加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Words in the news


The dead ringer ------when things look exactly the same On April 29,British newspaper The Times released information about a young British woman missing in Australia:"Witnesses told The Sydney Morning Herald that they saw a woman who was a dead ringer for Ms Embleton at Sydney bar later that day. Oh,my God,Zhang ZiYi is a dead ringer for Gong Li.

Once upon a time in china's history, there is such saying as : dont talk about national affairs. Nowadays dead ringers for it are seen on various media : dont talk about politics.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 happytom 0$(VIP 0) 6,9622006-06-25#3 useful!

超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472006-06-30#4 ExpurgateExpurgate:remove matter thought to be objectionable from a book etc. or remove such matter The letters ......show Bronte dissuaded him from pursuing his case by sending him a 1,400-word sketch,expurgated of the offending passages. --- Reported by Reuters It is said that Bronte(夏绿蒂.勃朗特)(1816-1855)had been warned by the principal of her school for using her school as the backgroud of her novel ,Jane Eer.In order to dissuade him from pursuing his case she sent a sketch expurgated of the offending passages.But in the end , neither she did rewrite her novel nor he sued her.The novel remained its original but the letter written by Bronte remained until now.In this article,the writer used three words to describe rewrite----rewrite,amend and expurgate.Most of us are familiar with the former two words but the last one is strange and even we know it maybe do not really know how to use it correctly and properly.So I feel it is a good way to expand our vocabulary by reading especially by comparing reading.

annieyu 说:Expurgate:remove matter thought to be objectionable from a book etc. or remove such matter The letters ......show Bronte dissuaded him from pursuing his case by sending him a 1,400-word sketch,expurgated of the offending passages. --- Reported by Reuters It is said that Bronte(夏绿蒂.勃朗特)(1816-1855)had been warned by the principal of her school for using her school as the backgroud of her novel ,Jane Eer.In order to dissuade him from pursuing his case she sent a sketch expurgated of the offending passages.But in the end , neither she did rewrite her novel nor he sued her.The novel remained its original but the letter written by Bronte remained until now.In this article,the writer used three words to describe rewrite----rewrite,amend and expurgate.Most of us are familiar with the former two words but the last one is strange and even we know it maybe do not really know how to use it correctly and properly.So I feel it is a good way to expand our vocabulary by reading especially by comparing reading.点击展开...Annie ,if you found some mistakes in my posts, please let me know. I will amend, rewrite or even expurgate them. thanks.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayAnnie ,if you found some mistakes in my posts, please let me know. I will amend, rewrite or even expurgate them. thanks.点击展开... I would like to say the same words to you!I I am just wondering how can you speak out what I wanted to say? It is said that British and US scientists are developing an "emotionally aware"computer.It can read a person's thoughts by analyzing a combination of facial movements that represent underlying feelings.Have you got it already if it is true you should apply for patent at once.

annieyu 说:Have you got it already if it is true you should apply for patent at once.点击展开...and when my patent is admitted I will treat you to dinner with my bonus.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayand when my patent is admitted I will treat you to dinner with my bonus.点击展开... You are so mean for this wonderful idear rewarded only a dinner?BY the way,you should say when my patent is granted or authorized I will treat you a dinner with my bonus.Admit can not be used here do you admit you are so mean?

annieyu 说:You are so mean for this wonderful idear rewarded only a dinner?BY the way,you should say when my patent is granted or authorized I will treat you a dinner with my bonus.Admit can not be used here do you admit you are so mean?点击展开...Thank you for your correction.Authorized is much better. I dont think I am mean. I remember mean is "bad" word.Maybe you can say I am a cheapskate.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-01#10 Of course I will give you such a computer as a gift as well. And maybe a trip to the moon if the bonus is much enough. You can see the beautiful planet in the space. If you like the Moon, you can emigrate there. I believe it takes much less time than emigrating to Canada.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayOf course I will give you such a computer as a gift as well. And maybe a trip to the moon if the bonus is much enough. You can see the beautiful planet in the space. If you like the Moon, you can emigrate there. I believe it takes much less time than emigrating to Canada.点击展开... Ok,that's fine.But I really do not like Moon,why?Because it makes feeling so cold,lonely,and lifeless.Anyway,thanks for your kindness.

harvey66 说:Thank you for your correction.Authorized is much better. I dont think I am mean. I remember mean is "bad" word.Maybe you can say I am a cheapskate.点击展开...derogatory Thanks for your correction,anyway,because I do know the differenc between the two words ,even I do not know the word "cheapskate",please forgive me ignorance.I will remember this word . And You refer mean bad word actually your meaning is it is derogatory word .

From now on,I will use coloured tips to emphasize on the tips which there are some new words or some mistakes I have made in order to remind me to read them again .

U-turn your mindTo Harvey66o you prepare to make a u-turn of your mind from a pessimist to an optimist? On April 23,British newspaper The Sunday Times talked about the British Home Office's urge to add medical details onto ID cards,although the British Government had a previously assured this would not happen because of privacy concerns.But a junior minister "denied the government was now performing a U-turn". An April 26 Guardian story reported,"After the biggest street protests in decades forced him to stage a U-turn on employment reform last month.Mr.Chirac is keener than ever to be remembered for doing something positive for French prides." In driving,U-turn refers to performing a 180-degree turn in order to reverse your direction.It is called "U-turn"because the driving path looks like the letter U.In some areas,taking a U-turn is illegal,with signs like "No U-TURN!" Deriving from that,"u-turn" is now used to mean "a totally different approach"or "an opposite attitude" Several verbs can be used with the term,such as "stage a u-turn","make a u-turn","pull a u-turn"'"perform a u-turn"or "do a u-turn".Or you can simply use "U-turn" as a verb.For Example:Hey,Harvey ,It is time to U-turn your mind from pessimism to optimism.

bumper-to-bumper(adjective)一辆接一辆的There are will be "smart" lanes that enable computer-driven vehivles to travle bumper-to-bumper at high speeds. bumper-to-bumper traffic 拥塞的交通

annieyu 说:To Harvey66o you prepare to make a u-turn of your mind from a pessimist to an optimist? Hey,Harvey ,It is time to U-turn your mind from pessimism to optimism.点击展开...I hope my have the ability to stage such a rapid u-turn. It needs practice.And I think your help is needed too.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayI hope my have the ability to stage such a rapid u-turn. It needs practice.And I think your help is needed too.点击展开... Oh,You are good at kicking back a ball and furthermore you are good at self-defense too and you are good at playing tricks too.LOL.

football poolsa British gambling system which involved guessing the results of professional football matches.

I think football pools are rampent in China too. am I right ?

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472006-07-06#20 Singled out"We're very sad,we wanted to win but there 's not going to be any witch-hunt.I' m not going to pick on any player."Brazil soccer coach Carrios Alberto Parreira told Reuters on July 2. "Witch -hunt"is a historical phenomenon from modern Europe,Africa and India.A woman who was unpopular in the community would be singled out,tortured and even executed. These days , a witch-hunt refers to the act of finding and prosecuting one or a few people who hold different views from a larger group.The search is often conducted by using extreme measures.The actual guilt of the person is often neglected.So a person caught by a witch -hunt is usually unfairly singled out. That's the case with Parreira's quote.France unexpectedly knocked Brazil out of the World Cup last Sunday.But the coach said he doesn't plan to find any one to blame. This word is often used in politics.We can use it like this: The mayor complained that the investigation into the scandal was nothing more than a witch-hunt.(市长抱怨说,对丑闻的调查真正目的不过是为了排除异己 In new China history ,there were full of witch-hunts from Chen Duxiu to Li Lishan ,even Beijin's former major Chen ,I forgot his first name, what a pity if a person was in witch -hunt condition,he needed more courage to fight with a large group even insisted his own ideals.So the democracy is so crucial at this moment for at least we should give people the right to express his opinions freely,openly ---this can ensure the society sound development and limit us from committing the same mistakes.

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