加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto万能的园友,帮我看看这句英语是什么意思?
最近委托公司查CAIPS,一直没有收到,写信询问,他们的回复如下,但是我不是很明白下面的红色的一句是什么意思.请明白的园友帮忙看看!谢谢! (为了不断章取义,我把最近的几份来往邮件都贴出来)Dear Sir or Madam: I have sent two emails to you to query the progress of myapplication. I had applied for CAIPS Notes on Dec 02, 2010. Its beenover 14 weeks but nothing from you end. I don'tknow why but please give me an explanation.-----------------------------------------------------------------HelloWe expect to receive your file next week. We have contacted CIC again today to confirm that. We will send you an email letting you know the exact date once we hear back from CIC. Thank you for your patience during this time-----------------------------------------------------------------A week has passed, and I still haven't received my files.-----------------------------------------------------------------Dear We apologize for the inconvenience. Should we not receive the file next we will offer a full refund as well as a 50% discount on your next order. Thank you for your patience during this time
回复: 万能的园友,帮我看看这句英语是什么意思?这是倒装句,if we should not receive the file next...
以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 A auraxr 0$(VIP 0) 4082011-04-03#3 回复: 万能的园友,帮我看看这句英语是什么意思?Should we not receive the file next = if we do not receive the file next
回复: 万能的园友,帮我看看这句英语是什么意思?十分感谢二位!!!
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