加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto陪伴加籍伴侣海外居住更新枫叶卡,需要提供什么必要文件?共同居住证明除了护照上的入境章外还需要什么?劳烦哪位大神指点一下。


枫叶卡就要到期了,陪伴加籍伴侣海外居住更新枫叶卡,需要提供什么必要文件?共同居住证明除了护照上的入境章外还需要什么?劳烦哪位大神指点一下。除了结婚证外还有哪些文件需要公证,护照上的中国入境章是否需要翻译公证,哪些机构可以做这些工作?公证在中国做还是回加拿大做,如果使用中国护照入境的, 是否中国护照和加拿大护照需要一起提供?谢谢大家。

气定神闲 说:枫叶卡就要到期了,陪伴加籍伴侣海外居住更新枫叶卡,需要提供什么必要文件?共同居住证明除了护照上的入境章外还需要什么?劳烦哪位大神指点一下。除了结婚证外还有哪些文件需要公证,护照上的中国入境章是否需要翻译公证,哪些机构可以做这些工作?公证在中国做还是回加拿大做,如果使用中国护照入境的, 是否中国护照和加拿大护照需要一起提供?谢谢大家。点击展开...官网关于这个的答案是: If you were outside Canada for 1095 days or more in the past five (5) yearsProvide these documents as they apply to you: If you were accompanying a family member who is a Canadian citizen: proof of citizenship for the Canadian citizen you accompanied abroad; andproof of your relationship to this person; andproof that your Canadian citizen spouse, common-law partner or parent was outside Canada with you. If outside Canada working for a Canadian business or public service, provide: proof that the company has a Canadian head office;proof of your full-time job andif you will be working for that company when you return to Canada. If you were accompanying a permanent resident of Canada working for a Canadian business abroad, provide: proof of your relationship to this person; andproof of their full-time job; andproof of their permanent resident status这里应该是第一种情况适合你:第一个proof应该是你伴侣的护照复印件。第二个proof应该是你们的关系证明,目前看你是结婚的,因此结婚证公证件,加拿大和中国都可以公证。第三个proof 是你伴侣要在加国之外,其次要with you,这个证明可以是家庭的一些账单的shared expenses,联名账户等显示在同一个地址。出入境只能证明你们同时间出入,不能表明你们在一起。


气定神闲 说:能说的具体点么?比如说手机账单或者煤气费,水费什么的,谢谢回复点击展开...这些文件不是特指某一类的文件,但常说的都是手机账单,水电费等,或者住房支出,孩子的费用支出,一要证明住在一起即地址一致,二是注意时间和费用,为啥人家要连续好几个月的银行账单或水电账单,是要看你的连续性和真实性。

kakalin 说:官网关于这个的答案是: If you were outside Canada for 1095 days or more in the past five (5) yearsProvide these documents as they apply to you: If you were accompanying a family member who is a Canadian citizen: proof of citizenship for the Canadian citizen you accompanied abroad; andproof of your relationship to this person; andproof that your Canadian citizen spouse, common-law partner or parent was outside Canada with you. If outside Canada working for a Canadian business or public service, provide: proof that the company has a Canadian head office;proof of your full-time job andif you will be working for that company when you return to Canada. If you were accompanying a permanent resident of Canada working for a Canadian business abroad, provide: proof of your relationship to this person; andproof of their full-time job; andproof of their permanent resident status这里应该是第一种情况适合你:第一个proof应该是你伴侣的护照复印件。第二个proof应该是你们的关系证明,目前看你是结婚的,因此结婚证公证件,加拿大和中国都可以公证。第三个proof 是你伴侣要在加国之外,其次要with you,这个证明可以是家庭的一些账单的shared expenses,联名账户等显示在同一个地址。出入境只能证明你们同时间出入,不能表明你们在一起。[/QUO非常感谢, 很有用, 不过还有个问题, 一起居住怎么证明呢?点击展开...

比如说, 我们的手机地址都是同一个, 或者水费账单和电费账单是分别的名字, 同一个地址, 这样可以么?、

气定神闲 说:比如说, 我们的手机地址都是同一个, 或者水费账单和电费账单是分别的名字, 同一个地址, 这样可以么?、点击展开...可以的。

再多问几句,需要公证么?除了结婚证需要翻译公证外, 护照上的出入境非英文章和中国水电煤气账单不是英文的是否都需要翻译公证?谢谢前辈费心回复。

气定神闲 说:再多问几句,需要公证么?除了结婚证需要翻译公证外, 护照上的出入境非英文章和中国水电煤气账单不是英文的是否都需要翻译公证?谢谢前辈费心回复。点击展开...我之前递交过银行账单,自己给的翻译件。我觉得这个问题没标准答案了。

kakalin 说:官网关于这个的答案是: If you were outside Canada for 1095 days or more in the past five (5) yearsProvide these documents as they apply to you: If you were accompanying a family member who is a Canadian citizen: proof of citizenship for the Canadian citizen you accompanied abroad; andproof of your relationship to this person; andproof that your Canadian citizen spouse, common-law partner or parent was outside Canada with you. If outside Canada working for a Canadian business or public service, provide: proof that the company has a Canadian head office;proof of your full-time job andif you will be working for that company when you return to Canada. If you were accompanying a permanent resident of Canada working for a Canadian business abroad, provide: proof of your relationship to this person; andproof of their full-time job; andproof of their permanent resident status这里应该是第一种情况适合你:第一个proof应该是你伴侣的护照复印件。第二个proof应该是你们的关系证明,目前看你是结婚的,因此结婚证公证件,加拿大和中国都可以公证。第三个proof 是你伴侣要在加国之外,其次要with you,这个证明可以是家庭的一些账单的shared expenses,联名账户等显示在同一个地址。出入境只能证明你们同时间出入,不能表明你们在一起。点击展开...

再次请教几个问题, 结婚公证是N年作的, 原件, 现在是否还可以用?护照上的中国出入境章是否需要翻译成中文,国内的公证处不给翻译,我们需要如何处理?递交材料比如结婚公证是否需要原件?还是说复印件就可以了。有些困惑, 敬请指点一二, 谢谢。

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