加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科加拿大哪所大学法学较好?
Jocelyn928 说:我想在本科学国际经济法,硕士学国际商务好不好?还是在本科选一点基础性学科,像社会科学,国际关系,政治什么的?还有,申请研究生的时候会不会和本科学的专业有关?点击展开...如果你希望将来能做律师,那应该上法学院的本科,而不是研究生.否则只能做做research.
Life is uncertain, eat desert first 超赞 赏 677 0$(VIP 0) 8332006-05-30#4 我儿子想去多大!不知道有什么条件呢!
2001.6FN 2004.11.Me----------------5 2004.12.07所有资料补齐 2004.12.24---------------122005.7登录加拿大至今我想在本科学国际经济法,硕士学国际商务好不好?还是在本科选一点基础性学科,像社会科学,国际关系,政治什么的?还有,申请研究生的时候会不会和本科学的专业有关?点击展开... 我听说是Dalhousie University,但不确定,还望高人指点.
http://www.top-law-schools.com/canadian-law-school-rankings.html2007 Canadian Law School RankingsSome of the top law schools in North America are Canadian, thus a need for Canadian law school rankings. The following are the top ten law schools in Canada (Note that these Canadian law school rankings will soon be revised in order to provide the most accurate information): University of Toronto University of British Columbia McGill University York University University of Ottawa University of Manitoba Dalhousie University University of Alberta Queen’s University University of Victoria Because the Canadian law school rankings would be incomplete without other top law schools, these are the other best Canadian law schools:University of Windsor University of Calgary University of Saskatchewan University of Western Ontario
北美最好的法学院是YALE2007 Law School RankingsTop Law Schools consolidates all of the 2007 law school rankings available, thereby giving you the necessary information to determine which law schools you should apply to. The variability in these rankings should illustrate that the 2007 law school rankings can only act as a guide, and that you should be the final evaluator of what law school is best for you.After acceptance, we recommend that you personally visit each law school that you are seriously considering attending. Which law school you attend not only impacts where you will spend three enjoyable and educational years, but also where you will get a job and probably settle down.Below the 2007 Law School Rankings is a short description of all of the law school ratings listed below. A* indicates that this school is tied with another law school for that position. Please click on the links of several law schools, which are our exclusive, in-depth profiles of these schools. 2007 Law School Rankings – top 25 law schoolsUS NewsRankings GourmanReport EducationalQuality Rankings Insider’s Guide to Law Schools JusticeBrennan 1. Yale 3 1 1 14 2. Stanford 6 4 4 n/a 3. Harvard 1 2* 2 4 4*. Columbia 7 5 5 2 4*. NYU 11 6 9 5 6. U. Chicago 4 2* 6 n/a 7. U. Pennsylvania 9 11 10 n/a 8.* U. California Berkeley (Boalt) 5 7 7 1 8.* U. Michigan-Ann Arbor 2 8 3 9 8.* U. Virginia 16 10 8 16 11. Duke 8 17 12 n/a 12. Northwestern 14 14* 16 13 13. Cornell 10 14* 15 n/a 14. Georgetown 17 12 13 12 15. UCLA 13 14* 14 n/a 16. U. of Texas 12 10* 11 7 17.* Vanderbilt 15 18 21 n/a 17.* USC (Gould) 27 12 22 n/a 19.* U. of Minnesota 19 21 17 3 19.* George Wash. 32 22* 20 n/a 19.* Wash. Univ.-St. Louis n/a 29* n/a n/a 22.* Boston U. n/a 19* n/a n/a 22.* U. of Iowa n/a 19* n/a 6 22.* Wash. & Lee n/a 32* n/a n/a 22.* Notre Dame 18 46* n/a n/a
加拿大最好的应该是University of Ottawa吧?
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period.--Will Smith "The Pursuit of Happyness"加拿大最好的应该是University of Ottawa吧?点击展开...是啊,美国最好的大学是University of Washington,英国是University of London
677 说:我儿子想去多大! 不知道有什么条件呢!点击展开...托福100分,作文22分,高中成绩85分以上,高考成绩、会考成绩参考。
pxb0009 说:托福100分,作文22分,高中成绩85分以上,高考成绩、会考成绩参考。点击展开...你可去www.utoronto.ca查prospective students再查admissions再查International再查Admission Requirements / Program Information再查English Facility Requirements你儿子的成绩刚达MINIMUM,所以除非有其他优秀的东西如LEADERSHIP,体育音乐才能,出版过书,给报刊写过文章,做过义工,等,否则语言上没优势, English Facility RequirementsAre you required to present proof of English facility?The following questions will help you to learn whether, in addition to meeting the admission requirements for the program you wish to enter, you will be required to present proof of English facility. If you are required to present proof of English facility to be considered for admission to the University of Toronto, you should read the following information carefully. Applicants to graduate programs and other second-entry programs should obtain information about English facility requirements from their department/faculty. What is your first language? (i.e. the language you learned at home as a child) EnglishYou are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U / EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admissionFrenchFor how many years have you studied in the Canadian school system? Four years or more of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress. You are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U / EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission.Less than four years of satisfactory full-time study. You must present proof of English facility. Please read the following information carefully.a language other than English or French For how many years have you studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English?Four years or more of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress. You are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U / EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission.Less than four years of satisfactory full-time study. You must present proof of English facility. Please read the following information carefully.If you are uncertain whether or not you will be required to take an English facility test, contact Admissions and Awards. Remember that if you are required to present an English facility test, you must submit an acceptable result by our document deadlines. We accept only official test scores sent directly to Admissions and Awards by the testing agency. We recommend that you request that your result be sent to us as soon as it is available. You will not be penalized for an unacceptable result if we receive an acceptable result on a later test. Tests/Qualifications and Scores that are Acceptable Proof of English Facility:Please note that results in Grade 12 ENG4U/EAE4U, OAC/English, or any English course, other than those listed below, are NOT acceptable proof of English facility in lieu of one of these Tests/Qualifications.<LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo3; tab-stops: list .5in">Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Test of Written English (TWE) <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo3; tab-stops: list .5in">International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic Module <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo3; tab-stops: list .5in">Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo3; tab-stops: list .5in">English Language Diagnosis and Assessment/Certificate of Proficiency in English (ELDA/COPE) <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo3; tab-stops: list .5in">Academic Preparation ESL Course completed at International ESL, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto Other Acceptable Tests / QualificationsOther English Requirements1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Test of Written English (TWE) Internet-based Test:Minimum RequirementDiscretionary Rangetotal score of 100 + 22 on Writing sectiontotal score 89-99 +19 on Writing section Computer-based Test:Minimum RequirementDiscretionary Rangetotal score of 250 + 5.0 on Essaytotal score 230-247 + 4.5 on Essay Paper-based Test:Minimum RequirementDiscretionary Rangetotal score of 600 + 5.0 on TWE;total score 573-597 + 4.5 on TWEThose who present the paper-based TOEFL must ensure that the Test of Written English (TWE) is also available on their test date. If you score in the discretionary range indicated above, and are otherwise well qualified for admission, we will automatically consider other academic evidence of English proficiency (for example, results in English courses) and we will advise you whether our English facility requirements have been satisfied. It is not necessary to request this special consideration. Letters of reference will NOT be used for this purpose. The TOEFL Institution Code for undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto is 0982-00. You must indicate this code correctly on the TOEFL forms, or we will not receive your results. We receive your results electronically from TOEFL. We do not use paper results. TOEFL/TWE Bulletins may be obtained from American embassies and consulates, or you may contact: TOEFL/TSE Services. P.O. Box 6151, Princeton NJ 08541, USA. Telephone: (609) 771-7100; Fax: (610) 290-8972; Email: [email protected] or visit their web site at www.toefl.org. You may also pick up a TOEFL CBT Bulletin at Admissions and Awards. 2. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic Module The minimum requirement is an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0. For information about this test, worldwide test centres and registration procedures you may contact: IELTS Office University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 1 Hills Road, Cambridge CB1 2EU, UK. Telephone: (1223) 553355; Fax: (1223) 460278; Email: [email protected] or visit their web site at www.ielts.org. 3. Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) The minimum requirement is an overall score of 85, with no part score below 80. If you score at least 80 overall with no part score below 80, and you are otherwise well qualified for admission, we will automatically consider other academic evidence of English proficiency (for example, results in English courses) and we will advise you whether our English facility requirements have been satisfied. It is not necessary to request this special consideration. Letters of reference will NOT be used for this purpose. Information Bulletins and Registration Forms may be obtained from: MELAB University of Michigan, 401 E. Liberty, Ste 350 Ann Arbor MI 48104-2298, USA. Telephone: 734-764-2416 (toll-free from Canada and USA: 1-866-696-3522); Fax: 734-615-6586; Email: [email protected] You may visit their web site at www.lsa.umich.edu/eli/melab.htm or the University of Toronto MELAB site at www.library.utoronto.ca/melab. You may also pick up a MELAB Bulletin at Admissions and Awards. 4. English Language Diagnosis and Assessment/Certificate of Proficiency in English (ELDA/COPE) The minimum requirement is an overall score of 5, with 2 in Writing, and 1 or 2 in Reading and Listening sections. Currently available in Toronto only. ELDA/COPE Information Bulletins with registration forms and sample questions may be picked up at Admissions and Awards or by contacting: COPE Testing Ltd. 7B Pleasant Blvd., Box 1164Toronto ON M4T 1K2(Note: This is a mailing address only.) Telephone: 416-962-2673; Email: [email protected]. Complete information, including a downloadable registration form, is available at web site www.copetest.com. 5. Academic Preparation ESL Course completed at English Language Program, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto. The minimum requirement is a grade of 'B' at the 60/Advanced level. Contactthe English Language Program at Telephone: 416-978-5104;Fax: 416-971- 2839; Email: [email protected] You may also visit the English Language Program web site at www.learn.utoronto.ca/esl/Other Acceptable Tests/Qualifications6. Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees (CanTEST). The minimum requirement is a total score of 4.5, and no part below 4. 7. Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) Assessment. The minimum requirement is an overall score of 70 and no part below 60. 8. One full year of degree study at a recognized English-medium university located in a country where English is the dominant language. The minimum requirement is four full transferable degree courses completed with grades of 'C' (or in progress). If courses are in progress, you must provide written details of courses (including description, credit value, etc.). 9. International Baccalaureate English A1 or A2 Higher Level passed with minimum grade 4 (or in progress). 10. GCSE/IGCSE/GCE O' Level English, English Language, or English as a Second Language with minimum grade of 'B'. 11. GCE A/AS/AICE Level English or English Language with minimum grade of 'C' (or in progress) 12. Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) by University of Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The minimum requirement is a grade of "C'. 13. Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) by University of Cambridge English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL).The minimum requirement is a grade of 'B'. 14. London Tests of English, Level 5 (Proficient) by Edexcel International. The minimum requirement is 'Pass'. 15. London Tests of English, Level 4 (Advanced) by Edexcel International. The minimum requirement is 'Merit'. Other English RequirementsNormally, Grade 12 English ENG4U / EAE4U (or an equivalent course) is required for all undergraduate programs. Students who are required to present an acceptable English facility test result are exempt from this requirement. However, we strongly encourage you to include English in your preparation for university. If you complete Grade 12 English ENG4U / EAE4U or an equivalent course as an extra credit (i.e. a seventh credit) and you are required to present an acceptable English facility test result, the result of this course will not be used in the calculation of your admission average, unless it improves your average. top
U of TorontoInternet-based Test:Minimum Requirementtotal score of 100 + 22 on Writing sectionDiscretionary Rangetotal score 89-99 +19 on Writing section
Beijing2008 提供的信息真全,等过几年我儿子上大学可以参考这个了。
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~Beijing2008 提供的信息真全,等过几年我儿子上大学可以参考这个了。点击展开... 每个大学都差不多查这些词汇就能得到你要的信息.
Beijing2008 说:每个大学都差不多查这些词汇就能得到你要的信息.点击展开... 多谢,有时间会去多查查,以便早些作准备。
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~Beijing2008 提供的信息真全,等过几年我儿子上大学可以参考这个了。点击展开...呵呵,他是这方面的专家
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