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[FONT=宋体]修完原批准的三年制教学计划的全部课程[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]这句话怎么翻???谢谢了!!![/FONT]
叶子的离开...是风的追求...还是树的不挽留...QQ:575015037 超赞 赏 chang_jl精灵水族★法力无边 0$(VIP 0) 8,4132007-10-26#2 回复: 各位大侠帮忙呀!!!Complete an approved three-year instructional plan of all the courses
沉默是金,米话说~感谢关注!Complete an approved three-year instructional plan of all the courses点击展开...你看得懂吗?
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力.Complete an approved three-year instructional plan of all the courses点击展开...你翻成中文是完成了一个PLAN(计划),而不是学习.另外,一般用. curriculum (plural curricula) is the set of courses,
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力.[FONT=宋体]修完原批准的三年制教学计划的全部课程[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]这句话怎么翻???谢谢了!!![/FONT]点击展开... 另外要用定冠词修辞三年的. 而教学计划不用翻,因为国外的curriculum都是属教学计划的.complete all (required) courses of the three-year approved curriculum.
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力. 超赞 赏 著 著名爱国侨领 0$(VIP 0) 2222007-10-26#6 回复: 各位大侠帮忙呀!!!例子: During the second year, students take two classes each semester. They also complete the Foundation field education requirements, SoWo 520 (Practicum I) and SoWo 521 (Practicum II), SoWo 523 (Seminar I) and SoWo 524 (Seminar II). in the second year. Field work is usually undertaken concurrently with class work. In addition to Foundation requirements, students in the second year also take two courses from the Advanced Curriculum. Students are expected to complete all Foundation requirements and the two Advanced Curriculum courses in their distance education program unless they apply for and receive a Foundation Course Exemption. Students who exempt a foundation course should confer with their faculty advisor torevise their distance education curriculum.远程教学计划课程. Students may also transfer courses to meet selected requirements.
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力. 超赞 赏 反馈:chang_jl chang_jl精灵水族★法力无边 0$(VIP 0) 8,4132007-10-26#7 回复: 各位大侠帮忙呀!!!说的没错,谢谢,差点帮了倒忙乐
沉默是金,米话说~感谢关注! 超赞 赏 yizi128 0$(VIP 0) 402007-10-29#8 回复: 各位大侠帮忙呀!!!感谢各位大侠!!!
叶子的离开...是风的追求...还是树的不挽留...QQ:575015037 超赞 赏 借个马甲 0$(VIP 0) 1,4382007-11-06#9 回复: 各位大侠帮忙呀!!!楼主写的"原批准"是什么意思? 是楼主笔误?还是大家没给翻译出来?
仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人?出国容易,进藏难----我的滇藏游记(有图片哦),欢迎捧场啦 [SIGPIC]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/signaturepics/sigpic40994_1.gif[/SIGPIC]楼主写的"原批准"是什么意思? 是楼主笔误?还是大家没给翻译出来?点击展开... 难道还要加PREVIOUS?
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