加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 TorontoLike father like son


Remembering my fatherI will miss my dad every day.www.gatesnotes.comI wish I can pass anything of value.The most important things I learnt from my mom and dad are persistent and hard-working. I learnt much more from my mom, keeping curious, reflecting of mistake in life and learning from others.My mom always seeking the excellences from others, correcting her mistakes and keeping growing herself. She has been retired for many years, but it always inspiring to speak with her and exchange experiences. My parents have their own flaws and constrains. The most wonderful thing is that my mom is open to new ideas and thoughts. She never feels to be offended when she was approve wrong. Instead, she is more happy than angry because she sees it as a opportunity to grow. This ability is the most valuable treasure mom passing to myself.If you let me to choose between 1 million dollars and the merits my parents passing to myself. I will choose the later with no second thinking. I learn from others more than from my parents. But my parents set an example for me to learn from others.

游客_ 说:Remembering my fatherI will miss my dad every day.www.gatesnotes.comI wish I can pass anything of value.The most important things I learnt from my mom and dad are persistent and hard-working. I learnt much more from my mom, keeping curious, reflecting of mistake in life and learning from others.My mom always seeking the excellences from others, correcting her mistakes and keeping growing herself. She has been retired for many years, but it always inspiring to speak with her and exchange experiences. My parents have their own flaws and constrains. The most wonderful thing is that my mom is open to new ideas and thoughts. She never feels to be offended when she was approve wrong. Instead, she is more happy than angry because she sees it as a opportunity to grow. This ability is the most valuable treasure mom passing to myself.If you let me to choose between 1 million dollars and the merits my parents passing to myself. I will choose the later with no second thinking. I learn from others more than from my parents. But my parents set an example for me to learn from others.点击展开...很多英文

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