加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争
邮件内容如下 Dear Acanac Customer, The CRTC just decided to allow Bell Canada to charge independent ISPs, like Acanac Inc., what's called "usage-based billing"(UBB)on our customers. This means that Bell will force us to pay usages fees similar to those that Bell charges to its own retail customers, when you exceed certain limits. Bell and other Big Telecom companies are obviously trying to gouge consumers, control the Internet market, and ensure that consumers continue to subscribe to their television services. If we do not fight this you will have no choice but to pay MORE for LESS Internet. This will crush innovative services, Canada's digital competitiveness, and your wallet. 250,000 people across Canada have already signed the petition to stop these companies from charging you more. Signing the petition automatically sends Industry Minister Tony Clement an email. This is our best chance to stop usage-based billing. Please Sign the Stop The Meter petition at: http://stopthemeter.ca/ Please also help us spread the word to your friends and neighbors.Please make your voices heard. If we don't stop UBB, as of March 4th, 2011, Acanac will make the following changes to accommodate the charges that will be FORCED on us and subsequently you, our valued customers:Ontario Residential 5Mbps DSL Plan: First 25GB at up-to 5Mbps. Beyond 25GB your speeds will be reduced to 100Kbps with unlimited transfer. If you wish to remain at up-to 5Mbps, you can buy an additional 100GB of transfer for $9.95 per month. Beyond 125GB, speeds will be reduced to 100Kbps with unlimited transfer. Quebec Residential 5Mbps DSL Plan: First 60GB at up-to 5Mbps. Beyond 60GB, your speeds will be reduced to 100Kbps with unlimited transfer. If you wish to remain at up-to 5Mbps, you can buy an additional 100GB of transfer for $9.95 per month. Beyond 160GB speeds will be reduced to 100Kbps with unlimited transfer. Ontario & Quebec Residential MLPPP DSL Plans: Same as above but multiply it by the number of lines you have. If you have 2 lines or Home 10Mbps in Ontario, you would get 50GB included and you can buy an additional 200GB for $19.90. Once you reach your allocated transfer, your speeds will be reduced to 100Kbps per line with unlimited transfer. In this scenario you would have a total of 200Kbps after 250GB of usage. What if the transfer options above are not enough? Priority number one is to sign the Stop The Meter petition at: http://stopthemeter.ca/In addition to signing the petition you can use an Online PC as a bypass to the imposed usage-based billing on you by Bell and the CRTC. In partnership with http://www.zazeen.com/, you can continue downloading at over 1TB or 1000GB a month for as little as $23.95 per month. How does this work? Instead of downloading your data directly to your local computer, it is downloaded onto your Online PC located in our DATA Center. Your Online PC is connected to multiple Fiber optic lines capable of over 30Gbps or 30,000Mbps. This will bypass the Bell copper lines and the imposed usage-based billing. Once the Data is downloaded onto the online PC how do I get it to my local computer? Secure overnight DATA Shipment. Step One: Copy or move the Data that is to be shipped into an encrypted file container that only you have access to. (Provided within the Online PC) Step Two: Ship Zazeen a SATA Hard Drive with enough capacity to hold your encrypted DATA content. If you ship a hard drive that has more space than your Online PC, we can hold on to it until you fill it up completely. With Hard Drives currently passing over 2TB or 2000GB, you can continue to download without any additional UBB fees. Step Three: Zazeen will now copy your encrypted data onto the supplied Hard Drive. At this point, we will ship it overnight via FedEx: Acanac subscribers get 1 free data shipment per month. More info at http://www.zazeen.com/Data-Shipment.html Click below for an in depth video presentation of Zazeen's Online PC service. http://www.zazeen.com/Zazeen-Intro/Zazeen-Intro.html Bandwidth Transfer tracking: On Feb 20th, 2011, Acanac Inc. will have a new Internet usage section in the Management Area of our Web Site located athttps://www.acanac.com/Login-Section.html In this location you will be able to pre-purchase additional usage blocks and check your daily bandwidth usage. Once again please DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN the Stop The Meter petition at: http://stopthemeter.ca/Best Regards, Acanac Inc. [email protected]: +1 (866) 281?3538 Toronto 1-416-849-8520 Montreal 1-514-667-4304 Vancouver 1-778-786-4196 Ottawa 1-613-686-5217 Calgary 1-403-451-6156 Corporate Office 1650 Dundas Street East. Unit 204, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4X 2Z3
美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...加入世界各族人民,拿來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變大。China is my mother, Canada is my lover. 超赞 赏 反馈:beeknight 和 (已删除的会员) G GarfieldCaiGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-02-02#2 回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争我觉得,斗大流氓难度比较大,还不如把acanac退了,让acanac这些小流氓跟大流氓斗。
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争acanac之前签了一年合同,还有几个月才过期,这段时间是不是还能“享受”无限量呢?
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争acanac之前签了一年合同,还有几个月才过期,这段时间是不是还能“享受”无限量呢?点击展开...你去看看acanac的条款,任何服务、价格的变化,都不会事先通知你,它还可以单方面取消服务。
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争acanac的DSL要限流量了,他的新出的cable呢?
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。 超赞 赏 反馈:魁北瓜加拿颠 porsche 0$(VIP 0) 2232011-02-02#6 回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争Cable暂时没影响。。。因为rogers计划夏天开始这个收费。。如果这个billing依然生效。。。到时候用cable的一样下场。。。
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争我觉得,斗大流氓难度比较大,还不如把acanac退了,让acanac这些小流氓跟大流氓斗。点击展开... 毛主席语录学得真好。
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争支持华为进驻加拿大!!!
回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争支持华为进驻加拿大!!!点击展开...华为是做设备的,不提供接入服务
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 反馈:魁北瓜加拿颠 beeknightPC-Wii-iPad-PS3-PingPong 0$(VIP 0) 1,0872011-02-02#10 回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争原来是25G以上部分降速度啊。还好,原来以为只要超流量就要多收费呢。 刚去签了petition。 我用的是Acanac Cable,暂时还没收到通知限流量的邮件。
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work. 超赞 赏 反馈:魁北瓜加拿颠 和 (已删除的会员) L Lotusnotes 0$(VIP 0) 8622011-02-02#11 回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争收到了, 签了, 也spread了, 顶一下~
2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga -> 超赞 赏 反馈:魁北瓜加拿颠 LUCCKK 0$(VIP 0) 1,3122011-02-02#12 回复: 抵制BELL CANADA的流氓行径,今天收到ACANAC网络公司的email,呼吁大家一起抗争顶
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