加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科大家来看看这篇从CBC拷贝来的文章,加拿大人是怎么写的,希望畅所欲言!
Canada takes No. 1 spot in global image pollLast Updated: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 | 6:56 AM ET The Associated Press Canada came out best in a globe-spanning survey of attitudes toward 12 major nations, in a poll released Tuesday. Israel, Iran and the United States were the countries with the most negative image.The survey for the British Broadcasting Corp.'s World Service asked more than 28,000 people to rate 12 countries — Britain, Canada, China, France, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Russia, the United States and Venezuela — as having a positive or negative influence on the world.Israel was viewed negatively by 56 per cent of respondents and positively by 17 per cent; for Iran, the figures were 54 per cent and 18 per cent. The U.S. had the third-highest negative ranking, with 51 per cent citing it as a bad influence and 30 per cent as a good one. Next was North Korea, which was viewed negatively by 48 per cent and positively by 19 per cent.Canada had the most positive rating in the survey, with 54 per cent viewing it positively and 14 per cent negatively. It was followed by Japan and France.Respondents were also asked their views of the 27-member European Union; 53 per cent saw it as positive and 19 per cent as negative.Britain, China and India were viewed more positively than negatively, while Russia had more negative than positive responses. Opinion on Venezuela was evenly split.Continue
the most positive effect of Canada is:making many Chinese have a dream......
超赞 赏 S side 0$(VIP 0) 2,1582007-03-07#3 这应该是西方人的看法。在中国人眼里,Japanese应该是最negetive的了。
I think we didn't participate the poll, other wise, Japanese will the the most negetive country.
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132007-03-07#5 Acctually, I watched this in TV 2 days ago...
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132007-03-07#6 Summary,Canada which is followed by Japan and France came out best image in a globe-spanning survey of attitudes toward 12 major nations, in a poll released Tuesday. Israel, Iran and the United States were the countries with the most negative image.
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 lugordon 0$(VIP 0) 1,1522007-03-07#7 "Opinion on Venezuela was evenly split"this result is also interesting
http://www.bit.ly/lugordon看世界的脚步 。。。登陆多伦多的红宝书Summary, Canada which is followed by Japan and France came out best image in a globe-spanning survey of attitudes toward 12 major nations, in a poll released Tuesday. Israel, Iran and the United States were the countries with the most negative image.点击展开... 这个SUMMARY在加拿大学校里会得零分,不是说你意思不对,而是你照抄了整个原句,只能说是(plagiarism---containing words or phrases from the original).直接引用原文要加双引号(direct quotation),你只加入了一个插入语which is followed by Japan and France Summary要用自己的话写(用Paraphrase的方法)A paraphrase is a statement or remark explained in other words or another way, so as to simplify or clarify its meaning. It can be used as a replacement for a direct quotation when the original text is unavailable or under copyright restriction. A paraphrase can substitute a euphemism for a direct statement, in order to avoid offense. As with a quotation, a paraphrase is introduced by a verbum dicendi, or disclaimer. A paraphrase is sometimes marked with (ph).
Characteristics of a well-done paraphraseIt is not a summary. It does not contain words or phrases from the original (plagiarism). It includes all minor details from original. The meaning of the writing being paraphrased is clearer to the reader than in the original text. It restates the thesis. It is usually as long as, or longer than, the original.
Beijing2008 说:Characteristics of a well-done paraphraseIt is not a summary. It does not contain words or phrases from the original (plagiarism). It includes all minor details from original. The meaning of the writing being paraphrased is clearer to the reader than in the original text. It restates the thesis. It is usually as long as, or longer than, the original.点击展开...studying
超赞 Characteristics of a well-done paraphraseIt is not a summary. It does not contain words or phrases from the original (plagiarism). It includes all minor details from original. The meaning of the writing being paraphrased is clearer to the reader than in the original text. It restates the thesis. It is usually as long as, or longer than, the original.点击展开... Agree~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 超赞 赏 benkok 0$(VIP 0) 12,1752007-03-08#12 Foreign language learning is a life-long process.A special thanks dedicated to Beijing2008
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