加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto骗子邮件还是真的?
Dear PayPal Customer ,During our regular maintainance , we have dis covered some unusual behaviours regarding your account. We have reasons to believe that your ac count has been compromised and that it is being accessed by an unauthorized third party in so me fraudulous activities.For your security we have limited the access to sensitive f unctions of your account like Transfers, Payments, Personal Information. If you feel that you have received th is message by mistake, and you accessed your account from another computer, while travelling p lease feel free to call us any time at the number displayed on our website and we will be ha ppy to help you.If by any means, you believe that your account was compromised please follow the l ink below and confirm your identity as soon as possible.Your account will be permanently suspended if you fail to co nfirm your identity before March 04, 2011.Click here to confirm your identity
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 DNW 0$(VIP 0) 7,9702011-03-01#2 回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?Fake.I also dont trust any mail that give u a link to 'click' in order to verify identity
回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?你要记住, paypal给你发email,肯定是你名字在抬头, 这个很简单的技巧
回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?有道理,谢谢!
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 urchin随波逐浪零向量 0$(VIP 0) 2,6172011-03-01#5 回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?你可以不点他信里的链接,自己去paypal登录自己的帐号就行了一般都是假的,我也收到过~
世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。 超赞 赏 G GarfieldCaiGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-03-01#6 回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?真的
回复: 骗子邮件还是真的?真的点击展开... 真的是假的
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