加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story
http://www.56.com/n_v48_/c45_/22_/13_/jinningd_/zhajm_124779227348_/1721000_/0_/44949945.swf 剧情介绍:由埃里克.席格编剧的本片讲述一名富家子弟不顾父亲反对,和面包师的女儿毅然结婚,并且自力更生完成学业。但刚开始执业律师时,他可爱的妻子却患绝症撒手人寰离他而去。本片故事虽然老套,但阿瑟.希勒导演手法清新自然,角色的性格和对白都富时代气息,娱乐性相当高,在当年上演时曾轰动一时,曾获最佳原作配乐金像奖。瑞安.奥尼尔等在片中有上佳表现,尤其是瑞安奥尼尔,将那名因追求真爱而变得固执的富家子弟塑造得非常生动。 http://www.liveglish.com http://liveglish.siteem.com
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story顶一个
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。 超赞 赏 J jinningd 0$(VIP 0) 2832009-09-16#3 回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story爱情故事Love Story英文对白1What can you say abouta 25-year-old girl who died?2That she was beautiful and brilliant?3That she loved Mozart and Bach?4The Beatles?5And me?
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story6- Do you have this book?- You have your own library.7- Answer my question.- Answer mine first.8We're allowed to usethe Radcliffe library.9I'm not talking legality,I'm talking ethics.10Harvard's got five million books,Radcliffe a few thousand.
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story11I only want one. I've gotan hour exam tomorrow, damn it!12Please watch your profanity, preppy.13Why do you thinkI went to prep school?14- You look stupid and rich.- Actually, I'm smart and poor.15No, I'm smart and poor.
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story16- Why are you so smart?- I won't have coffee with you.17- I wouldn't ask you.- That's what makes you stupid.18Comp. Lit. 105. Not bad.19Music 150. Not bad.Music 201, that's a graduate course.20- Renaissance polyphony.- What's polyphony?
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story21Nothing sexual, preppy.22I told you, my name is Oliver.23- First or last?- First.24- Oliver what?- Barrett.25- Barrett like the poet?- Yeah, no relation.
回复: 英文字幕美国电影爱情故事Love Story26- Barrett like the hall?- Yes.27I'm having coffeewith a Harvard building.28I'm not Barrett Hall. My greatgrandfather just gave it to Harvard.29So his not-so-great grandsoncould get in?30If you think I'm a loser, why did youbulldoze me into buying you coffee?
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