news. Our sales team took some of your small samples to one of our seat manufacturing customers, in fact one of the biggest manufacturers in the UK! They liked everything we showed them from Fornice and particularly liked FN05 and FN04.

They have requested 7 linear ms of each design for some upholstery trials.
Do you have enough in stock to provide this?
When can you send it out?

Can you pass this to your colleague to look after in your absence?


Hello Tracy

Still awaiting a reply to e-mail below. I guess there must be a holiday in China at the moment.

Your fabrics as I've said have been very well received here and I've been asked to specifically include you on a list of potential suppliers that I am making.

Can I therefore ask you about a potential visit?
Proposing to visit you and your factory on August 19th.
General Factory inspection and assessment. Nothing to worry about!
I'd need a lift please. Staying at a hotel in Suzhou. Probably a Holiday Inn but can confirm shortly.
Sorry it's a little bit away from Huzhou but I need a central location because of flights and other visits I have to do in Meili and elsewhere.

Can you confirm if this is acceptable for you?
Need to book flights shortly so your confirmation would be a great help.

Ken Rankin

Dear Ken,

I am back today, really sorry that my absense cause you trouble.
Thanks for your kind understanding and really apreciate for your trust.

Refer to the items FN02, FN03, FN04, FN05, FN06, you need 1 meter(full width) to do the lab test and FN04, FN05 7 meters(full width) that your customer request, as we don't have stock, so we need time to provide it, about one week. As it will cause much freight for us, we would appreciate if we can send on your account and we provide free samples.
About the fire resistance, we don't do the fire treatment, the fabric i send you before we usually used as sports shoe material, if you want to do fire resistance treatment, could you tell me which standard? we can quote according to your requirements.

It's our pleasure to be the potential supplier of you. We are very glad to hear that you will come to our factory on August 19th, warmly welcome. No problem we can pick you up in Suzhou or any other place which is more convenient for you.

Looking forward to making further negotiations with you.


Hi Tracy

Can I introduce you to Jane. She is in our product development team and a very experienced designer.

She has some questions for you about some of the key fabrics that you have supplied to us.
We are also considering organising some trial dye lots for a local dye house that we frequently use and we need to understand all the
specifications on your fabric.

She will be in touch with you shortly.


Hi Tracy,
Please could you give me some information on your FN04 quality. As Ken has mentioned we are considering doing some trials to piece dye this Spacer fabric, but we need to understand if the yarns are fast.
Is the black yarn in the sample solution dyed or package dyed ?
Are there any optical brightening agents on the fabric?
Rather than having the finished fabric, would it be possible for you to provide us with the fabric in it's unfinished state, so we could process it?

Please let me know what you think, I'm not in the office until next wed 10th, but hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards

Dear Jane,

Thanks for your letter.

As the questions you metioned, the technics of FN-04 is made by two needle bar warp knitting machine, the composition is nylon&poly.
1. The black yarn is not solution dyed, when dyeing, the temperature is not the same.
2. There isn't brightening agents on the fabric.
3. As for the unfinished fabric, we are sorry that we couldn't provide unfinished one.

Any other questions, pls feel free to contact me, I'll reply you at the first time.


Hi Tracy,

Thank you for your reply and the information, sorry for not getting back sooner.
I have a few more questions to clarify on points 1 & 3 . May be we could talk later or tomorrow, what is the best time for you? My direct contact number is 0044 1924 481183

1. The black yarn is not solution dyed, when dyeing, the temperature is not the same. - I understand that the yarn is not solution dyed in the current samples, but would it be possible to develop this quality FN04 with solution dyed black in the future? If so, what would be the minimum order quantity?
2. There isn't brightening agents on the fabric. Ok
3. As for the unfinished fabric, we are sorry that we couldn't provide unfinished one. Would it be possible provide it unfinished to us in the future?

4. Do you make the FN04 in any other colours, or would you consider doing this? If so what would be the minimum order quantity?

Kind Regards

Dear Jane,

Thanks for your reply.
About the questions you methioned, I think we can talk tomorrow, here we all off work now. 0086 152 0299 0763 is my cell number.
So Jane talk with you tomorrow.


Hi Tracy,
Ok that's great, speak to you tomorrow

Kind Regards

Hi Tracy,

I just thought I would recap on our skype discussion. It's a shame it didn't connect, or that I couldn't hear you. We'll try again next week. Or I can just phone you as Ken does?

You have the 1m sample lengths of the 4 samples ready to send, and Ken has asked for 7m lengths which you are on with making. When we recieve these we will put them into test.

We have a customer who is particulary interested in the FN04, they like the colourway as it is, but would be interested in other colourways as well. So we are considering how to do this,
either -
1. We piece dye the fabric, if we do, then the black needs to be fast to dyeing, so hence asking for solution dyed yarn.
Another question I have is which part is nylon? is it the monofilament in the spacer?
Would it be possible to make this quality in 100% polyester, which would be better for dying purposes?
Would it also be possible to send it in it's unfinished state, so we could process it?

You mentioned about making a solution dyed sample, would it be just the black portion? If you think this would work for us for piece dying, then we can discuss making a sample.

or .. 2 Do you have any colours in the FN04 that we could look at?

The thickness of the fabric is ok.

Sorry there are more questions.
I work part time wed- fri so speak to you then. In the meantime if you have answers, please copy in Ken and Catherine

Many thanks
Kind Regards

Hi Jane,

Thanks for your letter.

For the sample question, first i will send the 5 samples that i have send you before. After you test it, we can make further process as Ken says.(Ok that's great, do you know when these will be despatched?. )
I don't really understand the meaning of "piece dye", is it dye one roll? (Yes that's right, we are able to put several rolls ( the quantity is measured in weight , kilos) into a dye vessel, then finish the fabric to the required width. We will need to do trial lengths to assess the quality.)

About the colourways, we can do in different colors but the MOQ will be very high. (Ok, we will probably explore the piece dye route.)
The black portion is nylon, and when make it solution dye, it would be 100% polyester, the black yarn is solution dyed. (That would be really good.)
We will manage to cooperate with you to provide it in unfinished state in the future if we can. (Ok, that is positive.)

If you have any other questions, pls feel free to contact me.


Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your reply.
I have highlighted in blue text below with my reply.

Kind Regards

Hi Tracy

Can you look at the attached letter.

I need you to copy this onto your headed company paper

(delete the two items in red (letter head and where you print and sign yr name))

Company stamp it.
Scan it
and send back to me as an e-copy, so that I can attach it with my latest Visa application.

Is this OK?

Ken Rankin

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your email and sorry for my late reply.
About the request you mentioned, i will send the scan e copy to you tomorrow.
About the 1 meter test sample of FN02, FN03, FN04, FN05, FN06. we have prepared.

Looking forward to your reply and warmly welcome your coming.

Thanks and regards

Hi Tracy

Thks for your assistance. Sorry that you have to make the samples from scratch.
However you also realise that it's quite unusual for customer's to want upholstery samples at this early stage of a development so that's very encouraging.

Yes of course we will pay for freight.

Can you advise when you think requested samples (1m and 7m) will be ready to send?


Hi Ken,
Attached is the Invitation Letter, is it ok now?
About the sample, the one meter test sample of FN02, FN03, FN04, FN05, FN06 have prepared, and do you mean you need the 7M sample of the FN04 item? Pls comfirm, when get everything clear, i will send it to you. Thanks for your understanding of the freight. is this 54A571 your UPS account?

Awaiting your kind reply.


Hi Tracy


As you provide samples FOC, please send samples via UPS (which is our express carrier) and charge to our account.
Please use Standard service as cheaper

UPS account is ***
Parcel should be marked for my attention and sent to*****

Samples- need 1m lengths for testing in FN02-06 - x 5 pcs.
I need the 7m sample in FN04 and FN05 for Upholstery tests.

Can you tell me exactly when you think these will be sent. The customer has been on to me again today requesting information.

know that you are in discussions with Jane about what possible variations we could have but for the time being the only items that I need are the ones that you have already supplied to us.

As regards the visit on the 19th August.

Am staying at
Crowne Plaza Hotel
168 Xingxang Street
Suzhou 215021
Tel 008651267616688

What time do I need to be ready for a lift to the factory?

The purpose of the visit is obviously to meet you, and view your offices and manufacturing facility.
I should be especially interested in things like

- Quality control management - how does it work in your company
-production flow, would like to see the facility by following the production process,
so start in the yarn warehouse>warping>knitting>finishing>QA Examinations> finished goods warehouse etc.
Is this OK for you?
- better ideas of lead times and production process for the various items that you produce
- do you manufacture everything that you sell? If not can you advise how subcontracting works.
- do you hold any certificates like IS0 9000,ISO 14000, SA8000, ETI/Sedex etc. Can you make sure that they are available for me to see
-Terms -Storage, Payment, Min Qts, Lead Times, Payment and Guarantees
-product development - how do we do it with your company, what is available for sample lengths and constraints
- will want to view dorms (for out of town workers if they are within your factory perimeter) and canteens
- in addition to knitting do you have any other facilities on site, like dyehouses, stenting etc
- do you have a company profile with company information, production statistics, current UK customer info and
manufacturing equipment details, that you can send before the visit

Can you do me a favour please?
I don't trust Google translate!!
I need the hotel address above in Chinese, for taxi drivers.
Is it possible that you could check with the hotel what the translation for the hotel is, scan and send me the address in Chinese characters?
Hope you can help.

Look forward to hearing from you

Ken Rankin


Dear ken,

Thanks for your letter and sorry for my late reply.

Here i have to state one thing that we don't own a factory, but have a cooperated one for many years. We buy yarn material and they produce for us. From raw material to knitting to dying to finished products, we have specialized merchandier to follow the whole production to keep the best quality. Our air mesh fabric have exported to German, Italy etc.
If you want to visit the factory, we can arrange it, first we can pick you up from the hotel to our company to see our office, and then to our cooperate factory,  it's also available if you want to see the dye-works.

The translation of your hotel address in Suzhou is as follows.******

If you have any other questions, pls feel free to contact me.
Warm Regards


No problem. Yes let's see the knitting factory and dye house if we have time.



What time do you want to meet on the 19th if we are going to visit the factory and dye house?

Please advise on sample meterages requested?


Hi Ken,

When will you arrived in Suzhou? 19th Aug?  At that case we can pick you up from your hotel at 20th in the morning as you need a good rest
The time is according to you. first we invite you to our office and factory and then come to our cooperate air mesh fabric factory. Is that ok for you?

About the sample, we will prepare FN02-06 1 meters each and FN04 TN05 7 meters each as you required. the weight together is about 10kg.
Once the samples send out, i will inform you and give you the tracking no.


Arrive in Suzhou on the 18th. Factory visit has been agreed with you for 19th.
I will be well rested.

Question is
-What time do you want to pick me up from hotel on the 19th, to have time to visit both the knitting factory and also dye house that you use.
Am happy to visit your office also but that is 2nd priority.
Please send me schedule of travel times, visit times etc.

Samples. I was expecting these to be ready to send. Can you advise what the likely date is to have these ready?

Look forward to hearing from you.


Hi Ken,

We will arrive in your hotel at 9:00AM 19th to pick you up to the knitting factory, and then to the dye house. we would appreciate if you can visit our office and the flocking factory. one day is enough.
The samples will be send tomorrow.


[ 本帖最后由 nancy920124 于 2013-12-31 15:16 编辑 ]

Hi Tracy

Thks for your e-mail.

Suggested pick up time is fine. I look forward to viewing everything you have to show me!

Can I just quickly reiterate how important it is that the samples especially the 7m pieces are sent this Friday latest. Our customer, a large upholsterer that we talked about, has been chasing us for these samples to do tests in their factory. Based on your info, we have said to them that the fabric should be with us 25/7, so it is really important that the fabric is sent tomorrow!! It's also important that the quality is 1st class. No point in providing substandard fabric for testing, as if it isn't up to scratch they will just reject the sample and not proceed with bulk. I would rather send them nothing than send in substandard material. Therefore can I ask you to please make sure that the quality is as you'd expect, before the goods are shipped. I know that you understand our position.

Can you advise the UPS tracking number as soon as it is known.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hi Ken,

Thanks for your letter.

I checked again that the samples will be send tomorrow. and the quality is the 1st class.
The 7m sample of FN05, we don't have the same color, but quality is the same.
Once it is send, i will inform you the UPS tracking no.
Hi Ken,

The tracking no. is H9427519207. It will arrive on next wednesday around.

Hi Tracy

Cloth did arrive on Wednesday.


You have done very well. Our design director has especially asked me to pass on to you, her heartfelt thanks.

Everything now on rolls, to let the creases fall out and going up to upholsterer on Friday.

Will keep you advised of how we progress with dyeing and manufacturing tests.

Warmest regards
Ken Rankin

Hi Ken,

Many thanks for your letter.
I am looking forward to your updates and making further negotiations with you.
Best Regards

Dear Ken,

How are you doing recently? Are you starting your holiday? Wish happiness always surround you and enjoy your life my friend.

Best wishes

Hi Tracy

At work at the moment and normal British summer weather has resumed..........the rain is coming down, as if the world is about to end!!
Trip for 3 weeks from next Monday and holiday when I get back!!

Your samples continue to impress. They are with one of our important customers at the moment.
Hopefully will have some good news for you before the end of the week.


Hi Ken,

Here in China the weather is so hot and dry. Wish you have a nice holiday and await your reply about the samples.

Warm Regards


Sent out a reminder today.

No news as of yet on trials.

Do you have a mobile tel number I can contact in case of any issues?



Yes that is my number.
See u on the 19th

Hi Tracy

Have a request from our Product development team.

We need 225kgs of
Fornice FN06 (in 100% polyester, with the black yarn solution dyed so it is colour fast to overdyeing)
knitted in 100% plain ecru polyester.
Do you understand what we need? Everything is plain except the black yarn which needs to be colourfast? If you have any doubts can you please contact Catherine on

We need this because we want to carry out dying tests with it, through our local dye house, which carries out much of our normal dying.

If we buy from you going forward, the idea will be to buy qts of griege undyed fabric, which we will then finish at our dyers, to match customer orders, so you can understand why this test is so important. We haven't attempted to dye this type of fabric before, so it's a test in several different ways. This is the minimum qty that can be accommodated in their smallest dye chamber.

-can you knit this small a qty or do you have any in stock?
- it is essential that anything provided is A1. Any flaws will show up during the dying process and that will neither of us any favours
- the fabric does not need to be preset, our dyers will do this
- considering the project, can you give me a good deal on the cost of the fabric?
- we will want it on FOB terms
- what are the lead times. Could you prioritise this project, if you had to?

Look forward to hearing from you.


Hi Ken,

Thanks for your email and sorry for my late reply. How are you doing these days?

I want to send my doubts to Catherine's email address that you send me  but i guess there is something wrong of the address that i couldn't send it out. Anyway, when we meet on 19th next monday, we can disscus all the details. when you arrived at the hotel in Suzhou, pls inform me the room number so that we can come to pick you up. Is your UK cell number available in China?



Coming up tomorrow. ETA around 14hrs. Any problems with the taxi driver, I'll call your mobile number for a quick translation!!

Hi Ken,

Ok, just call me when you have problem. See you tomorrow at 9:00AM in the hotel.


2013/8/19 见面现场写给Catherine,抄送给我
Hi Catherine

Just wanted to double check for the supplier. I asked for FN06 for 225 kg bulk test because that was what was requested. However Fornice point out that it was FN04 and FN05 that we had 7m samples in. Is it definitely FN06 that you want 225 kgs of? We only got a 1m piece of this? ? If I read yr e-mail correctly you are ordering FN06 because it had the best appearance of the three fabrics, irrespective of what was sent in for testing. Is that correct?

However we are all slightly confused over here as to the effect that is required with dying.
In FN06 the black yarn is nylon. Do you want the black effect? If so why change the yarn to polyester? If you want it in grey again no problem, they just change it from black to grey. The bulk fabric is in ecru and when it is dyed it will come up any colour you like, with the black/grey lines because the nylon will not pick up the colour. If you want to change the nylon to back/gry solution dyed polyester and then dye fabric in any colour, will the overall effect not be the same? If they change the poly to nylon it may also change the characteristics and wear test results of the current fabric.
I suggested you may want 100%poly cloth for FR reasons but not really sure.

Therefore for the safe of clarity can you reconfirm
- it's FNO6
- explain why the nylon yarn has to be changed to polyester. What effect are you hoping to achieve when we overdye the fabric in the UK.

Dear Catherine,

How are you doing?

This is Tracy, glad to write to you. I have one question that  you need the item FN04 or FN06, as i send you 7m samples of FN04, but FN06 just 1 meter. Ken said in his email that you need FN06 in 100% polyester, with the black yarn solution dyed, everything is plain. but the colour of the FN06 yarn is grey. So i am confused. One more thing, you only need FN06 225kg? about this, i have to confirm whether we can do for this small quantity. Other detail we can discussed with Ken when we meet on 19th.

Awaiting your kind reply.

Hello Tracy, I am very well thankyou, I hope you are too!

Thankyou for getting in touch.  Just to clarify:
We would like 225 kgs of FN06.  When we saw the longer lengths of the fabrics that you sent to us, we really liked the appearence of FN06 more than the others.  This has performed well in our abrasion testing, so we wanted to order a longer length for a dyeing trial.  
I really hope that it will be possible for you to manufacture 225 kg for our initial trial. If not, please could you advise what the minimum order quantity would be for a trial?
I apologise, I did mean solution dyed grey yarn, not black.  I gave Ken the wrong information on the email.
Please could you advise what pigment would be used in the solution dyed grey yarn?  Is this Carbon Black?  We need for it to be colourfast to overdyeing.
The fabric does not need to be pre-set.
I hope that this helps.  Please advise if you need any more information.


Dear Catherine,

Thanks for your help of the understanding. We are vey glad to met Mr. Ken yesterday and know much better of your esteemed company.
Attached is the picture of FN06 which we reach an agreement. Pls kindly check it and inform me whether it's ok.

Warm Regards

Hi Tracy, I hope you are well!Thankyou for getting back to me.  The details on your photo are correct.

Please could you confirm the points below?
Please could you advise what pigment would be used in the solution dyed grey yarn, and that this will be colourfast to overdyeing.
Please could you also confirm that the fabric will not be pre-set.

Many thanks, I am looking forward to seeing the sample!

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Hope all is well.

Refer to the points you metioned, here is my answer.About the Pigment, you mean the color of the pigment? and the colour fastness you don't worry, it will be colorfast.
Yes, we can confirm that the fabric will not be pre-set, it's in the grey fabric state.
About the samples, as our present fabric of this design is Nylon&Poly, the grey yarn is Nylon, if we re-make the sample in polyester, the cost will be pretty high, so I suggest when we confirmed everything and start bulk production, we can send the samples for your evaluation.  I have already explained this to Ken.

Hope this will help, if you have any other questions, just write to me or call me directly.

Hi Catherine,

About the pigment problem, if you mean the type or material. Our factory use the normal one. if need more detail, the factory said it involves some confidential things, hope you can understand. I think it doesn't matter, when you dye the fabric, just use the normal one that you usully done.


Hi Ken,

I have send an e-mail to Catherine with the drawing picture. Here is the price which we discussed yesterday.

Price: USD5.6/M FOB Shanghai

If reach our MOQ 600kg, the price will be USD4.7/M FOB Shanghai.

About making the sample of the 100%Polyester, my manager said it's not a good way as the cost is too high.
And i think when we confirmed everything and start bulk production we can send samples for your evaluation.

If you have any questions, just write to me or call me directly.

Take good care of yourself Ken.

Hello Tracy

Have had an e-mail from Catherine. She is still not clear what you propose from your e-mail and as she is very precise, I'm stepping in, because we discussed a lot of the points she queries.

Can you confirm each point

A) you are proposing to make fabric 100% polyester. NO nylon. You will not use Nylon thread in FN06- trial batch
B) the current dk grey Nylon thread on FN06 will be replaced with a dark grey polyester thread. Pls confirm
C) everything else on the pattern will remain the same, except colour. Balance of fabric will now be in Ecru not light grey.
D) pigment details for the Dk Grey polyester. How can this be a secret? We are asking you to make something for us. It's our fabric, we need to know how it's being made, we are paying for it in full, therefore no secrets please.

Catherine needs to know what pigment your dyers PROPOSE to use, BEFORE they dye the yearn, to make sure that it will be colourfast to whatever subsequent dying shade she proposes to use for the bulk. She has suggested a version of Carbon Black. Can you check on this for us please?

Without this info, we cannot progress and will not authorise the trial as the whole bulk may fail at our dyers subsequently, so it's a pointless exercise.

It is that critical,

so please no secrecy on this fundamental question, Trust that you now understand.

Can confirm the price for 225 kgs of fabric as we are way under normal minimums. Happy to pay before transit, but may require an inspection certificate from our inspector, stating fabric as per spec, before we authorise payment. It's fair?

Many thanks

Hi Ken,

Thanks for you e-mail.

About the pigment problem, as we didn't figure out the exact meaning, so there exsits misunderstanding, I apologize.
Now I confirm the points that you metioned.

A) Yes, we confirm that we use 100% Polyester of FN06, not Nylon.
B) We confirm that the dk grey yarn is polyester thread.
C) We confirm that the pattern remain the same except colour, balance of the fabric is Ecru.
D) Refer to the pigment, I consult with the dye house, we use disperse dyes.
Regard to the payment, first we rcv the 30% deposit, then we start bulk production. No problem you can get an inspection certificate from your inspector after check the products, and then you pay the balance. We can also send you sample when we do the bulk production.
Hope this will help, if not clear enough, just write to me, I'll try my best to solve this.
Thanks & Regards

Hi Tracy

Thanks for your reply. Very helpful.

Regarding the bulk order for 225 kg of fabric FN06. I have been chatting with my colleagues and we have decided to postpone the test.

The reason for this is that we want to get feedback from our customer first before we decide to do the bulk tests.

As you know they haven't got any feedback for us yet, as they are developing a new piece of furniture and therefore patterns for the material requirement, cutting and testing of fabric piece have not yet commenced. I am now told apparently it could be several more weeks.

Please bear with us and we will get back to you as and when we get some more news.


We don't want anyone to start incurring extra charges if the test is not sucessful.

Hi Ken

Thanks for your e-mail.

Refer to the bulk order, of course we can understand. When you get feedback from your customer, you can tell us your decision.
If you decide to place the trial order, pls inform me in advance, so we can prepare raw material.
If your customer have other requirements, just tell us, we will try to meet it.
Our booth no. of "2013 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textile" during 27th-29th Aug is E4G39. You are warmly welcomed to have a visit if you have time.


Will keep in touch as and when we hear something.

You are welcome! Keep in touch and awaiting your good news my friend.

现在放上去了 只是邮件太多了 编辑太费时  所以看起来有点累  有兴趣可以看看

谢啦  嘿嘿


真的好, 能看完的我佩服



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