加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科再出一题,你喜欢TEAMWORK吗?一般你是什么角色?你是如何对TEAM作出贡献的?
看你要应聘的是什么职位来决定怎么回答吧, 应聘LEADER当然要强调你的LEADERSHIP, 应聘一般的职位,强调你为TEAM所做的CONTRIBUTION吧.
ivyshao 说:我上次面试也遇到这样一个问题,问我teamwork的好的方面和不好的方面? 我当时就一愣,我觉得teamwork还有不好的方面嘛?我当时的回答是因为teamwork牵涉到很多人,而且不同的人都有自己的schedule,所以协调、沟通非常重要,要保证所有的人的时间安排,目的明确,这样也就提高了整体的工作效率。 我到现在也不清楚这是不是比较好的答案。。点击展开... TEAM WORK中有每个人可扮演很多不同角色.是啊今天电话里人家又问我你怎么和同事及客户沟通.
wind_sh 说:看你要应聘的是什么职位来决定怎么回答吧, 应聘LEADER当然要强调你的LEADERSHIP, 应聘一般的职位,强调你为TEAM所做的CONTRIBUTION吧.点击展开... 有些职位会问你leadership styles, supervisory styles, communications styles, team work, teaching styles我觉的大学里的人喜好问这些,而公司里更注重技能.
我有过找工面试被问及MANAGEMENT STYLE的问题,当时应聘的是个SUPERVISOR的职位,我当时的回答是我比较注重沟通,在此基础上做决定,但是做了决定就要求TEAM MEMBER绝对按照决定执行,如果过程中发现问题,再来沟通讨论. 不知道这样回答可行否,反正人家是给了我OFFER.我的感觉,在TEAM里,如果是个一般的TEAM MEMBER,就要好的理解力和执行力,并且能够与别的MEMBER和LEADER很好地互动,如果时不时能贡献几个好点子有助于提高工作效率,那就是说PERFECT了.不管学校还是公司,我觉得人家要了解你的思路,以及过往的经验,所以举几个实际例子来SUPPORT你对TEAM WORK的理解很重要. 一般公司会考察CANDIDATE是否跟他们公司的CULTURE MATCH. 比如有的公司就不是很喜欢太AGGRESSIVE的人.个人意见,欢迎指正.
sannorm 说:有些职位会问你leadership styles, supervisory styles, communications styles, team work, teaching styles我觉的大学里的人喜好问这些,而公司里更注重技能.点击展开...我觉得soft skills同样重要。Attitude, communications skills,很多时候看你是不是fit in...所以,有的时候,拿不到offer,完全不是个人的错,只是个人的style或者其它细小的地方不合人家的口味罢了。。
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖想问一下,在team里,是不是也要讲究个人责权分明,还是每个人想做什么就做,只要是为了teamwork就行。 我现在在做一个项目,就感觉非常地混乱,有些事是交给我做的,或者说一直都是我做的,当我要进行下一步的时候,突然说其他人已经做好了;有的事,这个方面我一直都没插手过,不了解前因后果,突然让我来做后一部分工作。那是不是做为一个teamworker,就应该了解事个项目所有的内容,可以做项目里的任何内容,并不用为自己先前做过的负责任。点击展开...Team PlayerA 2003 national representative survey, HOW-FAIR [1], revealed that Americans think that 'being a team player' was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors, including 'merit and performance', 'leadership skills', 'intelligence', 'making money for the organization' and 'long hours'.The meaning of being a team player has been reevaluated, though, by those that analyze workplace dynamics through the lens of racial, cultural and gender diversity. In this view, evaluating employees on being a team player may sometimes be a shortcut to imposing the default cultural norms. People who behave outside of the implicit and default norms may be perceived not to be team players. Implicit and default norms often include unwritten, unspoken cultural norms. It is the difference between individuation, maintaining a sense of self and identity in an organization, and losing the self in the organization.[edit] Skills needed for teamworkAside from any required technical proficiency, a wide variety of social skills are desirable for successful teamwork, including:Listening - it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas. Questioning - it is important to ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the team. Persuading - individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas. Respecting - it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas. Helping - it is crucial to help one's coworkers, which is the general theme of teamwork. Sharing - it is important to share with the team to create an environment of teamwork. Participating - all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team. team work is the key to a win in a game[edit] Team developmentThe forming-storming-norming-performing model takes the team through four stages of team development and maps quite well on to many project management life cycle models, such as initiation - definition - planning - realisation.As teams grow larger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressed freely. Managers must use these to create or maintain a spirit of teamwork change. The intimacy of a small group is lost, and the opportunity for misinformation and disruptive rumors grows. Managers find that communication methods that once worked well are impractical with so many people to lead. Specifically, leaders might encounter difficulties based on Daglow's Law of Team Dynamics: "Small teams are informed. Big teams infer." (1)[edit] Team rolesMeredith Belbin (1993) basing on his research proposed nine roles that successful team should have:1 Coordinator. This person will have a clear view of the team objectives and will be skilled at inviting the contribution of team members in achieving these, rather than just pushing his or her own view. The coordinator (or chairperson) is selfdisciplined and applies this discipline to the team. They are confident and mature, and will summarise the view of the group and will be prepared to take a decision on the basis of this.2 Shaper. The shaper is full of drive to make things happen and get things going. In doing this they are quite happy to push their own views forward, do not mind being challenged and are always ready to challenge others. The shaper looks for the pattern in discussions and tries to pull things together into something feasible which the team can then get to work on.3 Plant. This member is the one who is most likely to come out with original ideas and challenge the traditional way of thinking about things. Sometimes they become so imaginative and creative that the team cannot see the relevance of what they are saying. However, without the plant to scatter the seeds of new ideas the team will often find it difficult to make any headway. The plant’s strength is in providing major new insights and ideas for changes in direction and not in contributing to the detail of what needs to be done.4 Resource investigator. The resource investigator is the group member with the strongest contacts and networks, and is excellent at bringing in information and support from the outside. This member can be very enthusiastic in pursuit of the team’s goals, but cannot always sustain this enthusiasm.5 Implementer. The individual who is a company worker is well organised and effective at turning big ideas into manageable tasks and plans that can be achieved. Such individuals are both logical and disciplined in their approach. They are hardworking and methodical but may have some difficulty in being flexible.6 Team worker. The team worker is the one who is most aware of the others in the team, their needs and their concerns. They are sensitive and supportive of other people’s efforts, and try to promote harmony and reduce conflict. Team workers are particularly important when the team is experiencing a stressful or difficult period.7 Completer. As the title suggests, the completer is the one who drives the deadlines and makes sure they are achieved. The completer usually communicates a sense of urgency which galvanises other team members into action. They are conscientious and effective at checking the details, which is a vital contribution, but sometimes get ‘bogged down’ in them.8 Monitor evaluator. The monitor evaluator is good at seeing all the options. They have a strategic perspective and can judge situations accurately. The monitor evaluator can be overcritical and is not usually good at inspiring and encouraging others.9 Specialist. This person provides specialist skills and knowledge and has a dedicated and single-minded approach. They can adopt a very narrow perspective and sometimes fail to see the whole picture
wind_sh 说:我有过找工面试被问及MANAGEMENT STYLE的问题,当时应聘的是个SUPERVISOR的职位,我当时的回答是我比较注重沟通,在此基础上做决定,但是做了决定就要求TEAM MEMBER绝对按照决定执行,如果过程中发现问题,再来沟通讨论. 不知道这样回答可行否,反正人家是给了我OFFER. 我的感觉,在TEAM里,如果是个一般的TEAM MEMBER,就要好的理解力和执行力,并且能够与别的MEMBER和LEADER很好地互动,如果时不时能贡献几个好点子有助于提高工作效率,那就是说PERFECT了. 不管学校还是公司,我觉得人家要了解你的思路,以及过往的经验,所以举几个实际例子来SUPPORT你对TEAM WORK的理解很重要. 一般公司会考察CANDIDATE是否跟他们公司的CULTURE MATCH. 比如有的公司就不是很喜欢太AGGRESSIVE的人. 个人意见,欢迎指正.点击展开...Essentially, the four leadership styles identified by Hersey and Blanchard are best used in the following manners:Structuring―This style is most effective when followers are low in motivation and in ability. It is a high task, low relationship leadership style, characterized by the leader ’s need to be specific in directing followers. Because the leader perceives the followers to have low ability and low motivation, the task can only be completed with strong direction and less concern for relationships.Coaching―This style is most effective when followers are motivated but lacking in ability. It is a high task, high relationship style of leadership, characterized by the need for the leader to be both specific and direct with instructions while maintaining high concern for the followers and their feelings. The followers most in need of coaching want to perform the task well, but they lack the ability to do so.Supporting―This style is most effective when followers have ability but are lacking in motivation. It is a low task, high relationship style of leadership, characterized by the need for the leader to demonstrate great concern for people and relationships. While little direction is needed, because these followers understand how to perform the task, their low motivation necessitates that the leader focus energies on meeting their personal needs. Delegating―This style is most effective when followers are high in both ability and motivation. It is a high task, low relationship leadership style, characterized by the leader ’s need to merely monitor followers’ performance. As followers demonstrate both ability and desire to accomplish the task, the leader is able to turn the task over to them and merely monitor their progress from a distance. Consider the following two scenarios. In each one, try to identify which of the above four leadership styles ought to be used by the principal. Of greater significance, try to identify why the leader ought to use that particular style.
ivyshao 说:我觉得soft skills同样重要。Attitude, communications skills,很多时候看你是不是fit in...所以,有的时候,拿不到offer,完全不是个人的错,只是个人的style或者其它细小的地方不合人家的口味罢了。。点击展开...人要帅要漂亮穿着讲究这很重要.
luhui 说:想问一下,在team里,是不是也要讲究个人责权分明,还是每个人想做什么就做,只要是为了teamwork就行。我现在在做一个项目,就感觉非常地混乱,有些事是交给我做的,或者说一直都是我做的,当我要进行下一步的时候,突然说其他人已经做好了;有的事,这个方面我一直都没插手过,不了解前因后果,突然让我来做后一部分工作。那是不是做为一个teamworker,就应该了解事个项目所有的内容,可以做项目里的任何内容,并不用为自己先前做过的负责任。点击展开...责权分明应该讲究的吧,肯定得为自己做的负责.我们现在也在做个项目,我感觉就是对整个项目,有部分人知道的多,有部分人知道的少.到我这里知道的就更少了,但是处理问题时没有人因为你知道的少,就原谅你的失误之类的.我唯一能做的就是问个不停.总算看清了一点眉目,也开始有自己的提议,见解了.
引用:作者: luhui 想问一下,在team里,是不是也要讲究个人责权分明,还是每个人想做什么就做,只要是为了teamwork就行。我现在在做一个项目,就感觉非常地混乱,有些事是交给我做的,或者说一直都是我做的,当我要进行下一步的时候,突然说其他人已经做好了;有的事,这个方面我一直都没插手过,不了解前因后果,突然让我来做后一部分工作。那是不是做为一个teamworker,就应该了解事个项目所有的内容,可以做项目里的任何内容,并不用为自己先前做过的负责任。 责权分明应该讲究的吧,肯定得为自己做的负责.我们现在也在做个项目,我感觉就是对整个项目,有部分人知道的多,有部分人知道的少.到我这里知道的就更少了,但是处理问题时没有人因为你知道的少,就原谅你的失误之类的.我唯一能做的就是问个不停.总算看清了一点眉目,也开始有自己的提议,见解了.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coordinator or supervisor might transfer other's part to you based on your calcium calendar.
姗姗来迟 说:但是处理问题时没有人因为你知道的少,就原谅你的失误之类的.点击展开...这句话大对了,刚开始进入一个项目,简直是太痛苦了。
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖引用:Coordinator or supervisor might transfer other's part to you based on your calcium calendar.点击展开...calcium calendar? 怎么解?
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖calcium calendar? 怎么解?点击展开... = the specific work has been booked in your calendar by your boss
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