加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto警惕McAfee的推销手法
看了新闻别人订用了杀毒软件McAfee欲退不得,年复一年被收费的投诉,昨天自己收到一份电邮(如下),要我RENEW。一想,印象中好像没订过McAfee,便打电话过去,验证自己有没有上过这“贼船”。接线小姐一口浓重的印度口音,声音效果也极其差,可能这1-866电话转到印度的外判公司了。 问我账户号码;我说不知道。问我EMAIL;我一字一顿拼给她。问我地址;我回答:要来干吗?她答:验证你的地址(verify your address)。 我说:RENEW是一年一RENEW,我一年前的地址街道号码是×××,之后的地址街道号码是###,告诉我你电脑里有哪个号码? 她阵脚大乱,支支吾吾说我没有你的地址。我立马喷火:你没有我的地址怎么验证我的地址??她不知如何回答,竟然让电话沉默。我警告她:McAfee不能这样做生意,还学会套非顾客资料。 她奶奶的! Dear ***, Without McAfee Total Protection, your computer is vulnerable to viruses, spyware, data theft, and other attacks. That's why now is a great time to renew your subscription to McAfee Total Protection. And if you renew today, you'll receive 50% off the subscription price. Renew for 1 Year$44.99SAVE 50%Regular Price $89.99McAfee Total Protection software is now available with revolutionary Active Protection technology, which analyzes and blocks threats in milliseconds. With McAfee Total Protection, you can keep your family safe from online threats. Freely surf, search, and browse the webShop, bank, and trade online securelyMake sure your kids are safe when they're onlineClick on links, knowing you won't be exposed to viruses or threatsMcAfee Total Protection blocks viruses, spyware, and spam and protects you against computer hackers and cybercriminals, giving you the peace of mind that comes with always-on, always up-to-date protection. If you renew today, we'll also include McAfee Anti-Theft Protection at no charge (a $29.99 value). Essentially a personal vault on your PC, McAfee Anti-Theft Protection secures your personal documents, financial records, and other important files against thieves, hackers, and any unauthorized access. So play it safe! Get the protection you need and renew your McAfee Total Protection today. Thank you. Sincerely,The McAfee Team
爱情这种事情 不能仔细琢磨 一琢磨 就千疮百孔 超赞 赏 G GarfieldCaiGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-02-01#2 回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法mcafee能防毒,母猪会上树
回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法mcafee能防毒,母猪会上树点击展开...母猪不会上树,mcafee不能防毒
回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法母猪不会上树,mcafee不能防毒点击展开...母猪会不会上树,mcafee能不能防毒
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 fateli 0$(VIP 0) 18,4982011-02-01#5 回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法卑鄙,无耻,下流,不择手段日后会成为加国大多数企业的通用手段。
风景很美 超赞 赏 fateli 0$(VIP 0) 18,4982011-02-01#6 回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法准备写信回国提出承认双重国籍的必要性。
风景很美 超赞 赏 云中鹤 0$(VIP 0) 3,2712011-02-01#7 回复: 警惕McAfee的推销手法mcafee不是让intel收购了吗?他的企业版一直都是免费的,杀毒应该没有卡巴斯基,norton厉害,但是norton把我那些破解软件都当做木马给我删除了,没办法,我只好又换回了mcafee。
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