加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Job Fair &12.25-&15.25


JOB FAIROn Site Interviews - Thursday April 05, 2007 9:00am-2:00pmAtCalgary Catholic Immigration Society3rd Floor, 120 - 17th Ave SW​ · We are currently recruiting for a number of positions in our Calgary manufacturing facility located at Bay 4 – 4315 61st. Avenue S.E.· Excellent work opportunities with a growing Calgary based aluminum window and door manufacturer in the areas of Receiving, Picking, Sawyer, Processing, Assembly, Glazing and Shipping. Group Leader / Supervision positions also available.· We will be offering on site interviews with employment starting as early as Monday, April 09, 2007 for candidates with Resumes and References.· We offer competitive wages and a 40-hour work week, with work Monday through Thursday from 7:00am to 5:30 pm each day. Overtime work is offered for those employees available, approximately 2 days (Friday’s) per month. Full-Time / Permanent Employment Currently Available: Job TitleStatus# of OpeningsRate of Pay / Hr.Sawyers/ProcessingFT3$13.25Vent AssemblyFT1$12.25Tape ApplicationFT1$13.25GlazingFT2$14.25Quality/End of Line CleaningFT3$14.25Swing Door Frame AssemblyFT2$14.25Patio Door Vent AssemblyFT1$13.25Window Wall CrimpingFT3$14.25Group Leader FT2$15.25Glass Line CNC CutterFT1$14.25Glass Line Robot - OperatorFT1$15.25 Job Descriptions: Sawyers/Processing – Picking various 22” long lengths of aluminum extrusions and cutting them on various saws. Saws will have either one cutting head or two cutting heads. As well as running saws the position will run punch presses and or end mills. The saws as well as the punch presses will have stops which will require positioning. Detail, lifting moderate,, ability to read measurements in imperial. Vent Assembly – Cutting, processing and assembly of aluminum extrusions into window vents. Once the extrusions are cut and processed they are to be assembled into the vent. To do this the extrusion pieces will have a sealant applied to the ends and will be fastened together with a screw(s). Precision detail at an efficient pace is required. Detail, lifting, moderate to light, ability to read measurements in imperial, operation of a pneumatic driver and a caulking gun is required. Tape Application – Picking and placement of assembled window frames for the application of butyl tape. Detail, lifting of complete window frames, moderate to heavy. Hand dexterity is required for precision placement of the butyl tape and joining detail. Glazing – Picking various sized window frames and insulated glass units. The frame will have a sealant applied prior to glass placement. Detail, Heavy lift and desire to work with glass. Quality/End of Line – Product is to be cleaned, then requires the staff to read a description of the product and ensure it has the options as per the order. These staff members must also perform quality checks to ensure the product is built within specified tolerances. Once the product is cleaned and inspected it is placed onto a product cart. Detail, Heavy Lift, ability to read and write English. Swing Door Frame Assembly – Pick aluminum profiles from a cart, apply sealant and fasten the extrusions together with screws. Once the frame is assembled the slab is to be assembled, glazed and attached to the frame. Detail, Heavy lift, desire to work with glass. Patio Door Vent Assembly – Pick and place an insulated glass unit onto a table. Pick the necessary aluminum extrusion profiles and assemble them around the insulated glass unit. Detail, Heavy lift, desire to work with glass. Window Wall Crimping – Pick and align aluminum extrusions. Feed the aligned pieces into the crimping machine. Detail, Moderate Lift, mechanical aptitude would be beneficial. Group Leader – Assist the Production Supervisor in the role of planning the daily operations of the production line. This position will be a hands on leader setting superior examples of safety, planning, and throughput for all staff. The ability to motivate, train and work with others is paramount in the success of this position. Detail, skilled in all positions within your control, strong people skills. Glass Line CNC Cutter – Will require the download and running of a CNC glass cutter as well as the break out and placement of the glass into production sequence. Will require the movement of carts of glass that are heavy. Details, ability to read and write English as well as the desire to work with glass. Heavy lift while moving glass carts. Glass Line Robot Operator – Ability to set robot parameters to ensure a quality insulated glass unit is made. While also ensuring product is removed from the end of the line to allow the production line to run to capacity. Details, light lift, ability to read English, mechanical skills would be an asset. Lifting Detail:Light – The lift will range from 2 to 20 pounds on a regular basis throughout the day. Some of the material lifted will be up to 22 feet long which will make it awkward to carry.Moderate – The lifting will range from 20 to 30 pounds on a regular basis throughout the day. Some of the material lifted will be up to 22 feet long which will make it awkward to carry.Heavy – The lifting will range from 30 to 200 pounds throughout the day. While lifting the 200 pounds assistance will be required and available.




回复: Job Fair &12.25-&15.25加SW了,帮Ciecsi顶!

  ·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需



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