加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and Solr


今天收到的一份email:Hello , My name is Jordan and I work for TEKsystems, an IT staffing and consulting agency in Ottawa. I came across an older copy of your resume and I wanted to get in touch with you to see if you are in the market for new job opportunities. There is a particular job that I thought you might be interested in, so please do not hesitate to call. I would also like to be a resource to you for future job opportunities. I’m looking for Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines. We’re looking for someone with experience but they need a candidate that has experience implementing advanced search applications using Lucene and Solr, experience designing and developing operations support systems (OSS/BSS). They’ll need to search Applications and Databases to find errors by search engines. Here’s the position below, Thanks, Jordan TEKsystems is currently looking for a Java web developer for one of our private sector clients. Please look at the description below. Join a team in the IP Division Customer Support and Design Engineering group responsible for:Web application development in support of the business division. This is an opportunity to work with industry-leading IP service routers and network management products, and to integrate OSS technology in customer operations. Participation in the Service Routing Certification program is a benefit of this role. You will work in a fast-paced environment with design architects to implement OSS solutions for customers by integrating existing tools and developing custom solutions. In addition, you will design and develop web applications core to the IP Division customer support and design engineering business. You will work with leading open source and commercial frameworks and products for web and enterprise application development. The ideal candidate will be energetic, and an excellent oral and written communicator. Qualifications Required Education and ExperienceBachelor degree in computer / electrical engineering, computer science, or equivalent Minimum 5 years experience in software design and development Minimum 2 years experience in web application development Minimum 2 years in development using Java Desired ExperienceExperience in architecting and implementing enterprise search services and applications Experience in implementing content management applications and features Experience in software testing and test plan development Experience in producing documentation for application design and application features IP networking experience Experience in a professional services delivery role Required SkillsDevelopment of web and/or enterprise applications using java Implementation of search applications using Lucene and Solr Experience in implementing advanced search features (federated search, related search features, "more like this", hit highlighting, etc.) Implementation of open source APIs and libraries, including Spring, WebWork, Hibernate, Velocity Integration with enterprise systems (Oracle DB, MySQL, LDAP) Experience in developing applications using XML, XSL, XSLT Implementation of commercial and open source server technologies like Apache httpd, Apache Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, Verity Experience working in a unix (Solaris) environment Excellent communication skills, ability to work effectively with solution architects Experience in using code management systems (CVS, Subversion) Ability to work productively on projects involving multiple developers Desired SkillsExperience designing and developing operations support systems (OSS/BSS) Implementation of web-based user interfaces using an MVC approach Experience using the Eclipse IDE (MyEclipse and WTP also an asset) Development using PHP, PERL, or other scripting technology Familiarity with SQL Familiarity with HTML, CSS, RSS Familiarity with JavaScript, AJAX Familiarity with test-driven and agile development approaches Ability to work independently and deliver on objectives within an informal environment Jordan Reasbeck Technical Recruiter40 Hines Road Suite 120, Kanata, ON, K2K 2M5800.759.3855 T 613.254.5010F 613.254.5090 WWW.TEKSYSTEMS.CA

回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene andTEK 名声不算太差,不知道客户是谁

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。 超赞 赏 阿 阿尔格 0$(VIP 0) 7612009-04-23#3 回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and客户不是我们公司吧

回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and应该不是

回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and小熊好厉害啊有有猎头找你了,能PM我个联系方式吗?谢谢

回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and小熊好厉害啊有有猎头找你了,能PM我个联系方式吗?谢谢点击展开... 这种邮件基本上就是SPAM(尽管可能他们确实需要人), 哪是什么猎头呀, 以前简历挂在网上的时候,基本上天天收SPAM的。 联系方式就在帖子里面, 你给他电话和邮件就可以了。

回复: 工作机会:Java Web Developer that has experience with Search engines using Lucene and没啥意思,都是给更新数据库用

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