加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科[HELP PLEASE] issue 22, welcome to comment
issue 22: (gre)Many people believe that a few individuals or small groups ( family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals. " What on earth determine us and our attidudes, society[FONT=宋体],a few individuals or some kinds of small groups ? Indisputably, a few special ones or small groups tend to influence our a few of thoughts ,viewpoints, even behaviors at sometimes. Yet , in my view, finally what defines us and our attitudes is society in which person share the common political and cultural traditions, beliefs, or values. Admittedly, it is possible that some of our viewpoints, habits or special behaviors are due to others’ words, issues or behaviors. For supporting examples, some habits in our daily lives as getting up earlier maybe caused by our mothers’ education in our childhood. Furthermore, the reason why someone tend to put everyone` under suspicion` is that they were cheated by their best friends once. In all, the way we think and behave might be effected but not determined by a few individuals. Only society, however, as a whole which hold a huge power can define us and our attitudes, while the mall groups just effect the way of our behavior or thinking temporarily and locally. Society provide a uniform culture tradition aroud us to which we would assimilate sooner or later. That kind of culture which depend on the large background we grow up and live would shape our attitudes. The statement brings immediately to mind Japanese who are famous as their assiduities. I assert that must be connected with the culture ,civilization and history in their society. In japan, they advocate the merit of industrious work and ability. people who are hardworking would be honored by all of them. And, they would be educated how to value every minute in their all lives as children. So, people who share a same culture would be charactered by the similar values and attitudes. . Moreover, Human behaviour is largely constrained by the rules that govern particular situations and environments. That means some kinds of regulations which often exist in a society by some law, religion or moral restricting would effect our attitudes in a long term. For the supporting example, polygyny is legal in indian. And, they also consider it logical in moral and emotional aspects. So the men who live in india usually married two women at the same time that can not be imaged in china. To summarize, individuals can not determine us and our attitudes but society do. In fact our society always shape our attiude wherever and whenver through the culture tradion, and limit our behaviors by logical, moral and legal methods. As a result, we show some qualities and characterestics labeled by our society. [/FONT]
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