加拿大进出口外贸what is MAP's & MSRP's ????????????


今天收到客户的邮件说:I will also need a wholesale price list with  MAP's & MSRP's.
请高手指教 其中的MAP‘s 是什么意思?

MSRP是厂商建议零售价格的意思(Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)

[ 本帖最后由 小小的风 于 2014-8-8 13:41 编辑 ]

嗯  这个MSRP 我知道,只是那个MAP'S 倒是没有见过, 不过还是谢谢你哦!

MAP minimum advertised price

What Do MAP and MSRP Mean?
You know that MAP stands for "minimum advertised price." MSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price."

Manufacturers are not allowed to require retailers to price products at a set amount. So many manufacturers give retailers a suggested price (MSRP) along with a minimum advertised price (MAP).

The MAP is not a minimum price for the product - the retailer can still price an item lower than the MAP. The retailer just can't publicly advertise any price lower than the MAP.

And while manufacturers can't require retailers to price, say, a putter at a set amount, they can certainly suggest a price to the retailer. Which is what MSRP represents.

But again, whether you see MAP or MSRP cited by a golf manufacturer in promotional material, or within an article about equipment, retailers can price an item any way they like.

Including the MAP or MSRP is just a way to give readers and consumers an idea of a product's price before they actually start shopping.

Is MAP or MSRP Lower?
Some golf companies cite one or the other; others prefer to cite both. And sometimes the MAP and MSRP are the same thing. Typically, however, the MAP is lower than the MSRP.

The important things to note:

Both MAP and MSRP represent pricing levels/suggestions by the manufacturers to the retailer;
The retailer is not bound to use either price, and can go higher or lower than either;
But both MAP and MSRP are useful to consumers who are considering what new clubs or other golf equipment to purchase.
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