加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科【求助】求教高手:这首七言绝句如何译成英文?
一位老外朋友的父亲收藏了一幅台湾友人赠送的中国山水画,画上题了一首七绝。现在老人已去世,画传到了我朋友手里。他们一家都非常喜欢这幅画,想让我把帮忙将这首诗译成英文,以便向来往客人介绍。 这可难为了我。 论坛上博古通今的饱学之士众多,也常见高雅之士吟诗唱和,想来这难住了我的难题难不住这里的高手,愿得高手相助(意译即可),不胜感激! 附原诗: 深榭烟开?路分, 钟声时向静中闻。 翠微忽断月崖影, 吞吐层密是白云。
In order to try to translate this one ,we must get to know it's chinese meaning.I try to do my best but maybe it is good enough,I just throw a brick to get the jade coming.Walking along the brick lane surrounding by the mist to the pavilion in deep,Listening to the bell tolling in the quiet evening.Greens breaking off the shadows of the cliff under the moon,it is the clouds leading to the shades of the things.I know something will be not as good as it original taste,but I just try it .Hopefully it will not make you fell too disappointed.
annieyu 说:In order to try to translate this one ,we must get to know it's chinese meaning.I try to do my best but maybe it is good enough,I just throw a brick to get the jade coming.Walking along the brick lane surrounding by the mist to the pavilion in deep,Listening to the bell tolling in the quiet evening.Greens breaking off the shadows of the cliff under the moon,it is the clouds leading to the shades of the things. I know something will be not as good as it original taste,but I just try it .Hopefully it will not make you fell too disappointed.点击展开... good! thanks!
偶来瞎试试[FONT=宋体]深榭烟开涧路分,[/FONT] In the inmost recesses of the valley, smoke is rising from a pavilion [FONT=宋体]钟声时向静中闻。[/FONT] The faint bell tolling breaks up the whole tranquilization[FONT=宋体]翠微忽断月崖影,[/FONT] The shady retreat on the green hill quickly goes through the shadow of the cliff [FONT=宋体]吞吐层密是白云[/FONT]White clouds move back and forth alike layers of motion.
情报局长 说:[FONT=宋体]深榭烟开路分,[/FONT]In the inmost recesses of the valley, smoke is rising from a pavilion[FONT=宋体]钟声时向静中闻。[/FONT]The faint bell tolling breaks up the whole tranquilization [FONT=宋体]翠微忽断月崖影,[/FONT]The shady retreat on the green hill quickly goes through the shadow of the cliff[FONT=宋体]吞吐层密是白云[/FONT]White clouds move back and forth alike layers of motion.点击展开...局长好文采,当浮一大白。
情报局长 说:[FONT=宋体]深榭烟开路分,[/FONT]In the inmost recesses of the valley, smoke is rising from a pavilion[FONT=宋体]钟声时向静中闻。[/FONT]The faint bell tolling breaks up the whole tranquilization [FONT=宋体]翠微忽断月崖影,[/FONT]The shady retreat on the green hill quickly goes through the shadow of the cliff[FONT=宋体]吞吐层密是白云[/FONT]White clouds move back and forth alike layers of motion.点击展开... 局长大人厉害,偶在一本书上也看到过类似的,不过记不得咯。
欢迎加入 仙子的超级彩票公司,仙子姐姐是这里的大户,很会赚钱的哟,只赚不赔哦! http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=68576 http://picsplace.to/ 超赞 赏 情 情报局长Guest 0$(VIP ) 2006-08-30#8 楼上两位都是自己人,快别埋汰偶了,偶也是看了二楼的翻译,觉得很好,心里发痒,把它改成诗歌状的东东。其实偶心虚得慌,改得毛病少吧,是人家二喽MM翻译得好,人家会说偶贪功;改得毛病多吧,就是偶半桶水乱晃,古诗读不懂不说,人家MM的翻译也读不懂,真真羞煞局长喽。下不为例。还是灌水没负担。
谢谢局长大人的SW 你写的好,就是要表扬的嘛,谦虚是虚伪哦。
欢迎加入 仙子的超级彩票公司,仙子姐姐是这里的大户,很会赚钱的哟,只赚不赔哦! http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=68576 http://picsplace.to/楼上两位都是自己人,快别埋汰偶了,偶也是看了二楼的翻译,觉得很好,心里发痒,把它改成诗歌状的东东。其实偶心虚得慌,改得毛病少吧,是人家二喽MM翻译得好,人家会说偶贪功;改得毛病多吧,就是偶半桶水乱晃,----这是说我呢吧?没关系了.我善于自嘲.古诗读不懂不说,人家MM的翻译也读不懂,--我英文不行中文还可以,真不懂我来解释啊! 真真羞煞局长喽。下不为例。还是灌水没负担。点击展开... 佩服!我知道我的水平不好,只是看见没人翻怕楼主着急,免为其难试试.还是你的水平高,但就不要损我了.可我认为学习并不可耻.是吗?局长大人.
情报局长 说:佩服!我知道我的水平不好,只是看见没人翻怕楼主着急,免为其难试试.还是你的水平高,但就不要损我了.可我认为学习并不可耻.是吗?局长大人.点击展开...MM别误会,我就怕越抹越黑。看了您的不少英语贴,恨不得请您做俺的英语家教。呵呵。我也是看了您的翻译才对那首诗的意思有个大概的了解。 觉得您翻译得非常好,偶就稍微做了点画蛇添足般的改动,在背后用-ion作为所谓的韵。偶是怕人家说我贪您的功劳才胡说八道了您引用的那些话,您千万别在意啊。有误会之处,FBI稍晚点给您加SW致歉。 哦,对了,文学馆刚开张,您有空常去坐坐,顺便把您的作品也放上去,让大家分享,好吗?谢谢您。
情报局长 说:MM别误会,我就怕越抹越黑。看了您的不少英语贴,恨不得请您做俺的英语家教。呵呵。我也是看了您的翻译才对那首诗的意思有个大概的了解。 觉得您翻译得非常好,偶就稍微做了点画蛇添足般的改动,在背后用-ion作为所谓的韵。偶是怕人家说我贪您的功劳才胡说八道了您引用的那些话,您千万别在意啊。有误会之处,FBI稍晚点给您加SW致歉。 哦,对了,文学馆刚开张,您有空常去坐坐,顺便把您的作品也放上去,让大家分享,好吗?谢谢您。点击展开...明白了,看来我小心眼了. 这厢赔礼了......
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