More and more Americans, Canadians, and importers/wholesalers around the world are using B2B (business to business) web sites to look for and buy their products. In the next few years the majority of all goods purchased from foreign exporters by US and Canadian importers will be bought from B2B web sites.The Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers CD () has a List of the Top 158 B2B Web Sites Used by Importers in the US and Worldwide to Buy Their Products. Some of these web sites can be used free of charge, other sites you must pay a small monthly fee.
A recent study by Forrester Research estimates that global B2B e-commerce trade will grow from about $406 billion in 2000 to a incredibly high $2.7 trillion in 2004. E-commerce helps businesses operate more cheaply and efficiently. B2B e-commerce helps exporters and importers work better together on industry supply chains.
B2B Web Sites are the Wave of the Future
Soon the vast majority of all international buying will be done over the internet.
Using the B2Bweb sites on this list is easy, quick, effective, and the costs are very low. We asked importers in the US and several other countries what B2B web sites they used to buy their products. Their top choices are on this list.
You can find importers that are ready to buy in two ways:
- In the "To Sell" section of these web sites you can list your company name and product. Buyers who also visit this same web site will see your listing and will contact you if they are interested.
- In the "To Buy" section of these web sites buyers around the world have indicated what products they want to buy. You look over these lists to see if you sell or can sell any products on the lists. If you can you contact the buyer and make a proposal.
A Must Have in Today's Business World
If you want to sell your product in today's business world you need a web site. Those companies without a web site are at a serious disadvantage. Buyers these days expect sellers to have a web site. Those who do not have one are looked upon as not knowing how to do business in the modern business world.
Let's look at it this way. Let's say that you called a company and asked for their fax number. They replied that they do not have a fax number because they don't use a fax machine. What would you think about this company? You would think that they were small, not serious, and didnÕ;t know how to conduct business.
And so it is with a web site. If a buyer sees that you as a seller do not have a web site your company looks small. Regardless of how big your company is, if you do not have a web site then to the buyer you are small.
How to Get a Web Site
The first step in getting a web site is deciding on an address for your site (called a URL). The important point to remember here is to make the URL as easy to remember and as short as possible. Generally it is the first and second words of the company name. For example if the company name is Golden Textile and Clothing Inc., the desired URL might be www.goldentextile.com.
Don't make your URL too long. It is too hard to remember and there are too many chances to type the wrong letter and thus not be able to download the page. In the above example, www.goldentextileandclothing.com would be too long. Remember too that the name between the www. and the .com is also going to be the base for your e-mail addresses. Make sure your URL is easy to remember and not too long.
After you have chosen a URL the next step is to see if it is available or already taken by another company. It can be a real challenge to pick a URL that is easy to remember, not too long, AND available. Go to www.namesecure.com or www.networksolutions.com to see if the URL you chose is available. If it is register it QUICKLY. If it is not then you must choose a new name for your URL.
If www.goldentextile.com in the above example is taken by another company then try www.goldentex.com or www.goldentextileclothing.com. Neither of these is as good as the first choice, but you have no choice if the first choice is taken by another company.
After you have a URL that is registered with a company like namesecure, the second step is to choose an internet company (called an ISP) that will host your web site. Most countries have several ISPs for companies to choose from. In the USA, for example, the best and most reliable is Earthlink (www.earthlink.net).
Designing Your Web Site
Step three is to design your web site. This is very, very important. A well designed web site can make you successful. A poorly designed web site can almost guarantee your failure. Your web site does not have to be, and should not be, complex. Most of your viewers will be using a slow dial-up internet connection. Sites with lots of graphics and animation take too long to download.
Should you design the web page yourself or have it designed by a professional? Most companies are better off having it designed by a professional. It is important that your site look nice. Those who want to design the site themselves can use programs such as GoLive or Dreamweaver.
There are certain pieces of information on web sites that buyers are looking for. Always remember two things. First, not everyone on the internet is honest. Buyers will be looking carefully at your web site for information that indicates you are a reliable and serious exporter.
And second, the purpose of your web site is not to sell. That's your job as the seller. The functions of the web site are a) to provide information about your company and products AND b) to encourage the buyer to send you an e-mail asking for more details and a price quote. Professional web site designers understand the first part about providing information, but very often miss the second part about encouraging the buyer to send an e-mail.
If designed properly, the buyer will be guided through your web site from page to page until finally they get to the "send us an e-mail" page. The first page that the buyer sees when logging onto your site is called the "Home Page". This page should have your company name, logo, and several buttons (called links) which when clicked take viewers to other pages on your site.
The second page that many buyers will go to is your "About Us" page. This is a very important page in convincing buyers that you are reliable and serious. Make sure that the company address is prominently listed on this page. All too often companies try to hide this information. If possible, put a picture of your main office or factory on this page. Make absolutely sure that you list your company's telephone number and fax number. Buyers want to know that if there is a problem with an order they can get in contact with you.
On your "About Us" page you should also list any organizations that you are members of. If you are a member of the local chamber of commerce you should list it here. List all professional associations that you are a member of.
The next page that most buyers will look at is the "Products Page". On this page or pages you should show the buyer what you offer. Give some detail but not too much. The goal is to have the buyer contact you by e-mail. At that point you can start the negotiating process and hopefully get the order. If you donÕ;t give enough information on the products page the buyer will not be interested or will not take you serious. If you give too much information then there is no need to contact you and you have no chance to negotiate.
Once the prospective buyer has looked at your products then the next page he or she wants to see is your "Quality Control" page. It is VERY important that you have a quality control page on your site and that it contains at least the next three items. Show a close up picture of a quality control employee who is carefully examining one of your products. Buyers like to see that products are carefully inspected after production. Also include a picture of the quality control department as a whole. There should be several employees looking at products that have just been produced. And thirdly, have a close-up photo of your Quality Control Manager and his or her name listed under it. Buyers want to see that if there is a quality problem with an order that there is a person with whom they can talk.
After the prospective buyer has seen your "home page", been convinced that you are a genuine company by looking at your "About Us" page, examined your products on your "Products Page", been assured that quality is a priority for you by reading your "Quality Control" page, then comes the most important page. Unfortunately, most web sites miss this point and lose many orders.
"Give Me Your Best Price on ..."
The last page you want the prospective buyer to view is the "E-mail Us" page. You want this person to send you an e-mail which says something like "Give us your best price for ...". Once you have this e-mail message then you can start the negotiating process which will, hopefully, lead to an order.
Make it easy for the buyer to e-mail you. Put "Contact Us" or "E-mail Us" buttons on every page of your web site. The goal is to get that initial e-mail message. Without it your web site is just information.
After your web site is designed the way you like it, you must upload it onto the servers of the ISP you have chosen. And suddenly there you are – accessible to the world.
But how do prospective buyers find you among millions of other URL addresses? Several ways are discussed later. But for now let's talk about search engines. Search engines (Yahoo, Google, AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, and many, many more) are web sites that people go to when they are looking for specific information. You should register your URL with as many search engines as you can. Some charge money for registration (like Yahoo). Others are free.
The important things to remember are if you don't have a web site, get one. You are at a SERIOUS disadvantage if you don't. If you have one check it to make sure it guides the buyer through the steps mentioned above. Make sure your web site looks nice but is not heavy with too many graphics and animation that make it slow to download.
The Internet - Where the Customers Are
E-mail can be a very effective tool for marketing your products to buyers around the world IF you know what you are doing and follow certain rules. The important word here is -IF-. Those who do not know what they are doing or do not follow the rules quickly get a bad reputation and rarely have successful campaigns.
Some of the companies on the Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers () have included either their e-mail address or their web site address.
Our Exporting to the World Using the Internet () database list has the email addresses and/or web site addresses of companies around the world (including the USA)
Why is e-mail so popular? First of all it's easy to get. When you register your URL web address with the internet service provider (ISP) as mentioned above you automatically get several e-mail addresses. It is important that you have at least three basic e-mail addresses. Buyers are looking for them and if you donÕ;t have them it raises suspicion about your company.
Your e-mail address after the "@" sign will be your URL that you registered. For example if the URL is www.goldentextile.com, this companyÕ;s e-mail address including the "@" sign will be Ò;É;[email protected]Ó;. Buyers want to know where they are sending their messages. For this reason you should be very specific about where the message is going. [email protected] is a poor e-mail address. It does not give any indication what department the message is going to.
Every export company should have at least these three e-mail addresses: sales@.., export@.. , and support@.. . The three e-mail addresses for the company above would be [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]. By using the first two e-mail addresses the buyer knows that the message is going to the sales or export department. Having the [email protected] address tells the buyer that there is a department that can help them if they should have a question or problem after the order arrives. Having these e-mail addresses at your company greatly improves the chances of a buyer taking your company more seriously. Not having them means that the buyer may not know how to contact you.
Free E-mail Addresses = Many Lost Orders
You should never, never use a free e-mail address (like yahoo, hotmail, netvigator) for business. Never. Buyers do not trust these e-mail addresses. Always remember that image is more important on the internet than it is face-to-face. When you send an e-mail message to an importer the first question the importer asks him/herself is: Does this look like a serious offer or is this person trying to cheat me.
Having a free e-mail address like yahoo or hotmail is like using a public coin-operated pay phone for your company telephone. Using a free e-mail address says to the buyer "We are not serious enough to get our own telephone, but if you call this pay phone number located in the street near our office we will run out of the office and try to answer it." Free e-mail addresses are bad news.
Another of the many reasons you should not use free e-mails addresses is because of security. Buyers will often send confidential information in an e-mail message. This might include credit card information, bank account information, or confidential company information. If this message is sent to a dedicated e-mail address (like [email protected]) the message goes from the buyer's computer to the buyer's ISP, to the exporter's ISP and then to the exporterÕ;s computer. The chances of this message being stolen are reduced.
If, however, the buyer sends confidential information to a free e-mail address (like [email protected]) it goes through several ISPs on its way to the exporter. The chances of the message being stolen are greatly increased. For this reason, buyers do not like to use free e-mail addresses.
Having an e-mail address like [email protected] shows that the buyer has registered the URL with the local internet service. If there is a problem the buyer can be found through the internet service. Companies that try to cheat other people use free e-mail services ([email protected]) because they do not have to officially register. If you complain about this company there is no address on record for follow up.
The bottom line is this, if you have a free e-mail address get rid of it now. Register your company URL address with a local internet ISP and get a dedicated e-mail address. You will notice a dramatic increase in the number of buyers that will contact you.
The second reason that e-mail is so popular is because it is cheap. It costs nothing more than your time. No paper expense, no postage, no envelope expense.
The third reason it's popular is that sending e-mail messages is relatively easy. Yes, you must keep a database and make sure it is up-to-date. Yes you must compose the message. But anyone who can use a word processor can also write an e-mail message.
Effective IF You Do It Right
There is a right way and a very wrong way to market your products by e-mail. First let's discuss the right way.
You should always have the personÕ;s permission before you send them a sales e-mail message. The common question is "How can I ask them if I can contact them until I contact them?" Good question. Here's the answer.
Go through all the e-mails of prospective buyers that have contacted you in the past. Send each of them an e-mail asking if they would like to be on your "mailing list". Many of them will say yes.
Secondly, there are e-mail address lists that you can buy (). These are e-mail addresses of companies that might be interested in your product. But you should contact them first and ask for permission to send them a sales message.
The third way to get permission to send prospective buyers an e-mail is have them "opt-in" for your list. On your web site you will announce that you have periodic announcements of your products and if the viewer wants to get on (or opt in) the mailing list that they should contact you.
As an example, exporters who want to get on a mailing list of a free monthly newsletter offering advice and trends on marketing to the USA should go to www.americanimporters.org/pages/emailfor.html .
Also add to the list the e-mail addresses of people you meet at trade fairs and got letters from. Over time, you will have a very nice list of the e-mail addresses of prospective buyers who want to hear from you.
If you have a new product that you think the buyers might be interested in you can send a message to everyone on your list. Do not send too many messages however. One message every two or three months is enough. Less than this and they forget you. More than that and they thin you are sending too many.
Make the messages you send as interesting as possible. In addition to introducing your new product you should also include some interesting information. Buyers will read it if they think they will learn something. They may or may not read it if it is only a sales message.
Write your messages just like you would a sales letter. Use upper and lower case letters (not all capitals) and complete words (no abbreviations).
How NOT to do E-Mail Marketing
One thing that you do not want to do, never ever, is send a sales e-mail message to someone who has not asked for it. It is one of the worst things you can do.
ItÕ;s very tempting to do. You find the e-mail address of a company that might be interested in your product and you say to yourself, "I'll send them an e-mail. What do I have to lose?". The answer is that you have a lot to lose.
Sending a sales e-mail message to someone who did not ask for it called "SPAM". It is considered a very unprofessional and rude thing to do. SPAM messages are hated by everyone. It is the most offensive and at the same time least effective way to market on the internet.
In short, sending SPAM e-mail messages is not an effective way to sell your products. ItÕ;s a waste of your time and that of the person who gets your unwanted message.
But there is something even worse. Sending SPAM sales messages gives your company a very bad reputation. You become a "SPAMMER" and buyers around the world hate spammers.
It's this simple. Sending e-mail messages to buyers who have asked for it can be very effective. Sending SPAM e-mail message to people who have not asked for is ineffective and destroys your company's reputation. Please, don't send SPAM.
-Do's and Do nots of an E-Mail Message-
Do make sure you have permission to send that person the message.
Do make the message interesting.
Do have a message at the end of the message telling the buyer what to do if he/she does not want to get your messages anymore.
Do keep your e-mail message short. No one wants to read a long message. Give the highlights and direct the buyer to your web site for more details.
Do answer all e-mail messages in one business day or less.
Do use e-mail addresses that identify your company and the department. Examples are "[email protected]"
Don't ever, ever send SPAM.
Don't use all capital letters. It looks like you are shouting or yelling and is rude.
Don't use abbreviations. It's considered lazy. Buyers do not like to do business with lazy people. The question is, if this exporter is so lazy that he writes "B. Rgds" instead of "Best Regards" is he also too lazy to make a good product?
Don't use free e-mail addresses. They are not trusted. Examples are [email protected].
Don't make the sender guess where the e-mail is going. For example, with [email protected] the message could be going anywhere in the company. Buyers like to know where the message is going. Always have specific addresses like "[email protected]".
Don't use different colors and different font sizes on your message. It's considered childish and unprofessional. Use one size and all black.
Don't use a colored background. Again, it's considered unprofessional. In addition, they can be hard to read. Always use a white background with black text.
Paragraph One: Attracting Attention
The first sentence must get the reader's attention. Asking a question in which the answer is guaranteed to be "yes" is a good way to start. "Would you like to improve your life?" The opening paragraph, in fact the first sentence, should excite curiosity or attract the attention in some way that will make the reader continue to read the letter.
The most difficult paragraph to write in a sales letter is the first one. You have just a few seconds to get the reader's attention.
Would you like to see your factory's production increase by 15% or more?
Wouldn't you prefer to have your wedding pictures taken by the leader in the field?
Another way to start a sales letter is to write a sentence that will surprise or shock the reader.
In 1996 we helped over 250 small businesses like yours to increase their productivity.
Since 1991 we have grown from a small printing company to one of the largest publishing houses in the city.
If you are contacting the customer for the first time or if your company is unknown, you might start with a general introduction of yourself.
Example A:
Alfred's Textile Marketing Co. Ltd. is a leading Russian manufacturer and exporter of socks and hosiery. The range of our product line, good quality, and competitive prices have made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Russia.
Example B:
Floppy Textile Buying Agency, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in India. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Fe Fe LaMew Mail Order of France and others.
Other Examples:
The ABC Trading Company was founded in 1986 to serve the construction industry in New York state. Since then we have expanded our market year by year to where we now have customers in 12 countries around the world.
Paragraph Two: Building Interest and Desire
The second paragraph must convince the reader of the value of the product. When you have succeeded in getting the reader's attention, you must hold that attention. The best way to hold it is to build interest by describing your product so that the reader can virtually experience it. Use colorful, de****ive words.
In paragraph two you must show the reader that he/she either
- needs your product (a car)
- could use your product (an easier inventory system)
- should not be without your product (insurance)
OR - would benefit from your product (a new line of clothes he/she could sell)
Sentence by sentence you lead the reader through your sales pitch. If he closes his eyes he can see that new car, going home earlier because of his new inventory system, the comfort of having insurance, and increased sells because of the new line of clothes.
Example A:
Located in Moscow, we produce a wide variety of socks and hosiery items in a cotton-woolen-nylon blend for men, women, and children. These socks are of good quality, are popular with customers, and sell well. Our total production averages 10 million pairs per year, 70% for export and 30% for the domestic market.
Example B:
We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in New Deli, the heart of low cost and good quality ready- to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.
Paragraph Three: Convincing the Reader
If you have done your work well to this point, the reader is already interested and is partially convinced. You must convince readers that it is to their advantage to buy your product or use your service.
If the reader has read your letter to this point then he/she is interested in your product. Paragraph three convinces him/her to buy it. It is here that you show what buying your product would mean to the reader.
Example B:
The wide range of Indian export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children's wear, ladies and men's outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.
Other Examples:
The machine that we sell is called the Safehouse. It turns the lights on at your house at night when you're coming home. And you can reverse the process when you leave, turning off the lights when you have locked the door, gone down the steps, and left the yard. Amazingly, the Safehouse weighs only 150 grams and fits easily in your pocket or purse.
Paragraph Four: Directing Favorable Action
You have now reached the point where if your letter was successful, you must move the reader to act. The fourth paragraph must tell the reader what to do to get the product. Tell the reader exactly what you what him/her to do and make it easy to do. The desired action is go to your web site to get more information and, hopefully contact you for specifics or to place an order. Even the most highly motivated and excited customer will not act if the action you are requesting is too difficult
Example A:
Our company is expanding its market to include the United States and we would like very much to do business with your company. Enclosed is our price list (brochure) describing our wide range of products. I would welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our line socks and hosiery. For more information or to place an order, please visit our web site at www.nicesocks.com..
Example B:
If you would like to take advantage of the services that Floppy Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please log on to our web site at www.floppytextile.com or contact us by fax at (56/324) 785 48 96. Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Other Examples:
To order, please go to our web site at www.swimsuit.com, or fill out the enclosed order form and send it by fax or post to our office in Washington. Before you know it, you will be wearing this beautiful men's business swim suit - and feeling like royalty.
A Typical Well Written Letter for An Agent
Star Textile Exports, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in Turkey. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Blue Cloud Mail Order of France and others.
We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in Istanbul, the heart of low cost and good quality ready-to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.
The wide range of Turkish export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children's wear, ladies and men's outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.
If you would like to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please go to our web site at www.startextile.com, or contact us by fax at (90/212) 123 45 67.
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
A Very Simple Sales Letter
Dear Sirs,
We are a Polish company that specializes in making men's shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.
Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth . In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries around the world.
Enclosed is a price list and brochure. If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our web site at www.polishshirts.com, or contact us by telephone.
Sincerely yours
A Simple Proposal Letter
Dear Mr Customer:
Thank you for your interest in our company. Enclosed is the proposal that you requested.
The Model XR 17 is designed to help those companies who want to sell the latest model on the market, at the best possible price. This low-cost machine is made in Germany - the land of good quality machines.
This model sells well because:
the price is competitive
the technology is state-of-the-art
there is a great demand for such a machine.
We hope that you will soon join the growing list of companies that are selling our model XR 17. If you would like more information, please visit our web site at www.modelxr17.com or contact us directly.
Sincerely yours,
Just like there are good ways to sell to the USA () there are also bad ways to sell. Here are a few of them starting with the worst:
Don't Send Mass E-mail Mailouts (SPAM)
A good e-mail marketing strategy can be very effective in finding new customers. For a list of some importers and wholesalers in the USA and their e-mail addresses But these e-mails should be personalized (addressed to that company) and sent on a one by one basis.
You should NOT gather several e-mail addresses together and send a message to all of them at once. Importers HATE to get e-mails like this trying to sell them something. It's called SPAM and it is not an effective way of marketing your product. It called "poor man's marketing". In addition, it is illegal in the US.
Think of it this way. When is the last time you ordered a product from someone who sent you a SPAM e-mail message? Probably you never have. And importers do not order products from SPAM e-mail messages either.
To find out how to use e-mail as an effective marketing tool
Don't Send A Fax
This is a step up from e-mailing, but is still a bad way to try to sell your products. Faxed pages are only black and white and you can send only one or two pages. Usually exporters can send a nice brochure by mail (the preferred way of marketing) for the same price as they pay for long distance telephone charges to send a fax. Avoid sending your sales letters by fax.
Don't Send Sales Letters that Have Spelling/Grammar
Mistakes or Use Out-of-date English
The sales letter that you send to a prospective buyer is your representative of your company. If it looks good then you look good. If it looks bad then you look bad. For a sample of a good marketing letter
Check your letter to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. Do not use abbreviations like you are using a telex. For example, using "pls" for please and "u" for you make the importer think that you are lazy.
Do not use out-of-date sentences like "Would you be so kind..." and "Under separate cover please find..." These old sentences show that you are old fashioned.
Never push the importer to do something. Sentences like, "I am looking forward to your favorable reply" are pushy and should not be used. Never use words like "prompt", "ASAP", "at your earliest convenience" etc. They are rude and pushy. US importers are professionals. They will answer you because it's the business-like thing to do. Not because you push them.
Don't Send Letters that Use the Word "introduce"
in the Opening Paragraph
Letters that start something like "We would like to introduce ourselves" are in fact screaming "I'm a boring sales letter!" Do not use the word "introduce" when trying to sell your products. It's an immediate turn off.
Here is a list of words and phrases that you should not use
because they are old-fashion or rude
(in red, like blood because if you use them your
change of success is dead).
Under it is the modern word or phrase that you should use
(in green, like US money because if you
use them you'll get orders).
Would you be so kind
I would like to take this opportunity to...(thank you for)
Don't use this at all. Start with your sentence. Thank you for...
kindly (X)
thank you in advance (X)
(Don't use it. It's impossible to thank someone before they do something!)
acknowledge receipt of (X)
Thank you for
advise (X)
say, tell, let us know
am in receipt of (X)
I have received
as per (X)
as, according to
at this time (X)
due to the fact that (X)
as, because, since,
(Don't use it.)
enclosed please find (X)
enclosed, here
看看这个帖子加不加得了专家指数咯?呵呵!!算了,不加精也发了.Just like there are good ways to sell to the USA () there are also bad ways to sell. Here are a few of them starting with the worston't Send Mass E-mail Mailouts (SPAM)A good e-mail marketing strategy can be very effective in finding new customers. For a list of some importers and wholesalers in the USA and their e-mail addresses But these e-mails should be personalized (addressed to that company) and sent on a one by one basis.You should NOT gather several e-mail addresses together and send a message to all of them at once. Importers HATE to get e-mails like this trying to sell them something. It's called SPAM and it is not an effective way of marketing your product. It called "poor man's marketing". In addition, it is illegal in the US.Think of it this way. When is the last time you ordered a product from someone who sent you a SPAM e-mail message? Probably you never have. And importers do not order products from SPAM e-mail messages either.To find out how to use e-mail as an effective marketing tool Don't Send A FaxThis is a step up from e-mailing, but is still a bad way to try to sell your products. Faxed pages are only black and white and you can send only one or two pages. Usually exporters can send a nice brochure by mail (the preferred way of marketing) for the same price as they pay for long distance telephone charges to send a fax. Avoid sending your sales letters by fax.Don't Send Sales Letters that Have Spelling/Grammar Mistakes or Use Out-of-date EnglishThe sales letter that you send to a prospective buyer is your representative of your company. If it looks good then you look good. If it looks bad then you look bad. For a sample of a good marketing letter Check your letter to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. Do not use abbreviations like you are using a telex. For example, using "pls" for please and "u" for you make the importer think that you are lazy.Do not use out-of-date sentences like "Would you be so kind..." and "Under separate cover please find..." These old sentences show that you are old fashioned.Never push the importer to do something. Sentences like, "I am looking forward to your favorable reply" are pushy and should not be used. Never use words like "prompt", "ASAP", "at your earliest convenience" etc. They are rude and pushy. US importers are professionals. They will answer you because it's the business-like thing to do. Not because you push them.Don't Send Letters that Use the Word "introduce" in the Opening ParagraphLetters that start something like "We would like to introduce ourselves" are in fact screaming "I'm a boring sales letter!" Do not use the word "introduce" when trying to sell your products. It's an immediate turn off;Here is a list of words and phrases that you should not usebecause they are old-fashion or rude(in red, like blood because if you use them yourchange of success is dead).Under it is the modern word or phrase that you should use(in green, like US money because if youuse them you'll get orders).Would you be so kindPleaseI would like to take this opportunity to...(thank you for)Don't use this at all. Start with your sentence.
Thank you for...
kindly (X)
pleasethank you in advance (X)
;Don't use it. 9;s impossible to thank someone before they do something!)
acknowledge receipt of (X)Thank you for
advise (X)say, tell, let us know
am in receipt of (X)I have received
as per (X)as, according toat this time (X)now
due to the fact that (X)as, because, since,
duly (Don't use it.41;
enclosed please find (X)enclosed, here
[ 本帖最后由 sexdevil 于 2005-10-14 11:34 编辑 ]
[U]The Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers CD () has a List of the Top 158 B2B Web Sites Used by Importers in the US and Worldwide to Buy Their Products. Some of these web sites can be used 上面写的是我们买的那个美国进口商数据库的内容啊,我们老总不允许我泄露内部情报的呀,请理解哈。那CD用美圆买的哦[/U]
sinking ? [em10]
大家努力翻译翻译吧。。。。。。。。。呵呵。我来试试,水平有限,大家多多指教啊。谢谢。More and more Americans, Canadians, and importers/wholesalers around the world are using B2B (business to business) web sites to look for and buy their products. 越来越多的美国人,加拿大人以及全世界进口商/零售商正在用B2B网络来寻找和购买他们需要的商品。In the next few years the majority of all goods purchased from foreign exporters by US and Canadian importers will be bought from B2B web sites.在将来的几年中,大多数美国和加拿大进口商将通过B2B网络来购买所有的商品。The Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers CD () has a List of the Top 158 B2B Web Sites Used by Importers in the US and Worldwide to Buy Their Products. 美国进口商和零售商数据系列CD包括了158个拍名最前的B2B商务网站,这些网站主要是被美国和全世界的进口商所采用的。Some of these web sites can be used free of charge, other sites you must pay a small monthly fee. 其中一部分是可以免费使用的,另外一部分是每个月收取很少的费用的。A recent study by Forrester Research estimates that global B2B e-commerce trade will grow from about $406 billion in 2000 to a incredibly high $2.7 trillion in 2004.一项近期Forrester Research 研究统计预测,到2000年全球通过B2B进行的商业往来金额将达到406白亿美圆,2004年将达到不可思议的(这个不知道如何翻译)。E-commerce helps businesses operate more cheaply and efficiently. B2B e-commerce helps exporters and importers work better together on industry supply chains. 电子商务将帮助商业决策者更实惠和有效的工作。B2B电子商务将帮助出口商和进口商更好的在工业供货环节上更有效的工作。[此帖子已被 skyfly 在 2004-12-14 17:20:09 编辑过]
hehe 兄弟辛苦了,有时间我來帮你翻译啊
受益非浅啊,多谢楼主![em28] [em28] [em28]
真的很不错,很喜欢拜读此类的文章!细看了一下,感觉里面的句子不是很复杂,都有很实用,能把日常我们所看到的要表达的都写出来了,很喜欢!谢谢楼主,,受益中。。。。[em48] [em48] [此帖子已被 七色紫罗兰 在 2004-12-15 8:21:13 编辑过]
加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目 加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo
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