加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求助:哪位好心的哥哥姐姐帮我一下,小弟先谢过了.
由于本人能力有限.希望各位大侠可以帮我翻译下.小弟不胜感激.汉语如下: [FONT=宋体]二十世纪信息科技革命是网络的出现。它的出现加速了人们之间的联系,使地域变的不像以前那么遥远。网络语言就是随着网络的诞生而出现的。网络语言作为一种新兴的语言,其使用人群及使用范围的特殊性决定了这类语言有自己鲜明的特点。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]本文总结了国内外网络语言的研究现状,对俄语中较普遍的网络语言进行了分类,从而总结了俄语网络语言的特点。最后阐述了网络语言在文化方面的影响。对于我们这些非母语为俄语的外国学生,俄语网络语言对于我们是一个新领域,其过程是快乐而艰辛的。我们需要取其精华,去其糟粕,在肯定其价值的前提下进行研究与学习。[/FONT] 请帮忙翻成E文.多谢多谢了.好人有好报.
回复: 求助:哪位好心的哥哥姐姐帮我一下,小弟先谢过了.20th century information technology revolution is the advent of the Internet. It has accelerated the emergence of the links between people, to change the geographical not so distant past. Language is the network of networks with the birth.Network language as a new language, the use of the crowd and the use of the special nature of the decision of such language has its own distinctive features. This paper summarizes the domestic and international network language of the status quo, more common in the Russian language network were classified, thus summed up the Russian language network features. Finally on the network of language in cultural influence. For those of us non-native Russian foreign students, the Russian language in our network is a new area, the process is happy and hard. We need to choose essence, to its dregs, while affirming the value of the premise of research and learning.
回复: 求助:哪位好心的哥哥姐姐帮我一下,小弟先谢过了.是网上在线翻译的,我觉得还行
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