加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科I like learning English by watching <<Friends>>...
I like learning English by watching <<Friends>>.Any fans of <<Friends>> here? let's talk about it!I am a big fan of Friends and I watch Friends three times and listen to mp3 of friends every day. Now I can say that I am good at listening. but...I still need to practice writing and speaking.
Hi, SmilingHorse, you got a great topic. i glad to join this topic.Three times about so many season ? it's fantastic ! You have captured a incredible victory to improve your English. it's too many for me to finsh them. This is a very pretty show and really sweet , I think it was nice, simple, fun TV over a period of time . Laughter is the best medicine! It's the point for its 10-year run.
It took me a lot of time to watch Friends, it's part of my life. Sometimes my wife got angry, because I spend more time with these six people than with my wife! hehe.
SmilingHorse 说:Any fans of <<Friends>> here? let's talk about it!I am a big fan of Friends and I watch Friends three times and listen to mp3 of friends every day. Now I can say that I am good at listening. but...I still need to practice writing and speaking. 点击展开...hi SmilingHorse, i am falling into the "Friends" too, but till now i cannot find the full setions to download after many times' try. would you please give me a hand??with many thanks!!!
yes, I also like Friends. I watched the whole 10 seasons for 2 times.
Le soleil dans ma vie, c'est une chanson que nous ressemble. 超赞 赏 littlecat123 0$(VIP 0) 2,1572005-04-05#6 i got "friends" yesterday, only RMB40, it's great!
everybody,how can i get "friends' from website or DVD . i don't know what i can do to get it.can you help me? english is the most important for new coming of canada,or you can't get better job in canada. i have been to Canada for short landing in 2003.
I have the same questin: where I could find the "friends"!
时光如梭,真的有些喜欢这里的生活了,虽然感觉有些累了。可是看看后院刚刚绽放的樱桃花,绿油油的韭菜,刚刚种下的丝瓜,好像有了生活的情调。 超赞 赏 F fongdong 0$(VIP 0) 392005-04-22#9 I like Friends very much.I have the whole seasons of DVD.But could you let me know where can I download by mp3? Thanks!
Try to find it at http://bbs.exue.com.cn.DVD can be bought at Computer Center.
无以为报,以声望相许,LITTLE CAT
I am a Friends fan too. Watching DVD is a wonderful way to practice ones English, that's the best way to improve our listening. I like Amercian humor!
2001. 2 FN2004. 8 ME2005. 2 PL2005. 7 Landing in Vancouver2005. 9 Back to China2005.11 Back to VancouverLife has to be moved on...... Embracing tomorrow with a positive attitude...... 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-05-18#14 let us have a good day and enjoy ourselves every day.
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 下雨天 0$(VIP 0) 5,5282005-06-12#15 I like friends too! It is so funny. I brought the whole set before I came to Canada.
that is a good idea.....i appreciate it .
[size=+2]春有百花, 秋望月;夏有凉风, 冬听雪。心中若无烦恼事 ,便是人生好时节 。[/size] 超赞 赏 白菜贩子 0$(VIP 0) 1272005-08-12#17 i am sure <friends>is very good for listening.
haha i come here improve my english
Maybe I am the biggest fan of friends. I am beginning to watch it again evenI had watched whole seasons four times before.
原创小说-悬 关于在加拿大创业的探讨 道道逛温哥华 商道漫漫,我愿以道心求索. 超赞 赏 小竹子 0$(VIP 0) 482005-11-10#20 It is absolutely good for listening practise.Remember to shut down the subtitle.
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