加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams
http://www.56.com/n_v164_/c46_/18_/22_/jinningd_/zhajm_125565363168hd_/3254462_/0_/47061399.swf 剧情简介: 本片虽然不是凯文.科斯特纳最卖座的电影,却肯定是他最出色的代表作之一。这是一部带有神秘色彩的文艺片,描写中年人不甘心于平凡而内心渴望追求梦想的那股力量,对于美国婴儿潮一代的集体心理有深刻动人的刻划。主人翁是青少年时期与父亲失和而无法完成梦想的农场主人雷,有一天他听到神秘声音说:“你盖好了,他就会来。'于是他像着了魔一样铲平了自己的玉米田建造了一座棒球场,没想到他的棒球偶像真的来到那里打球,而且还因此而使他跟父亲之间好多年心结得以开解。导演菲尔.奥尔登.罗宾逊充分掌握片中那种难以言诠的感情,而一群合演的明星也都有极具魅力的演出。 http://www.liveglish.com http://liveglish.siteem.com
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams不错
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams梦幻成真Field of Dreams 英文对白1My father's name was John Kinsella.It's an Irish name.2He was born in North Dakota in 1896...3...and neversaw a big city...4...until he came back from France in 1918.5He settled in Chicago, where he learnedto live and die with the White Sox.
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams6Died a littlewhen they lost the 1919 World Series...7...died a lot the following summerwhen eight teammates...8...were accused of throwing that Series.9He played some in the minors,but nothing came ofit.10Moved to Brooklyn in '35...
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams11...married Mom in '38...12...was already an old manat the naval yards...13...when I was born in 1952.14My name's Ray Kinsella.15Mom died when I was 3,and I suppose Dad did the best he could.
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams16Instead of Mother Goose, I was put to bedto stories of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig...17...and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson.18Dad was a Yankees fan then,so I rooted for Brooklyn.19Butin '58, the Dodgers moved away,so we had to find other reasons to fight.20We did.
回复: 美国电影英文字幕梦幻成真Field of Dreams21When it came time to go to college...22...I picked the farthestfrom home I could find.23This drove him up the wall,which, I suppose, was the point.24Officially my major was English,but really it was the '60s.25I marched, I smoked some grass...
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