加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请问在加拿大要怎样才能做律师?




Legal CounselDepartment Name: Justice Canada, Department ofLocation: Iqaluit Classification: LA - 2A Salary: $75,630 to $108,525 (per annum plus Isolated Post Allowances)Closing Date: November 9, 2006 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: JUS06J-006865-000147Selection Process Number: 2006-JUS-NUN-EA-32945Employment Tenure: Permanent full-time position.Vacancies: Number to be determined Website: For further information on the department, please visit Justice Canada, Department ofWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.English essential Occupational CertificationMembership in good standing in a Law Society of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada; ANDEligibility for membership with the Law Society of the Nunavut Territory within a specified period of time.ExperienceEssential Qualifications:Significant and recent criminal litigation experience, including experience at the Superior Court level. Experience in Criminal Code Prosecutions.Asset Qualifications:Experience in conducting jury trials and appeals (summary conviction or indictable) is an asset.Other Merit Criteria and Conditions of EmploymentCONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT:Enhanced Reliability CheckMedical Clearance There is a requirement to travel regularly by air throughout Nunavut. Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.ChallengeThe Nunavut Regional Office of Justice Canada requires an experienced and dynamic lawyer for the prosecution of Criminal Code, drug and other Federal offences in the Nunavut courts. The incumbent will be involved in prosecutions in the Nunavut Regional Court of Justice, and therefore will be required to travel long distances, often by small aircraft, to conduct court circuits in remote arctic communities across Nunavut. The successful applicant will be someone who demonstrates balance working in a team environment as well as independently.Information to be provided:ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Applicants that do not qualify for the LA-2A may be considered for LA-01 positions.When you apply, you must provide the following information or your application will be rejected:Your resumé. You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important MessagesYour resume must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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