加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科香草的每日一句学E文
香草开贴,每日一句,大家多多支持,多多加油哈。 Oct. 24 -- an emotional outburst #2Oct. 25 -- rock and roll #8Oct. 26 -- dark side #20Oct. 27 -- get down to something #27Oct. 28 -- be in a slump #30
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 反馈:IBT, 奇诺之旅, yangyang2005 和 3 其他人 vanillaiceTo the Moon★By the Sea 0$(VIP 0) 9,2362007-10-24#2 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文Oct.24--an emotional outburst An emotional outburst is when someone loses control over their emotions and does something like screams, cries, laughs, etc. but whatever they do, it is uncontrollable.情绪失控,歇斯底里e.g.I know you are upset with me. Please don't have an emotional outburst in the restaurant like this.
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 L lyjcy 0$(VIP 0) 2492007-10-24#3 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文THANKS
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文学习了。
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文THANKS点击展开...
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 icebird江湖一鼎无影浪 0$(VIP 0) 50,4922007-10-24#6 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文边学习边支持^_^
只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617 超赞 赏 vanillaiceTo the Moon★By the Sea 0$(VIP 0) 9,2362007-10-24#7 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文哇,兴奋,把明天的也贴了。。。
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 vanillaiceTo the Moon★By the Sea 0$(VIP 0) 9,2362007-10-24#8 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文Oct.25 -- rock and rollYou can use this phrase to simply refer to moving your body quickly.e.g.All right guys, time to rock and roll! Let's get out of here.
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 cgd007 0$(VIP 0) 12,4882007-10-24#9 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文摇滚是吧?
没有签名 超赞 赏 vanillaiceTo the Moon★By the Sea 0$(VIP 0) 9,2362007-10-24#10 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文欢迎0导视察..
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK !边学习边支持^_^点击展开...me too
――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 超赞 赏 wayne88 0$(VIP 0) 1,5932007-10-24#12 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文在来一点中文注解就好了,可以吗??
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文我认为好的学习语言方式是,当你看到了新的词要学的,就马上用它来自己作个句子,这样才会学过不忘,变成是你自己的语言的一部分。比如说I am really gonna have an emotional outburst, if you guys keep rock and rolling like this. 以后跟帖的,都要象我这样,用香草冰每天登出来的词写个句子,不要简单的上来说声“学习了”就算数。
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文在来一点中文注解就好了,可以吗??点击展开...好吧,但是我文学功底比较差,经常会词不达意呢...我去找个翻译...不然wayne帮我翻译好了.
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK !我认为好的学习语言方式是,当你看到了新的词要学的,就马上用它来自己作个句子,这样才会学过不忘,变成是你自己的语言的一部分。比如说I am really gonna have an emotional outburst, if you guys keep rock and rolling like this. 以后跟帖的,都要象我这样,用香草冰每天登出来的词写个句子,不要简单的上来说声“学习了”就算数。点击展开...啊,我也是这样想的!!完全正确的观点,学语言就是practice makes perfect的过程!
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 hugh9905尘世中一迷途小羔 0$(VIP 0) 16,2552007-10-24#16 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文香草MM,俺不敢当啊,来学习一下
“幸福隔着玻璃 看似很美丽 却无法触及 也许擦肩而过的你 只留下 一段痕迹在我生命里……” 超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472007-10-24#17 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文Is this phrase ,an emotional outburst,the same meaning as hysteria,or maybe the hysteria is more serious than the first one?
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文I am eager to rock and roll once I get my visa for Canada.
回复: 香草的每日一句学E文Is this phrase ,an emotional outburst,the same meaning as hysteria,or maybe the hysteria is more serious than the first one?点击展开...hysteria is an iatrical word, a kind of mental illness."an emotional outburst" is just slang, normally used to describe emotional feeling, not really sick.
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 vanillaiceTo the Moon★By the Sea 0$(VIP 0) 9,2362007-10-24#20 回复: 香草的每日一句学E文Oct.26--dark sideA dark side is how people describe the part of someone's personality that tends to be negative, pessimistic, etc.阴暗,消极的一面.e.g.She's not all bad, you only see her dark side. If you get to know her better, you 'll find out she's really funny too.
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