加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧
816. go back a long way if two people go back a long way, they have known each other for a long time. Justin and I were at college together so we go back a long way. See also: back, long, wayCambridge International Dictionary of Idioms ? Cambridge University Press 1998to know someone for a long time. 817. aviatophobia = aviophobia Fear of flying is a fear of being on a plane while in flight. It is also sometimes referred to as aviatophobia or aviophobia. OverviewFear of flying may be a distinct phobia in itself, or it may be an indirect manifestation of one or more other phobias, such as claustrophobia (a fear of enclosed spaces) or acrophobia (a fear of heights). It may have other causes as well. It is a symptom rather than a disease, and different causes may bring it about in different individuals. Fear of flying receives more attention than most other phobias because air travel is often difficult for people to avoid―especially in professional contexts―and because the fear is widespread, affecting a significant minority of the population. A fear of flying may prevent a person from going on vacations or visiting family and friends, and it can cripple the career of a businessperson by preventing him from travelling as part of his job. Despite its ubiquity, commercial air travel continues to cause a significant proportion of the public to feel anxiety. When this anxiety reaches a level that significantly interferes with a person's ability to travel by air, it becomes a fear of flying.818. bale out/bail outVarious meanings, including 'making an emergency parachute escape from an aeroplane' and 'ladling water from a boat'. The pilot who has to bail out hurriedly from a crippled or burning planeIf you bale out and land in water... a smart rap will release the whole lot and you can swim free.819. antioxidant抗氧化剂; 硬化防止剂1. A chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.2. A substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta carotene, thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.820. Wingsuit flyWingsuit flying is the art of flying the human body through the air using a special jumpsuit, called a wingsuit, that shapes the human body into an airfoil which can create lift. The wingsuit creates the airfoil shape with fabric sewn between the legs and under the arms. It is also called a birdman suit. A wingsuit can be flown from any point that provides sufficient altitude to glide through the air, such as skydiving aircraft or BASE jumping exit points. The wingsuit flier wears parachute equipment designed for skydiving or BASE jumping. The flier will deploy the parachute at a planned altitude and unzip the arm wings so they can reach up to the parachute control toggles and fly to a normal skydiving or BASE jumping landing.821. ayahuasca从南美卡披木树根提取的一种致幻药Ayahuasca (Quechua, pronounced [a.ja.?wa.ska]) is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp. vine, native to the Amazon Rainforest (which is also called ayahuasca). The resulting drinks are pharmacologically complex and used for shamanic, folk-medicinal, and religious purposes.822. Minamata diseaseDisease first identified in 1956 in Minamata, Japan. A fishing port, Minamata was also the home of Nippon Chisso Hiryo Co., a manufacturer of chemical fertilizer, carbide, and vinyl chloride. Methyl mercury discharged from the factory contaminated fish and shellfish, which in turn caused illness in the local inhabitants who consumed them and birth defects in their children. The sometimes fatal disease was the first whose cause was recognized as industrial pollution of seawater. It aroused worldwide concern and stimulated the development of the environmental movement. 1956年在日本熊本县水俣(yu3)湾附近渔村中首次发现。其病状为神经失常,四肢麻木,语言障碍等。对胎儿或婴儿发育的损伤比较严重。其原因是附近化工厂排出污水中的有机汞为鱼、贝类摄入并在体内富集,致使食用此类鱼贝者发生中枢神经疾病。预防措施为不向环境排放汞及其化合物。823. Nota beneNota Bene is a Latin phrase meaning "Note Well," coming from notare―to note. It is in the singular imperative mood, instructing one individual to note well the matter at hand. (The pluralis form is notate bene.)In present day English, it is used to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention" or "take notice". It is often written in the abbreviated form: N.B.824. Descartes René 1596-1650. French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist who is considered the father of analytic geometry and the founder of modern rationalism. His main works, Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) and Principles of Philosophy (1644), include the famous dictum "I think, therefore I am."法国人笛卡儿(René Descartes,1596年─1650年)是世界著名的科学家、哲学家和数学家,创建了解析几何学(Analytic Geometry)或称坐标几何(Coordinate Geometry),把指数学记号(Exponential notation)、笛卡儿坐标(Cartesian coordinates)和求解多项式方程的方法引进了数学。他的著作贯穿著一个整体思想,即把所有知识按照欧几里得几何的公理化模式系统化为一个仅用内部依据就能明确证明的自明知识体系,从而达到知识的确定性。他的方法涉及到对任何可以去怀疑态度的事物的悬念,於是也在如下论证的基础上建立了他的知识体系,即在怀疑时,不能怀疑所怀疑的,从而思索;他用他的拉丁语名句“Cogito, ergo sum”(「我思,故我在」)来表达这一自明的命题。825. small window of opportunity for sth.With my kids, I know I only have a small window of opportunity before they get older - so I carve out time for them now.826. hithertoused in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"(synonym) so far, thus far, up to now, heretofore, as yet, yet, til now, until nowadverb PREVIOUSLY, formerly, earlier, before, beforehand; so far, thus far, to date, as yet, until now, until then, till now, till then, up to now, up to then; formal heretofore.827. watered-downadj. a. 用水冲淡的, 打折扣的Diminished in force or effect: "[Students] who do not [test well] get a watered-down curriculum that reflects the system's minimal expectations of them" Sheila Tobias.--But we need assurances you won't go public with the rumor you threatened to broadcast.--In return for what? I get an exclusive with the president on some watered-down story?--Not a watered-down story. Something else.828. collateral damageThe compelling need to keep allied casualties to a minimum, coupled with a desire to limit collateral damage on the receiving end of long-distance strikes, are the principal reasons why cruise missiles and laser-guided bombs have become weapons of first resort.为了满足降低盟国最小伤亡的迫切要求,以及控制长途奔袭作战部队的附带损害,是巡航导弹和激光制导炸弹成为首选武器的原因。829. diddleverb informal欺骗; 骗取; 浪费; 浪费时间; 瞎摆弄; 闲混cheat or swindle. N. Amer. waste time. Vulgar slang, chiefly N. Amer. have sex with. Slang To cheat; swindle: "The Swiss have special laws for people who diddle hotels" John le Carré.
回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧are you sure that you are going to (or could ) use them in your normal life? I suppose that too difficult, even natives may have no idea what menas these are......
回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧are you sure that you are going to (or could ) use them in your normal life? I suppose that too difficult, even natives may have no idea what menas these are......点击展开...Every single word I got precisely from native speakers, so it's quite useful, trust me.
回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧Every single word I got precisely from native speakers, so it's quite useful, trust me.点击展开...你说的 Every single 就很常用,加拿大人总爱说every single day。every single piece.
" To your enemy, forgiveness.To an opponent,tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. " 超赞 赏 G GarfieldCaiGuest 0$(VIP ) 2008-06-09#5 回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧stash
回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧stool这个词,有凳子和大便的意思.a bar stool 吧台高凳fall between two stools鸡飞蛋打,两头落空
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回复: 没事的来秀下你新学的词儿吧K.I.S.S.点击展开...这是化妆品吧。
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