加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科idiom---magic(西洋妙语)
"A backhanded compliment"是指似褒实贬,含有挖苦意味的恭维语. Ronald has lost his title as the strongest man in the world.He's now congratulating the man who won...but as you can see he's giving him abackhanded compliment .This is a remark that sounds like a compliment butit's said sarcastically."Well done.I should have done better,"the exchampion said,offering a backhanded compliment.
A bad workman always blames his tools(坏工匠只怨工具差)People who do bad or careless work sometimes blame their tools,materials or equipment instead of blaming themselves.That's why we say a bad workman always blame his tools."Why do you say you failed the examination because your pen leaked ink? Don't you know a bad workman always blames his tools?"
A bed of thorns(一个异常艰难的境况,或者一段极不愉快的时期)This expression is used to describe a particularly difficult situation or a thoroughly unhappy time."I'm sorry I changed jobs.My new one is proving to be a bed of thorns." "Too often it's a bed of thorns trying to get on a bus during rush hour."
A bee in one's bonnet(一个萦绕与心,摆脱不了的念头和想法)A bonnet is a nat worn by a woman or a little girl.To have a bee in one's bonnet is to have an idea or a thought that won't go away... and the person won't stop talking about it."Mildred has a bee in her bonnet that she could be a great actress."
Image a bed of thorns: you lose in a competition to your rival, and you could not blame your tools. To make things worse, you have to congratulate the competitor and try hard to avoid a backhanded compliment.I am sure this thing will be a bee in your bonnet.
2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayImage a bed of thorns: you lose in a competition to your rival, and you could not blame your tools. To make things worse, you have to congratulate the competitor and try hard to avoid a backhanded compliment.I am sure this thing will be a bee in your bonnet.点击展开...Well done,I like it.
Now the matter of my emigration to Canada becomes a bee in my bonnet.I'm sure there will be a bed of thorns along my road to Canada.But whatever I should have a try first,I am not such kind of person who always blames his tools,maybe if I fail to it I will get a backhanded compliment. But I will not regret to do it after all I have a try and I enjoy the process too.
A Big Noise (指要人或有影响的人)A big noise always makes big noises because so many people would like to follow him in order to cater to his taste or surrender to his authority.
A Black Day(不愉快的一天,或灾难发生的日子)"9,11"become a black day since the Empire Building was attacked by terrorists.
A Blind Spot(盲点,生理名词,比喻一个人不肯接受或讨论的问题)Everyone has a blind spot to some extent.So if we want to get along with other people well ,we should avoid to talk about their blind spot.
annieyu 说:Now the matter of my emigration to Canada becomes a bee in my bonnet.I'm sure there will be a bed of thorns along my road to Canada.But whatever I should have a try first,I am not such kind of person who always blames his tools,maybe if I fail to it I will get a backhanded compliment. But I will not regret to do it after all I have a try and I enjoy the process too.点击展开...I used to write" immigrate to Canada", now I think it should be " emigrate to Canada".
2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472006-05-23#13 A bumpy Road(比喻一段艰苦而多波折的经历)Yet life itself is a bumpy road,things will be awfully dull if it wasn't.So enjoy every minute of your life,whatever it is smooth or bumpy.
A Bucket Shop(小店)A bucket shop is too hard to compete with the multinational company ,so it must have special sales tool to get success.
A burning question(一个使人极感兴趣的话题)The burning question for me is when I will get mt ME?Who can answer me this question,I really need a big noise who can give me a definite answer.
annieyu 说:The burning question for me is when I will get mt ME?Who can answer me this question,I really need a big noise who can give me a definite answer.点击展开...We are on the same wavelength about the ME. Who can be the big noise except CIC ?
2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472006-05-26#17 A cat may look at a king(猫儿亦可以看国王)(借此来表达人人平等)About 300 years ago this was a popular remark in England meaning"You are no more important than I am",and it was usually addressed to a person who thought himself to be superor to others.Today it's used to say,"I may not be important but I have the same rights as you."
in China some people always want to show off that they are special by looking down upon the other people who are inferior than them.But why do not they think that even a cat can look at a king.I do look down on this kind snobbish people
A chip off the old block(一个模子出来的)(极为相像)Chips from the same block of wood always resemble it in colour and texture .That's why we say of a person whose personality resembles his parents that he's a chip off the old block."I understand that Ambrose is studying medicine and intends joining his father's medical practice.He is a chip off the old block." Avtually I am a chip off the old block too. To some extent.I really resemble my mother in characteristics.
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.----Bertrand Russell(1872--1970)(British philosopher)人生不如意者十有八九
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