加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job...
走出downtown的bentall tower, 没有轻松的心情,因为,today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day for new job.但有些奇怪的是,也没有太兴奋的心情,可能早兴奋过了吧?毕竟接到offer已经是差不多2周以前了.走向skytrain的路上,忽然感觉象回到了国内,只是在下到skytrain的电梯里,听到那浓郁的乡村音乐时,才想起这里是异国他乡.这时,距离我登录已有6个多月了......
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job祝贺跳槽成功!
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job恭喜!分享一下成功的经验嘛
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job恭喜,多说点啊....
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job走出downtown的bentall tower, 没有轻松的心情,因为,today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day for new job.但有些奇怪的是,也没有太兴奋的心情,可能早兴奋过了吧?毕竟接到offer已经是差不多2周以前了.走向skytrain的路上,忽然感觉象回到了国内,只是在下到skytrain的电梯里,听到那浓郁的乡村音乐时,才想起这里是异国他乡.这时,距离我登录已有6个多月了......点击展开...恭喜!崇拜!!
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548 超赞 赏 frog_lis 0$(VIP 0) 2462007-11-10#6 回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job分享一下你的finding job经验啦!
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find jobto be continued.....
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find jobLZ加油哦,我来了也快6个月了。
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow. 超赞 赏 A Animorph 0$(VIP 0) 252007-11-10#9 回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job羡慕
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job回顾找工的阶段,可能每人的感觉不一样吧,我没有给自己太大的压力,每天是这样度过的:9-10点起床,然后吃吃早饭,看看新闻和家园,再上上天涯,然后才开始搜索job。其实我经历和和大家都差不多,这里也不写什么太detailed的经历了。有几点我想写一下,也算是对家园的贡献吧。1.resume is bait.这个要写好,没这个你连门都找不到。我别的不敢说,自己的简历还是不错的,为我拿到了很多interview机会。当然你也要有相当的实力,hiring manager不是笨蛋,记得,细节彰显实力。2.be confident!这个我不用多说了吧,当然还要面带微笑。谁也不愿意去面对一个苦着脸的人。3.永不满足。我的第一个工作,其实对大多数人来说,已经不错了,毕竟我是才登录3月的very new immigrant。当然这里有2周就找到8.5w的工作的牛人,我们就不和他比了。呵呵。 做好工作的同时keep an eye on better opportunity。一点经验,希望对大家有帮助,其实我写的这些,无论家园还是rolia都有,但每人情况不一样,具体还要看悟性了,对了,最后,我想说一下:这找工作,还真象相亲,双方对眼就行。但如何让面试的人在短时间看你顺眼,也是门学问啊。好了,谢谢大家关注!希望大家都能找到好工作。
回复: today is my last day, tomorrow will be my first day.---it is not hard to find job现在才看明白,是找到工作了年薪多少?
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·生活百科 太阳能池供暖