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§2001年10月01北京案子§§2006年04月05北京面试§§2006年05月19北京体检§§2007年01月09状态变13§§2007年01月18拿到签证§ 超赞 赏 S sannormGuest 0$(VIP ) 2006-11-07#2 你可能不能直接读护理专业,你需上几门前提课程并要参加入学考试.见http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/academics/nursing.html This three-year DEC program in Nursing qualifies students to write the necessary examinations to become nurses. Students have the option of continuing on with an additional two years of study at a Québec university. We strongly urge students to take advantage of this five year integrated program. Some graduates continue their education to achieve Master and Ph.D. degrees. The Nursing curriculum utilizes a conceptual framework that emphasizes the connections between health, nursing and learning. Students are prepared to assist individuals in the promotion and recovery of health within the contexts of their physiological, psychosocial and physical environment. The courses are structured to expose the student to concepts in nursing, biology, social sciences and humanities, and to encourage integration of the different branches of knowledge.Who Studies Nursing?Students considering a career in nursing should ask themselves the following questions:• Do you have strong problem solving skills? • Do you have a strong aptitude in biological and social sciences? • Do you have a strong sense of responsibility and a caring attitude? • Do you work well with clients of all ages? • Do you work well as part of a team? Energetic, mature women and men are encouraged to enter the program to work and study with a dynamic faculty to gain general and specialized nursing knowledge and skills to prepare them for a challenging and exciting future.What Do Nurses Do?Nursing is a demanding but particularly rewarding career choice. Nursing graduates are prepared to work as beginning practitioners or to continue studies at a higher level. Nurses must develop skills that enable them to work collaboratively with other members of the health team. Nursing students learn to assess the health needs of people and to formulate and carry out a plan of care that is based on this assessment. The practice of nursing requires skills in observation, communication, decision-making, planning, teaching, collaboration and critical thinking. In addition, the graduates are prepared to cope with the technological advances prevalent in today's health care settings.Extended Nursing Program 180.A1 In order to help meet the needs of a wider variety of students, we have developed the Extended Nursing Program. This program offers the same courses as the regular three-year DEC in Nursing but extends the course work over a four-year period. The course load in each year of the Extended Nursing Program is thus reduced, facilitating the entry into Nursing of students who may experience difficulty carrying the heavier course load of the regular program. This program can also be converted to a Bachelor of Nursing with an additional two years at a Québec university.FacilitiesAn important part of the nursing curriculum consists of supervised clinical practice outside the college participating in fieldwork. Clinical practice takes place within acute care hospitals, long term care hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and ambulatory care facilities. Particular attention is paid to preparing the students for the clinical experience. A well-equipped and newly renovated laboratory permits students to learn and practice the nursing skills they will be expected to use during clinical practice. Audiovisual and various digital technologies are used to enhance learning.FacultyAll teachers in the Nursing Program have either a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Nursing. Some teachers also have a Ph.D. They offer students a wide variety of nursing and teaching expertise. Emphasis is placed upon individual student-teacher interaction. The maximum student to teacher ratio in the clinical setting is 1:8. Due to our philosophy of promoting the self-awareness and personal growth of the student, students and teachers work together to meet these objectives at all levels of the program.Financial AidFinancial aid is available through the Québec Loans and Bursary Program to help students finance their studies. Many students have taken advantage of this program. Further information can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office (514) 744-7500 x 7883.General Requirements for Admission to CegepThe Québec Secondary School Diploma (Diplôme d'études secondaires) or equivalent schooling is required. Students graduating from secondary school in Québec as of June 1, 1997 must also have passed:• Secondary V second language• Physical Science 416• Secondary V Math or Math 426 or 436.NOTE: Chemistry 534 will also be a pre-requisite as of September 2008.Adult Education students require History IV in addition to the courses mentioned above. Applicants with post-secondary education will be evaluated on their overall academic performance and prerequisite standing. Applicants who have completed studies outside of Canada should contact the Division des ÉquivalencesMinistère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration(www.immq.gouv.qc.ca/equivalences) (514)864-9191.Specific Program RequirementsSecondary School courses• Physical Science 436 (416 and 430) or Cegep equivalent course• 982-021-06 or Adult Education equivalent courses• PSC 4010, 4011 and 4012. At present the following courses are not required but are highly recommended:• Biology • Math • Chemistry (Beginning in 2008, Chemistry will be required.)Students missing any of the above prerequisites are advised to call the Admissions Office at (514) 744-7500 to discuss their admissibility to the program.In addition• Proficiency in spoken and written English is required. Students must test at the English 101 level.• Knowledge of spoken French is strongly recommended.• A letter of intent must be included with the application and an interview may be required.• An immunization record is required for acceptance.• Students must be registered with the Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec (O.I.I.Q.) to obtain a student nursing permit. There will be a fee for this. Graduation RequirementsIn order to graduate students must pass an English Exit Exam as well as the Comprehensive Assessment (Épreuve synthèse de programme) by the end of the sixth semester.Note Students who are not functionally bilingual will need to acquire facility in French in order to meet the licensing requirements of the O.I.I.Q. Special courses have been developed by our French Department to prepare Nursing students to meet these licensing requirements. French is mandatory as a core course and incoming students take a placement test.For More Information • contact [email protected] or the Information Office at [email protected] or (514) 744-7500
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