加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)


a.g.b 任何名牌 "short for ""a good brand"" in foreign trade"  a/o 记入...账户 "short for ""account of"" in foreign trade"  A/S 售货清单 "short for ""account sales"" in foreign trade"  abridged table 简表 a simplified table  absentee 缺勤者 somebody who is not present at an event  absenteeism 旷工 persistent absence from work or some other place without good reason  absorption point 吸收点 the price at which the number of bonds being offered equals the number of bonds for which there are bids  acc 附件 short for accessory  Accenture 埃森哲 "a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company helping clients become high-performance businesses"  acceptable quality level 合格质量水平 "a quality that may not be perfect but does reach a level of shape, size, and performance, etc. that will make it work and last as long as the manufacturer expects"  acceptance 验收 the act of accepting with inspection  acceptance of the bid 中标 A Notice of Acceptance of the Bid will be mailed or furnished to the successful bidder within forty-five (45) days of the bid opening  accessibility 可及性 the quality of being at hand when needed  accession 就职 "the assumption of an important position, usually a position of power"  accessorize 为...安装附件 to fit accessories to something  accessory 附件 an optional part that may be fitted to something to perform an additional function or enhance performance  accordance 一致 consensus as to the right course of action  accordion insert 折叠广告 publicity in the form of a separate piece of paper folded twice or more and put loose into a newspaper or magazine  account 老客户 a customer who has a regular business relationship with a company  account executive 客户经理 a manager in charge of a client’s account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business  account manager 客户经理 a manager in charge of a client’s account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business  accountability 受托责任 the obligation to bear the consequences for failure to perform as expected  accountable 有责任的 responsible to somebody or for something  acknowledgement 肯定 official or public recognition of somebody’s help or work  acting 代理的 carrying out particular duties or doing somebody else’s job temporarily  actionable 能付诸实施的 able to be acted upon or put into action  active listening 积极倾听 the practice of paying close attention to a speaker and asking questions to ensure full comprehension  ad 广告 short for advertisement  ad impression 广告浏览量 不如“ad view”常用  ad rotation 广告轮换 the automatic rotation of advertisements on a Web page at short intervals  ad space 广告空间 "on a Web page, a space reserved for advertisements"  ad view 广告浏览量 the number of times an advertisement is downloaded from a webpage and assumed to have been seen by a potential customer  adaptability 适应能力 the ability to change or be changed to fit changed circumstances  adaptive selling 适应性销售 a method of selling that varies its approach for different types of customers and needs  added 附加的 extra to what is usual or expected  added value 附加值 "extra value of its products or services, in terms of usefulness or convenience in relation to competing products, that a company tries to communicate to its potential customers"  additional markon 额外加成 an unusual or one-off increase on the price of goods and services made to exploit a period of exceptionally high demand  add-on service 增值服务 "an additional service that a business offers, sometimes at extra cost, in conjunction with another existing service"  adjudicate 裁决 to make an official decision about a problem or dispute  ADM 箭线图法 arrow diagramming method  administration 管理 "the management of the affairs of a business, organization, or institution"  adopt 采用 "to take up something such as a plan, idea, cause, or practice and use or follow it"  adoption 采用 the act of accepting with approval  advance 提前的 ahead of time  advanced 先进的 employing the newest ideas or techniques  advanced enterprise 先进企业 an excellent enterprise  adverse 不利的 creating unfavorable or harmful results  advertisement 广告 a public announcement in a newspaper or on television or Internet advertising something such as a product for sale or an event

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#2 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)advertising 广告业 the business of producing advertisements  advisory committee 咨询委员会 a group of volunteers that meets regularly on a long-term basis to provide advice  affairs 事务 "public, government, or professional business or activities"  affiliate 联营公司 "short for ""affiliated company"""  affiliated company 联营公司 "entity holding less than a majority of the voting common stock of another, or in which both companies are subsidiaries of a third one"  affiliated enterprise 关联企业 一家企业拥有另一家企业少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联  affiliation 联营 a business relationship of mutal cooperation  affix 附上 "to add something at the end of something, e.g. a signature to a document"  after-hours 下班后的 taking place after the time a business or service closes for the day  after-sale service 售后服务 the service provided by the seller after sale  agency 代理机构 "an organization, especially a company, that acts as the agent, representative, or subcontractor of a person or another company"  agency compliance officer 营销合规主任 参与策划和执行合规部的相关政策和活动制定与修订营销合规制度与工作流程  agenda 待办事项 the various matters that somebody needs to deal with at a specific time  agent 代理商 a person or enterprise who officially represents an enterprise in business  aim 宗旨 intention or purpose  aim at 旨在 Our company aims at providing best financial services to our customers  Alfa Laval 阿法拉伐 "a Sweden company which manufactures wide range of equipment, systems, and services for liquid/solid separation, heat transfer and treatment, and fluid handling"  alignment 志同道合 "integration or harmonization of aims, practices, etc within a group"  allocate 分配 Each team member has been allocated a task  allowance 补助 a salary supplement for undertaking extra duties and responsibilities  alteration 改造 "an adjustment, change, or modification"  amalgamation 合并 不如“merger”常用  ameliorate 改良 to make or become better  amend 修改 "to make changes to something, esp a piece of text, in order to improve or correct it"  ancillary 辅助的 "providing support for somebody or something, e.g. nontechnical assistance to people who work in an industry or profession"  ancillary 辅助人员 a worker who provides nontechnical assistance or support to the core workers in a profession  ancillary work 辅助工作 Ancillary work is more random in nature and takes place when it is needed  Andon 安灯 "a status-display station to notify management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem"  annual 年度的 based on or accumulating over one year  annual salary 年薪 salary negotiated and paid on a yearly basis  ante-dated 倒填日期的 having been specified a previous date  antiquary 古董商 a seller of antiques or antiquities  AOA 箭线图 Activity-On-Arrow  AOB 其他事 Any Other Business  apparent low bidder 表见最低投标人 a bidder for a contract who has submitted the lowest bid but who has not yet been verified as having complied with other bid requirements  appeal 诉求 an earnest or urgent request for something  appearance 外观 an outward aspect of somebody or something that creates a particular impression  applicable 可应用的 capable of being applied  application 应用 the use something is put to or the process of putting it to use  apply 应用 to make use of something to achieve a result  appoint 约定 to fix or agree on a time or place for something to happen  appointed 约定的 previously agreed on  appointment 约会 an arrangement to meet a person or be at a place at a certain time  appointment book 预约簿 "a book, usually with pages labeled according to the days of a calendar year, used to keep notes of appointments"  apportion 分摊 to divide and allocate something among different people or groups  apportionment 分摊 division and allocation of something among different people or groups  appraisal 考核 the act of making a formal assessment of an employee or an employee’s performance following an agreed set of criteria  appraisal 评估 "an estimate of how much money something is worth, especially one given by an expert"  appraise 考核 to make a formal assessment of an employee or an employee’s performance following an agreed set of criteria  appraise 评估 to make or give an estimate of how much money something is worth  appraiser 评估师 one who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things  approach 接洽 "to make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion"  appropriation request 拨款申请书 a request for funds to undertake a capital project  approval 认可 formal or official agreement or permission  approval plot plan 审查版设备布置图 "a plan offered to the client for his concurrence of available space, perimeter roads, adjacent inhabited areas and interface points with the remainder of the complex"  approved equal 认可的同等产品 a product that is accepted as the equivalent of another specified in a request or proposal  appt. 约会 short for appointment  aptitude test 能力倾向测验 a test to determine whether somebody is likely to be able to develop the skills required for a specific kind of work  AQL 合格质量水平 acceptable quality level  archivist 档案管理员 "somebody employed to collect, catalog, and take care of the items in an archive"  armorer 兵器制造商 a manufacturer of firearms  arm’s-length 不受关系影响的 without close contact or an intimate relationship  arm’s-length price 公平价格 a price determined by a willing buyer and a willing seller where neither is under pressure to buy or sell  arm’s-length transaction 公平交易 transaction carried out under free market conditions with each party acting in its own best interests regardless of any relationship with other parties to the transaction  arrangement 布置 Thermal Parameter Optimizing Analysis and Thermal System Arrangement in PFBCC  arrow diagram 箭线图 "an arrangement of arrows, representing activities , that describe a project"  arrow diagramming method 箭线图法 a schematic method that uses arrows as symbols in indicating the flow of activities associated with a project  as per sample 与样品相符 Quality is to be strictly as per sample submitted by the seller  ASAP 尽快 as soon as possible

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#3 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)assemble 装配 to fit the parts of something together to make a finished whole  assemble 组装 “装配”的俗称  assembling 装配 the process of fitting the parts of something together to make a finished whole  assembling with provided parts 来件装配 由国外境外客户提供全部零配件,由我方按合同要求组装成品,并收取组装费用的贸易方式  assembly 组装 “装配”的俗称  assembly 装配 the process of putting together a number of parts to make a machine or other product  assembly line 装配线 a series of workstations at which individual steps in the assembly of a product are carried out as the product is moved along  asset-stripping 资产剥离 the practice of buying a company cheaply and making a profit by selling all its assets individually  assign 分配 to send somebody to work in a particular place or with a particular group of people  assignation 分配 the act of giving somebody a specific job or designating something for a specific use  assist 辅助 to act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function  assistant 助理 "somebody who works to somebody else’s instructions, often in a paid capacity"  assize 商品规格的法定标准 the regulation of weights and measures of articles offered for sale  associate 非正式的 less than full membership in an organization  associate 合作者 a partner in a business or other undertaking  associated 关联的 having connections with another company and that may own some of the first company’s stock  associated company 联号 “联营公司”的俗称  assurance 保证 the act of making something certain or overcoming doubt  at seller’s option 由卖方选择 to be determined by the seller  attend exhibition 参展 We are going to attend exhibition in USA  attendance 出勤 the presence of one’s workplace  attendance bonus 出勤奖 additional money paid to an employee for reliable attendance at a place of work  attention 请...阅处 在后面写上阅处的人,如Attention: John  auction 拍卖 "a sale method in which buyers bid against one another for individual items, each of which is sold to the bidder offering the highest price"  auctioneer 拍卖人 a person who conducts an auction by announcing the lots and controlling the bidding  automate 使...自动化 "to convert a process to automation, or utilize the techniques of automation"  automation 自动化 the act of automating a process etc  auxiliary material 辅料 a material in assistance of a process  availability 有效性 the quality of being available when needed  average cost pricing 平均成本定价法 a strategy in which the prices for goods or services are set at a level equal to that of the average cost  average product 平均产量 a company’s total output divided by its total variable product costs  award letter 中标函 a formal written acceptance of a bid for a contract  award of contract 授予合同 project owner’s notice to a bidding contractor of the acceptance of the submitted bid  awarding party 发包方 "The awarding party may, by written notice to the contractor or subcontractor, terminate his or her right as the case may be"  B & Q 百安居 英国建材超市  B/E 汇票 bill of exchange  B2B 商家对商家 Business to Business  B2C 商家对消费者 Business to Consumer  back office 事务部门 "the business operations performed by people who do not make policy, or the place where they work"  back pay 补发的工资 the pay that is owed to an employee for work done before the current payment period and is either overdue or results from a pay increase started from the past  back shift 中班 "a period of work beginning in the afternoon and ending at night, which overlaps between the day shift and the night shift"  backbone 骨干 a central cohesive source of support and stability  backdate 倒填日期 to put a date on a document that is earlier than the actual date of its signing  backdoor selling 后门销售 the sale of goods by a producer or wholesaler directly to a consumer in violation of agreements with intermediaries  backflush 倒冲法 ERP系统根据产成品收料数量确认原材料冲减数量的方法  backward integration 后向整合 the integration of one company with another company whose product represents an earlier stage in the chain of production  balanced 权衡各种因素的 taking into account all sides on their merits without prejudice or favoritism  balanced scorecard 平衡计分卡 "a performance measurement framework that added strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics to give managers a more ""balanced"" view"  balanced scorecard 平衡记分卡 不如“平衡计分卡”常用

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#4 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)bank 开户行 "short for ""bank providing financial services"""  bar code 条形码 an optical machine-readable representation of data for product management  bar code 条码 “条形码”的简称  barehanded 不戴手套的 with hands not protected by gloves  bargaining power 议价能力 the ability to influence the setting of prices  barrier to entry 进入壁垒 sth. that keeps a potential competitor from entering a market and gaining a market share  barrier to exit 退出壁垒 "something that would hinder a company from leaving a particular industry, e.g. previous investment that would be sacrificed or government regulation"  base 基础 "the fundamental or underlying principle or part, as of an idea, system, or organization"  base pay 基本工资 an amount or a rate of compensation for a specified position of employment or activity excluding any other payments or allowances  base price 标底 The Base Price is found in the Notice to Contractors section of the Bid Documents  base salary 基本工资 what you get each month to do what you are required to do within the hours agreed  baseline survey 基线调查 a survey designed to establish initial conditions against which the effects of a finished project can be compared  batch 批量 "amount of material prepared or needed for, or produced in, one operation"  beat the gun 抢占市场 to profit from a development in the market by acting in advance of the majority  belonging 归属 the state of being accepted and comfortable in a place or group  benchmark 标杆 an industry standard or best practice  benchmark 以...为标杆进行对比 "to compare the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best practice"  benchmarking 标杆分析 "the process of comparing the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best pr"  beneficiary’s certificate 受益人证明 "a document issued by the beneficiary of the international trade transaction, often in conjunction with a documentary credit (L/C), evidencing the compliance of requirements"  benefit 福利 "compensation over and above salary given to some employees or partially paid for by the employing company, e.g., health insurance, retirement pay, or stock options"  benefit in kind 实物福利 a benefit such as a company car or private medical insurance that can be offered by an employer to an employee instead of cash  benefits coordinator 福利协调员 a human resources employee whose job involves administering employee benefit programs  berhad 有限公司 马来西亚公司类型  bestselling 畅销的 far more popular and successful than other products on sale at the same time  BI 商务智能 business intelligence  bid 递盘 to respond to an offer by a seller by stating (the more favourable terms) on which one is willing to make a purchase in foreign trade  bid 投标 "to offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies, etc"  bid bond 投标保函 "a bond issued as part of a bidding process by the surety to the project owner, to guarantee that the winning bidder will undertake the contract under the terms at which they bid"  bid documents 投标书 "documents required to be submitted in response to an invitation to bid, including the prescribed bid form, drawings, specifications, time lines, charts, price breakdowns, etc"  bid documents 标书 “投标书”的简称  bid evaluation 评标 (World Bank) the process of examining and evaluating bids to determine the bidders’ responsiveness and other factors associated with selection of a bid for contract award  bid letter 投标函 "a letter that outlines the products or services the contractor or freelancer is able to deliver, and what the cost of those services or products will be"  bid opening 开标 (World Bank) a stage in bidding process where the received bid-envelopes are opened and examined by the issuer of invitation-to-bid  bid proposal form 投标单 a document used by contractors and suppliers to provide pricing on a project  bid reading 唱标 "Once auction is complete, vendors can view bid reading and award notices"  bid security 投标保证金 "(World Bank) the deposit submitted with a bid to guarantee to the owner that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will execute such contract as per the bidding requirements"  bid winner 中标人 the entity who has won the bid  bidder 投标人 someone who makes a bid  bidding 递盘 "bids considered collectively, esp those made on a particular deal in foreign trade"  bidding 投标 "(WTO, HK, PRC) the act of making bids"  bidding 招标 (World Bank) the act of inviting bids  bidding agency 招标代理 "the legally established social intermediary organizations, acting as agents in bidding operations and providing relevant services"

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#5 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)bidding and bid 招投标 a method of awarding a contract for providing goods or services at a competitive price  bidding documents 招标文件 "a set of documents that establish the object of the bidding (the technical specifications), specify proposed contract conditions and establish the bidding procedure to be followed"  bidding documents 招标书 “招标文件”的简称  bidding war 竞标战 a situation in which buyers compete by offering higher and higher bids for the purchase of something such as a company  BIE 国际展览局 Bureau of International Exhibition  bill 清单 a list of items  bill of sale 销售凭单 a document stating that something has been sold or transferred to the ownership of another party  billboard 广告牌 "a very large board erected by the roadside or attached to a building, used for displaying advertisements"  billing 营业额 "the total amount of business transacted in a given period, especially in advertising, insurance, or law etc."  BIM 英国管理学会 British Institute of Management  bingo card 宾果卡 附于杂志内的读者回函,用以告知杂志社,读者对哪一则广告感兴趣,并希望收到近一部的资讯  biodata 传记式资料 "short for ""biographical information"""  biographical information 传记式资料 "information relating to a particular person and his or her financial, professional, or educational history, stored in a database and used, e.g. in job recruiting, and marketing"  blank 毛坯 a piece of metal or other material that will be shaped to produce a finished item  blanket 总括的 broad in scope or content  blanket order 总括订单 "an order the customer makes with its supplier which contains multiple delivery dates scheduled over a period of time, sometimes at predetermined prices"  blister pack 吸塑包装 a package in which small items such as pills are contained in raised domes of plastic  block vote 团体票 "a single vote by a representative, typically of a labor union, on behalf of the members of his or her organization, weighted according to the number of members"  blue-collar 蓝领 a member of the working class who performs manual labor and earns an hourly wage  blue-collar 蓝领的 relating to workers who do manual or industrial work that often requires special work clothes or protective clothing  board 委员会 a group of people chosen to make executive or managerial decisions for an organization  Board of Directors 董事会 a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other institution  Board of Supervisors 监事会 the body supervising the management  Board of Trustees 理事会 an appointed or elective board that supervises the affair of a public or private organization  boardroom 董事会议室 a room for board meetings  bond 保证金 storage of money before fulfillment of duty  bonus 奖金 "an amount of money given in addition to normal pay, especially as a reward"  book-to-bill ratio 订单出货比 "the value of goods on order, as a percentage of the value of those that have already been shipped in a particular period"  booth 展位 a tent or stall at a fair or exhibit  bootstrapping 步步为营法 "the building of a business from nothing, with minimum outside capital"  both production and sale thrive 产销两旺 Both production and sale thrived last year  bottleneck 瓶颈 "something that holds up progress, especially of a manufacturing process"  bottom line 底线 the least amount of money regarded as acceptable in a business transaction  boutique 精品店 "a small store selling specialized, often luxury, goods or services of any kind"  box set 盒套装 "a set of similar items that are packaged together in a box and sold as a single unit, e.g. a set of music recordings"  boxed set 盒套装 不如“box set”常用  BPO 业务流程外包 business process outsourcing  BPR 业务流程再造 business process reengineering  brainstorm 脑力激荡 "to generate creative ideas spontaneously, usually for problem-solving, and especially in an intensive group discussion that does not allow time for reflection"  brainstorming 头脑风暴法 a group problem-solving technique in which members sit around a let fly with ideas and possible solutions to the problem  branch 分公司 a company that is part of a larger group and is located in a different part of a geographic area from the parent company  branch office 分支机构 "a bank, store, or part of an organization that is located in a different place from the main office, e.g. in a smaller town or region"

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#6 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)branch officer 分支机构负责人 "the person in charge of a branch of an organization, especially a bank"  brand 品牌 "a name, usually a trademark, of a product or manufacturer"  brand building 品牌建设 activities that are intended to enhance the public’s perception of a brand of merchandise  brand image 品牌形象 the perception of a brand of merchandise by the consumer  brand leader 领先品牌 best-selling product in a particular category  brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 the tendency of a customer to buy a particular brand of a product  brand management 品牌管理 the way that a company tries to use and control its brands and the way that people perceive them  brand name 品牌名称 a trade name for a product or service produced by a particular company  brand personality 品牌个性 the perception of a brand of merchandise by the consumer  branding 品牌树立 "the use of advertising, distinctive design, and other means to make consumers associate a specific product with a specific manufacturer"  break down 分解 to analyze or examine something by reducing it to its simplest terms or component parts  breakdown 分解 "a summary, explanation, or analysis of data items collected"  break-even 盈亏平衡的 "at a point that expenditure equals income or the value of an investment equals its cost, so that there is neither a profit nor a loss"  break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析 "a technique for studying the relationship among fixed costs, variable costs, profits, and sales volume"  breakeven point 盈亏平衡点 不如“break-even point”常用  break-even point 盈亏平衡点 the sales volume required so that total revenues and total costs are equal  break-even pricing 盈亏平衡定价法 "the strategy of setting the price of a product at the short-run average unit cost, including both fixed and variable costs"  bridging management 过渡管理 "the controlling of a business on a short-term basis, e.g. during a particular project or a transition period"  brief meeting 碰头会 "a small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information"  briefing 简报 the information conveyed at a briefing  bright-collar 亮领 指美国1945年后出生的成功职业人士  bring in 引进 to introduce something  broadsheet 宽幅单面广告 an advertisement that is printed on one side of a large sheet of paper  broadside 宽幅单面广告 an advertisement that is printed on one side of a large sheet of paper  brochure 宣传册 a booklet or pamphlet that contains descriptive information or advertising  BS 英国标准 British Standard  BSS 英国标准规范 British Standard Specification  budget 预算 "a plan specifying how resources, especially time or money, will be allocated or spent during a particular period"  buffer stock 缓冲库存 "a stock of a basic commodity accumulated by a government when supplies are plentiful and prices low, and held for use when supplies are short to stabilize the price"  build on 以...为基础发展或改进 to use something as a basis for further development or improvement  building 建设 the act of constructing something abstract  built-in obsolescence 有计划的报废 不如“planned obsolescence”常用  bulk 体积 "volume, size, or magnitude, esp when great"  bulk discount 批量购买折扣 a reduction in the price given to a customer who buys a large amount at one time  bulk purchase 批量采购 an acquisition of a quantity of similar items  bullwhip effect 牛鞭效应 tendency of consumers of a material or product in short supply to buy more than they need in the immediate future  bundled product 捆绑产品 a product sold in packages of two or more  burnout 倦怠 psychological exhaustion and diminished efficiency resulting from overwork or prolonged exposure to stress  business 商务 commercial practice or procedure  business 业务 commercial activity involving the exchange of money for goods or services  business administration 企业管理 "a course of study at a university, college, or other institution of higher education that teaches the basic principles of business and business practices"  business angel 天使投资者 somebody who is eager to invest in a potentially lucrative startup company  business card 名片 "a small card printed with somebody’s name, job title, business address, and contact numbers"  business center 商务中心 "a center providing business people with sharing of lobby space, conference rooms, support staff, telecommunications services, office equipment, and other amenities"  business circle 商界 a network for corporate leaders  business ethics 商业伦理 moral principles concerning acceptable and unacceptable behavior by business people  business hall 营业厅 a hall for conducting businesses  business hours 营业时间 "the normal hours that most offices are open, usually between about 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m."

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#7 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)business incubator 企业孵化器 "a business that provides advice, equipment, temporary premises, etc to those starting up a business and lacking in capital"  business lunch 商务午餐 lunch where business is discussed and the cost is charged as a business expense  business opportunity 商机 “商业机会”的简称  business opportunity 商业机会 ongoing opportunity to generate income  business plan 商业计划书 "a plan that sets out the future strategy and financial development of a business, usually covering a period of several years"  business process reengineering 业务流程再造 an act of examining aspects of a business and their interaction and attempts to improve the efficiency of the underlying processes  business risk 经营风险 the inherent uncertainty in the physical operations of the firm  business scope 经营范围 the scope of business activities  business-format franchising 经营模式特许 "arrangement where a franchisee receives the franchiser’s designs, quality control and accounting systems, operating procedures etc"  businesslike 务实高效的 "showing qualities or attributes that are useful and desirable in a business context, e.g. efficiency, practicality, etc"  businessperson 商人 somebody who engages in business  "buy one, get one" 买一送一 a common form of sales promotion  buy out 收购 to purchase the entire stock of or controlling financial interest in a company or business  buyer 采购员 somebody whose job is to choose and buy goods for a company or another person  buyout 收购 acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock  bylaw 内部章程 a regulation that governs the internal affairs of a company or other organization  by-law 内部章程 a regulation that governs the internal affairs of a company or other organization  byproduct 副产品 "something produced as a secondary result of the manufacture or production of something else, often something commercially valuable"  C&F 成本加运费 cost & freight  c.c. 抄送 carbon copy  c.i.f.c.i. 到岸价格加佣金及利息 "cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest (used in quotes to indicate what is included in the price)"  C/F 转下页 carry forward  C/O 现金汇票 cash order  cable reply 电复 a foreign trade term  CAD 凭单付款 cash against document  cafeteria benefit 自助式福利 "an employee benefit, e.g. health insurance coverage, that is selected from a range of choices designed to meet different needs"  cafeteria plan 自助式福利计划 "a system of employee benefits, such as health insurance coverage, selected from a range of choices designed to meet different needs"  calendar unit 日历单位 a unit of time chosen for use in project planning and scheduling  callback pay 召回工资 a wage negotiated for workers who are called in to work when not scheduled to do so  call-out 插图符号 图纸或展品上是有特殊意义的注释  candidate 职位申请者 an applicant or suitable person for a job  cannibalism 自我竞争 a situation where sales of a new (introduced as an extension of an established brand) or differently branded product eat into the sales of other products within the same line  canteen 食堂 a restaurant in factory where workers can eat  canvass 兜售 to travel around an area asking people for something such as sale orders etc  capacity 生产能力 the maximum amount of output or productivity  capacity 产能 “生产能力”的简称  capacity configuration 产能配置 the way in which physical space and equipment are arranged to meet requirements in a manufacturing or retailing environment  capacity utilization rate 产能利用率 "the percentage of total production capacity that a company, industry, or economy is using"  capital construction 基本建设 a process includes: purchase of land; site improvement; purchase and installation of the fixed and movable equipment necessary as well as the services of architects etc  capital construction 基建 “基本建设”的简称  capital injection 注资 "an investment that involves providing cash, equity or assets to a company in return for a share of its equity capital"  card in 刷卡进入 "to sign into a place, usually a place of work, by using a magnetic card"  card out 刷卡出 "to sign out of a place, usually a place of work, by using a magnetic card"

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#8 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)care and maintenance 保养与维护 the condition in which machinery or a site such as a factory or shipyard is kept when it is ready for immediate use at any time  career 职业生涯 the general progression of your working or professional life  career coach 职业教练 somebody who offers another person professional guidance and advice on career change or improvement  career path 职业道路 a planned progression of jobs within an organization or in a professional field leading to the realization of career goals  career planning 职业规划 在主客观条件测定和分析的基础上,对自己的兴趣、能力、特点进行综合分析与权衡,根据自己的职业倾向,确定最佳的职业奋斗目标,并做出有可操作性的计划  career woman 职业女性 a woman who has a career or who takes her working life seriously  careerism 以事业为中心的行为 the behavior of somebody whose principal motivation is career advancement  Carrefour 家乐福 "a very big French supermarket chain with food, greengrocer, meat, home stuff, clothes, etc"  carve-out 削减福利开支 reduction in healthcare cost  case 案例 an instance or example of something  cash cow 现金牛 "a profitable business or product with low overhead, often used to fund other businesses or investments"  cash discount 现金折扣 an incentive offered to a purchaser for payment within a specified time period  catalog 目录 "a complete, usually alphabetical list of items, often with notes giving details"  catalogue 目录 "a complete, usually alphabetical list of items, often with notes giving details"  catch-up 追加 an increase in the amount or quality of something (e.g. budget) to bring it up to a desired or established standard  caveat emptor 货物出门,概不负责 a commercial principle that the buyer is responsible for making sure that goods bought are of a reasonable quality  CBA 成本收益分析 cost-benefit analysis  CBD 交货前付现 cash before delivery  CEA 成本效益分析 cost-effectiveness analysis  cease work order 停工令 an order to cease the work  CEO 总裁 chief executive officer  CEO 首席执行官 chief executive officer  certificate of conformity 合格证 a document provided on delivery to the buyer that attests a product’s compliance with the standards or technical regulations  certificate of origin 原产地证明 "a document used in international trade, which traditionally states from what country the shipped goods originate"  certification 认证 the act of certifying  certification mark 认证标志 an evidence that a company’s products meet the specific standards required by a certification  challenge 挑战 "n&vt, to stimulate somebody by making demands on the intellect"  change 找零 the balance of money given back to a customer who has handed over a larger sum than the cost of the goods or services purchased  change 变更 "alteration, variation, or modification"  Charoen Pokphand Group 正大集团 he largest business conglomerate in Thailand  chart 图表 a diagram or table displaying detailed info  charter member 创立成员 a founding or original member of a society or organization  chartered engineer 特许工程师 a professional engineer registered with Engineering Council UK  cheat sheet 简要说明书 a concise set of notes for quick reference  check 校核 to confirm or establish that something is true or accurate  check 核对 n&vt,to confirm or establish that something is true or accurate  check off 扣除 to deduct (union contributions) directly from an employee’s pay  check sheet 查检表 "a document used to collect data, such as machine performance statistics, during the troubleshooting process"  checker 收银员 a cashier in a supermarket or large store  checkoff 从薪水中直接扣除工会费 direct authorized deduction of union dues from the wages of employees  checkout 付款台 a point in a supermarket at which shoppers pay for their purchases and have them bagged  chief engineer 总工程师 the engineer in charge  China Entrepreneur Association 中国企业家协会   Chow Tai Fook 周大福 金器品牌  CI 企业形象 corporate identity  CIF 到岸价 "cost, insurance and freight"  CIO 首席信息官 chief informaton officer  circular 通告 "an advertisement, or other notice distributed to a large number of people"  circular 传阅的 intended for distribution to many people  clearance 清仓甩卖 sale of goods at reduced prices to clear stock

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#9 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)clerk 售货员 short for salesclerk  clerk 办事员 a worker who performs general office duties such as keeping records or sending out letters  client 客户 "a person or organization taking advice from an attorney, accountant, or other professionals"  clock in 上班打卡 to record arrival for work by inserting a personalized card into a time clock  clock out 下班打卡 to record departure from work by inserting a personalized card into a time clock  close 紧密的 On the Close Combination of Science and Technology plans with Market Economy  closedown 关闭 a temporary or permanent stopping of work or operations  closer 封口板 填充两个展台之间空隙的嵌板  closure 倒闭 the permanent ending of a business  COD 货到付款 cash on delivery  cog 无足轻重的成员 somebody regarded as a small and unimportant part of a large organization or system  cold call 陌生推销电话 a telephone call to a prospective client who are not expecting such an interaction  collapse 暴跌 a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)  colleague 同事 "a person somebody works with, especially in a professional or skilled job"  collective 集体的 made or shared by everyone in a group  commercial street 商业街 a street dominated by commercial activity  commission 委托加工 "a job or task given to a person or a group, especially an order to produce a particular product or piece of work"  commission 把...投入试运行 to bring a new project or facility into trial operation  commission 佣金 the fee paid to an agent  commissioning 试运行 the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions  commitment 敬业精神 "devotion or dedication, e.g. to a cause, person, or relationship"  common 共用的 shared by two or more people or groups  common share 普通股 the basic share in a corporation  common stock 普通股 "stock that entitles the holder to a dividend in line with the company’s profits, as distinct from preferred stock that gives the holder priority when dividends are paid"  communication 沟通 "the exchange of information between people, e.g. by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior"  company profile 公司简介 a brief description of a company  comparison table 对照表 a table designed for ease of comparison  compensation 薪水 the money paid for a job  competence 能力 the condition of being capable  competence 胜任 the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually  competent 胜任的 good enough or suitable for something  competition 竞争 act of trying to win or do better than others  competitive 有竞争力的 sufficiently low in price or high in quality to be successful against commercial rivals  competitive 竞争的 of or relating to competition  competitive advantage 竞争优势 "an advantage that a company has over its competitors, allowing it to generate greater sales or margins and/or retain more customers"  competitive bidding 竞标 “竞争性投标”的简称  competitive bidding 竞争性投标 "a method in which bids from competing vendors or contractors are invited by openly advertising the scope, specifications, and terms and conditions of the proposed contract"  competitiveness 竞争力 a comparative concept of the ability and performance of a firm or country to sell goods and/or services in a given market  competitor 竞争对手 "an opponent, esp in a commercial market"  complain 投诉 to express discontent with product or service  complainant 投诉人 a person who makes a complaint  complaint 投诉 the act of expressing discontent with a product or service  completion 完工 the state of being finished

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#10 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)completion of works 完工 e.g. deadline for completion of works  compliance 符合 conforming to specifications etc.  compliant 符合的 compliant to the specification  complimentary 赠送的 given free as a courtesy or favor  component 组成部分 "a part of sth, usually of something bigger"  computerization 电脑化 the application of computers  computerized 电脑化的 equipped with computers  concept 概念 "(of a product, esp a car) created as an exercise to demonstrate the technical skills and imagination of the designers, and not intended for mass production or sale"  conceptual design 概念设计 the explicit construction of the ideas or concepts of what a user needs  concession 特别优惠 "a special privilege or right that is granted to a person or group, usually in view of special circumstances"  conclude 达成 "to make a formal agreement complete and fixed, especially after detailed or prolonged discussions or arrangements"  conclude 订立 "to make a formal agreement complete and fixed, especially after detailed or prolonged discussions or arrangements"  concurrent 并行的 running parallel at the same time  concurrent engineering 并行工程 a systematic approach to integrated product development that emphasizes the response to customer expectations  concurrently 兼 (of two positions) overlapping in duration  conditioning 渐进式培训 a gradual training process  conductivity 任务组 a temporary unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity  conglomerate 大型联合企业 "a large corporation consisting of a group of companies dealing in widely diversified goods, services, etc"  conglomeration 集团化 a combination of two or more companies engaged in entirely different businesses together into one overarching company  connected 有人脉的 having useful business or social connections  consensus 共识 a general or widespread agreement among all the members of a group  consignment store 寄售店 "a retail outlet that stocks and sells goods on a sale-or-return basis, or as an agent selling on behalf of others and receiving a percentage"  construction plot plan 施工版设备布置图 "releases the constructor to begin activities related to equipment location, such as roads, pile driving, piping, foundations etc, containing all equipment, structures and roads"  consultant 咨询师 a professional specialized in consulting  consultation 咨询 不如“consulting”常用  consultation hotline 咨询热线 a hot telephone line for ease of consultation  consulting 咨询 "n&adj, acting in an advisory capacity on professional matters"  consumable 消费品 goods intended to be bought and used  consumable 可消费的 capable of being consumed  consumer durable 耐用消费品 "a manufactured product that has a relatively long useful life, such as a car or TV"  consumer goods 消费品 final goods intended for the mass market  consumption 消费 "the purchase and use of goods and services by consumers, or the quantity of goods and services purchased"  contact 联系人 a person who may be socially or professionally helpful  contingency 应急准备金 "provision made against future unforeseen events, e.g. an allocation of funds in a budget"  continuous improvement 持续改进 the practice that an organization must constantly measure the effectiveness of its processes and strive to meet more difficult objectives to satisfy customers  contracting 承包 The Applications of AHP in Risk Management of Construction Contracting Enterprises  contribution pricing 贡献定价法 a method of pricing a product based on its variable cost of production  controllability 可控性 the property of being controllable  convenience store 便利店 "a shop that has long opening hours, caters to local tastes, and is conveniently situated"  COO 首席运营官 chief operation officer  co-op 合作社 a jointly owned commercial enterprise that produces and distributes goods and services and is run for the benefit of its owners  cooperation 合作 joint operation or action  coordinate 协调 to organize or integrate (diverse elements) in a harmonious operation  coordinated 协同的 operating as a unit

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 开心每一天 0$(VIP 0) 18,7292010-07-19#11 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)coordination 协调 the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation  coordinator 协调者 somebody responsible for organizing diverse parts of an enterprise or groups into a coherent or efficient whole  copywriter 广告文案撰写人 somebody who writes advertisements or promotional material  core competence 核心竞争力 particular strengths over other organizations in the industry which provide the fundamental basis for the provision of added value  core competency 核心竞争力 不如“core competence”常用  corollary 配套的 added to something else  Corp. 公司 an abbrievation for corporation  corporate 公司的 relating or belonging to a corporation  corporate culture 企业文化 "the values, customs, and traditions of a particular company, usually large corporation"  corporate finance 公司理财 "the activity of providing money to corporations for investment, and the ways that corporations’ use this money"  corporate governance 公司治理 "company management techniques and processes in general, or the way a particular company is managed"  corporate identity 企业标识 "the characteristics such as a logo, a building, or a style that are associated with a corporation or organization"  corporate image 企业形象 "the way in which a corporation or organization is generally perceived by groups such as customers, employees, stockholders, the media, and the public"  corporation 股份有限公司 "a company recognized by law as a single body with its own powers and liabilities, separate from those of the individual members"  correspondence 函电 communication by means of exchanged written messages such as letters or e-mail  cost 成本 the amount of money spent in producing or doing something  cost-benefit analysis 成本收益分析 a method of project evaluation that compares the potential benefits with anticipated costs  cost-effective 有成本效益的 the cost is effectively utilized  cost-effectiveness analysis 成本效益分析 a form of economic analysis that compares the relative costs and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses of action  cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价 "a pricing method which first calculates the cost of the product, then includes an additional amount to represent profit"  counter 柜台 "a flat surface on which food or drink is served, merchandise is displayed, or business is transacted"  counter sample 对等样品 A counter sample is sent to the buyer  counteroffer 还盘 "a response to a bid in which a seller amends his original offer, making it more favourable to the buyer"  coupon 优惠券 "a voucher that entitles somebody to a discount, refund, or gift, typically issued as a sales promotion"  courtesy bus 免费接送班车 a bus providing free service  CPMSS 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet  credential 资格证书 "a certificate, letter, or experience that qualifies somebody to do something"  credentials competition 文凭竞争 the tendency of prospective workers to acquire better educational credentials in order to be more competitive in the job market  credit standing 资信 the reputation that somebody has with regard to meeting financial obligations  criteria 准则 the plural form of criterion  criterion 准则 an accepted standard used in making a decision or judgment about something  CRM 客户关系管理 customer relation management  crosscheck 交叉核对 to make sure that something such as a fact or figure is correct by looking it up in other sources or asking another person  crowdsourcing 众包 "the act of outsourcing a task to an undefined, generally large group of people or community in the form of an open call"  crown jewel 最有价值的资产 "the most valuable part of something, or the most prized asset"  curtail expenditure 削减支出 Management has taken steps to curtail expenditure appropriately  custodian 保管人 somebody responsible for holding or looking after valuable property on behalf of a company or another person  customer 客户 a person with whom one has dealings  customization 定制 a process of modifying products or services to meet the requirements of individual customers  customized 定制的 made according to specifications of individual  CV 履历 curriculum vitae,比简历详细,科技人员常用  CWO 订货即付款 cash with order

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT] 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#12 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(l-o) label 标签 "a piece of paper, fabric, or plastic attached to something to give instructions about it or identify it"  labeling 贴标签 "the act of attaching a label to display information about a product on its container, packaging, or the product itself"  labelling 贴标签 "the act of attaching a label to display information about a product on its container, packaging, or the product itself"  labor service 劳务 a service provided by laborers  labor union 工会 "an organization of wage earners that is set up to serve and advance its members' interests in terms of wages, benefits, and working hours and conditions"  laisser-faire 自由放任 不如“laissez-faire”常用  laissez-faire 自由放任 "the practice of noninterference in the affairs of other people, or of letting people do as they wish"  landed cost 上岸成本 "the total cost of a landed shipmentincluding purchase price, freight, insurance, and other costs up to the port of destination"  launch 推出 to put a new product on sale to the public and begin promoting it  layoff 临时解雇 the act of laying off a work force  lead 领导 to show the way to (an individual or a group) by going with or ahead  lead time 研制时间 the time needed from design to production  lead time 交货期 the time from design to production from placing an order to delivery of the goods  lead time 提前期 te time spent between the original customer order for a particular product and its final delivery to the customer  leader 特价商品 an article offered at a sufficiently low price to attract customers  leadership 领导力 "ability to guide, direct, or influence people"  leaflet 三折页 "a sheet of printed paper, usually folded, that is distributed free as part of an advertising or information campaign"  lean manufacturing 精益制造 "an approach to manufacturing that seeks to reduce the cycle time of processes, increase flexibility, and improve quality"  lean production 精益生产 a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wastefu  learning curve 学习曲线 "a graphical representation of the ""average"" rate of learning for an activity or tool"  lease 租 to rent property from somebody under the terms of a lease  lease 出租 to allow somebody to use property under the terms of a lease  leaseback 回租 a business arrangement in which a property is sold and then leased to its former owner by its new owner  leat 渠道 a trench that brings water to a mill or factory  leave 假期 time off from work with official permission  leftover bits and pieces 下脚料 制备或制造过程中作为废物或副产品而留下的物料  legal department 法务部 a department specialized in legal affairs  Legrand 罗格朗 专注于建筑电气电工及信息网络产品和系统的制造商  Leroy Merlin 乐华梅兰 法国家装建材超市  letter of acceptance 中标函 "the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the employer, of the letter of tender"  letter of confirmation 确认函 a letter confirming a matter  letter of invitation 邀请函 a key business marketing letter that is typically used to invite clients or customers to special business events

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#13 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)leveraged buyout 杠杆收购 the acquisition of another company using a significant amount of borrowed money (bonds or loans) to meet the cost of acquisition  leveraged lease 杠杆租赁 a lease in which the lessor puts up some of the money required to purchase the asset and borrows the rest from a lender  liaise 联络 "If in doubt, please liaise with our contact"  liaison form 联系单 业务的  licensing 许可 "the granting of permission to use intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, patents, or technology, under defined conditions"  limited warranty 有限保修 "a warranty with certain conditions and limitations on the parts covered, type of damage covered, and/or time period"  line 生产线 short for production line  line manager 生产线经理 a manager in a company who is involved in production or the central part of the business and to whom an employee below management level is directly answerable  LIP 人寿保险单 life insurance policy  listed 通过认证的 e.g. UL listed  literature 印刷品 printed matter such as brochures or flyers that give information  loafer 游手好闲的人 a person who avoids work  localization 本土化 act of catering to the needs of local people  lock out 停工 "to prevent workers from entering their workplace, usually as a strategy in an industrial dispute"  lockout 停工 an occasion when workers are prevented from entering their workplace until they agree on the terms set out by the management  logo 徽标 a design symbolizing an organization  longstanding customer 老客户 a customer who has been buying the products and services of a company for a long time  long-term 长期的 continuing for a long period of time  loss 亏损 the amount of money by which a company's or person's expenses exceed income or profit  loss-making 亏损的 not making a profit  low-end 低端的 the inexpensive products catering to low-income customers  LS 盖印处 locus sigil  M/V 商船 merchant vessel  MA 本人账户 "short for ""my account"" in foreign trade"  magnate 巨头 "a person of power and rank in any sphere, esp in industry"  mail order 邮购 an order for goods to be sent by mail  maintain 维护 to ensure that something continues to work properly by checking it regularly and making repairs and adjustments if required  maintainability 可维护性 the probability of performing a successful repair action within a given time  maintenance 维修 "the work that is done regularly to keep a machine, building, or piece of equipment in good condition and working order"  maintenance 维护 "the work that is done regularly to keep a machine, building, or piece of equipment in good condition and working order"

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#14 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)maintenance bond 维修保证金 a bond covering costs due to defects arising after the completion of a contract  maintenance-free 免维护的 free of maintenance  majority stockholder 多数股东 a single stockholder or a group of stockholders working in concert who control more than 50% of a corporation's voting stock  make out 开具 to write necessary information such as the date and the recipient's name on a bill etc  maladministration 管理不善 "bad, inefficient, or dishonest management of the affairs of an organization, such as a business or institution"  maladministration 经营不善 "bad, inefficient, or dishonest management of the affairs of an organization"  malady 弊病 any unwholesome or desperate condition  mall 购物中心 "a large enclosed building complex containing stores, restaurants, and other businesses and facilities serving the general public"  manageability 可管理性 the capability of being managed  management 管理 the organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or a sector of a business  management 管理层 "managers and employers considered collectively, especially the directors and executives of a business or organization"  managerial 管理的 "involving or characteristic of a manager or management, especially in business"  managing director 常务董事 a member of a board of directors in charge of day-to-day operations of a company  managing director 总经理 "the chief executive of many limited companies in the United Kingdom, Commonwealth countries"  manipulator 操作者 a person who handles things manually  manpower 人手 the number of people available  manual 手工的 by human labour rather than automatic or computer-aided means  manual 手册 "a book, esp of instructions or information"  manufacture 制造 manufacture an automotive  manufacturer 制造商 a maker of a product  manufacturing 制造 "the process of producing and shaping a product on a large scale, often through the use of large machinery"  marginal 微小的 "relating to a small change in sth., such as total cost, revenue, or consumer satisfaction"  mark 标志 "a recognizable sign to indicate ownership, quality or origin of goods"  markdown 降价 a reduction in price  market 市场 the whole area of economic activity in which the laws of supply and demand operate  market intelligence 商情 "the information relevant to markets, gathered and analyzed specifically for the purpose of accurate and confident decision-making"  market leader 市场领先者 the company or brand with the largest share of a market niche for a particular product  market segmentation 市场细分 the division of the market for a product into groups of customers with identifiable needs and characteristics  market share 市场份额 "the percentage of a total market, in terms of either value or volume, accounted for by the sales of a specific brand"  market share 市场占有率 不如“市场份额”常用  market survey 市场调查 the study of the spending characteristics and purchasing power of the consumer within your business's geographic area of operation  marketable 适销的 suitable for selling  marketing 市场营销 the commercial processes for promoting and selling and distributing a product or service  markup 加价 amount added to price for profit  mass production 大批量生产 "the production of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on assembly lines"  mastermind 策划 to plan and direct (a complex undertaking)  mastermind 策划人 "somebody who plans, organizes, and oversees a complex operation"  material 物料 raw materials for the production

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#15 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)material 物料 raw materials for the production  material requisition slip 领料单 a document prepared at the time of material issued from stores for production purpose  maternity leave 产假 a leave for giving birth to a baby  Mattel 美泰 the world's largest toy company based in U.S.  MBO 目标管理 management by objective  Mckinsey 麦肯锡 著名的管理咨询公司  member 会员 a person who belongs to a club etc  membership card 会员卡 card certifying membership in an organization  memo 便笺 a note intended to serve as a reminder  memorandum 便函 "a written statement, record, or communication such as within an office"  mend 修补 "n&vt, to restore something that is damaged or faulty to its original condition or a satisfactory condition"  merge 合并 "to combine with something to form a single entity, or make two or more things do this"  merger 合并 the joining together of two or more companies or organizations  merit 功绩 proven accomplishments  merit pay 绩效工资 "a pay increase based on goals or achievements set by an employer, rather than a pay rate based on a union contract or a defined pay scale for a position"  MES 制造执行系统 Manufacturing Execution System  meticulous 注重细节的 "very precise about details, even trivial ones"  middleman 中间商 "a trader, especially a man, who buys goods from a producer and then sells them to retailers or consumers"  mill 加工厂 a group of buildings used for processing raw materials and manufacturing a product  minimax 最大损失风险最小化的 describes options or strategies designed to minimize the risk of sustaining maximum loss in any situation that involves competition  minimization 最小化 the act of reducing something to the least possible amount or degree or position  minor 低级的 relatively low in rank or importance  minutes 会议记录 an official record of what is said or done during a meeting  MIS 管理信息系统 management information system  miscarriage 失策 the mishandling or failure of something such as a plan or project (formal)  miscellaneous 多方面的 each being different or having different abilities or qualities from the others  mishandling 误操作 physically harmful treatment  mission 使命 a task that somebody believes a duty to which he attaches special importance and devotes special care  mission-critical 决定能否完成使命的 "(of equipment, software, etc) crucial to the successful completion of an entire project"  Mitsubishi 三菱 日本公司  mobile officing 移动办公 "a new work paradigm gaining acceptance in all sectors, and is greatly influenced by advances in communication technology"  moderator 主持人 someone who presides over a forum or debate  modification 改造 e.g. Construction of New Lines & Modification of Existing Lines  modular 模块化的 a structure consisting of modules  modularization 模块化 the process or act of modularizing

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#16 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)molding 模制品 something produced using a mold  momentum 动力 the power to increase or develop at an ever-growing pace  monthly salary 月薪 salary paid every month  mop up 做扫尾工作 to finish a task  motivation 激励 the act of giving somebody a reason or incentive to do something  move 提议 to propose formally that something should happen or be done  MRO 维护修理及运行 maintenance repair and operation  MSR 材料情况报告 material status report  multinational company 跨国公司 a company that does business and has assets in two or more countries  n.f. 无款 no funds  N.W. 净重 net weight  N/D 未注明日期 not dated  name of commodity 商品名称 the main component description of goods  nameplate 铭牌 "a plate describes a machine, etc"  national standard 国家标准 the standard set up by the nation  necessities 必需品 "food, shelter, and the other necessities"  negative 消极的 "lacking positive or affirmative qualities, such as enthusiasm, interest, or optimism"  negative reinforcement 负强化 the reinforcing of a response by giving an aversive stimulus when the response is not made and omitting the aversive stimulus when the response is made  nepotism 任人唯亲 favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)  networking 建立人际关系网 "the practice of building up or maintaining informal relationships, esp with people whose friendship could bring advantages such as job or business opportunities"  newcomer 新人 "somebody who or something that has recently arrived, appeared, or been introduced"  niche 利基 an area of the market specializing in one type of product or service  niche market 细分市场 a market in which a limited and clearly defined range of products is sold to a specific group of customers  night shift 夜班 a set period of work during the night  Nisshin 日新 日本仪表公司  nonstandard 非标准的 not conforming to an accepted standard  note 便条 a short written message or informal letter  notification of award 中标通知 a notification of the awarding of a contract  notify 通知 to inform or warn somebody officially  NP 公证人 "means ""notary public"" in foreign trade"  o.m.s. 每人班 output per man-shift  o/d 见票即付 on demand  objective 目标 the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)  occupational ethics 职业道德 "the standards that govern how members of a profession, trade, or craft should conduct themselves when performing work activities"  ODC 离岸开发中心 Offshore Development Center  OEM 原始设备制造商 original equipment manufacturer  offer 报盘 (foreign trade) to present something for sale  offeree 受盘人 (foreign trade) someone who receives an offer  offeror 发盘人 (foreign trade) someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection  off-grade product 等外品 A low-grade and off-grade product is more difficult for a producer to sell  office building 办公大楼 a large building holding offices  office supply 办公用品 e.g. Office Supply And Stationary  off-season 淡季 "a part of the year marked by a cessation or lessening of normal activity, as of a business"  off-site 非现场的 away from the principle area of activity  offsourcing 离岸外包 "a coined word formed by merging the two words ""offshore"" and ""outsourcing"""  omnicompetent 都能胜任的 able to deal successfully with any task or situation  on call 待命的 "to be on duty away from the workplace, available to be summoned"  on consignment 以寄售方式 on the understanding that payment will be made only when the goods have been sold and that any remaining unsold articles can be returned  on schedule 按预定时间 on the preset time  on three shifts 三班倒 We are running on three shifts  on two shifts 两班倒 We are running on two shifts

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-07-26#17 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)one-of-a-kind production 单件生产 生产基本上是一次性需求的专用产品,不重复生产  one-stop 一站式 offering a wide variety of services or goods in one location so that a customer does not have to go from place to place  on-site 现场的 taking place or provided at the location where an activity is being carried out  on-the-job training 在职培训 "one of the best training methods because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite"  open 空缺的 The job is still open  open account 赊销 an arrangement by which sales are made with no formal debt contract  open competitive bidding 公开竞标 a bidding procedure in which the sealed bids are opened in full view of all who may wish to witness the bid opening  open tendering 公开招标 "the formal, public, and competitive procedure during which offers are requested, received and evaluated for goods or services"  open up 开拓 to open up an area or prepare a way  opening ceremony 开业典礼 a ceremony held for the opening of a business  operable 可实施的 capable of being put into practice  operating condition 工况 e.g. optimum operating condition  operating instructions 操作说明书 a manual accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it  operating lease 经营租赁 commonly used to acquire equipment on a relatively short-term basis  operation 运营 "the act of making something carry out its function, or managing the way it works"  operational delivery 实际交付 Such commercial operations generally determine their own operational delivery targets based on market forces  operational research 运筹学 不如“operations research”常用  operations research 运筹学 "analysis of the problems that exist in complex systems such as those used to run a business or a military campaign, designed to give a scientific basis for decision-making"  operative 技工 "a skilled worker, especially in a manufacturing industry"  operator 经营者 an owner or manager of a business or other commercial enterprise  operator 运营商 an enterprise specializing in a business  opt-in e-mail 选择加入电子邮件 e-mail from advertisers of a kind that users have expressed an interest in  option 选件 "an additional item or attachment, not part of the standard package, that can be purchased separately, e.g. when buying a car"  optional equipment 选配设备 equipment that may be chosen as a part or not  order 订单 a written instruction to a manufacturer or supplier of goods  order in quantity 大批量订购 "If you would like to order in quantity, please fill out the materials order form"  ordinary resolution 普通决议 a resolution passed by the shareholders of a company by a simple or bare majority (for example more than 50% of the vote)  organic growth 内生增长 "the process of business expansion due to increased output, sales, or both, as opposed to mergers, acquisitions, or take-overs"  organization 组织 "a group of people identified by a shared interest or purpose, e.g. a business"  origin 原产地 the place where a thing comes from  OSHA 美国职业安全与健康管理局 Occupational Safety & Health Administration  output 产量 "an amount of something produced, especially during a fixed period of time"  outside 外部的 不如“external”常用  outside director 外部董事 a member of a company's board of directors who is not otherwise employed by the company  outsource 把...外包给 to buy labor or parts from a source outside a company or business rather than using the company's staff or plant  outsourcing 外包 the purchase by a company of labor or parts from a source outside the company rather than using the company's staff or plant  overstocking 存货过多 the act of keeping too much stocks  overtime pay 加班费 the extra cash compensation for the hours nonexempt (eligible) employees work in excess of 40 in one workweek  owner 业主 a term in bidding

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 故乡的云Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 56,3882010-08-04#18 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(g-k)G.S.P. 普惠制 generalized system of preferences  g.t.c. 未注销前有效 good till canceled  G.W. 毛重 gross weight  general 总的 "with overall authority, or of superior rank"  general affairs 总务 机关团体内的杂项事务  general agent 总代理 someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal  general manager 总经理 the highest ranking manager  general meeting 大会 a meeting of company members whose decisions can bind the company  general meeting of stockholders 股东大会 the supreme management body of a corporation  general plot plan 总图 "an engineering diagram which shows schematically the equipment layout, the position of roads, buildings and other constructions inside an industrial plant"  generality 通用性 the quality of having general applicability  geographical indication 地理标志 a name or sign used on certain products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin  gift pack 礼盒 a pack to be presented as a gift  gift shop 礼品店 a store selling small decorative or amusing items that are intended to be bought as gifts or souvenirs  giveaway 赠品 "something that is offered free of charge or at very little cost, often as a publicity gimmick or incentive to buy (informal)"  globalization 全球化 the process by which a company etc expands to operate internationally  glocalization 全球本土化 portmanteau of globalization and localization  glut 供大于求 "a larger supply of something than is needed, especially of a crop or product"  glut 过量供应 "to supply a market with an excess of a product, leading to a fall in price"  go on errand 出差 I will go on errand this week  go wrong 出错 to go badly or not according to plan  golden handcuff 金手铐 generous benefits promised to an employee on joining a company to discourage him or her from leaving to work elsewhere  goods 货物 "articles for sale or use, often those produced for later consumption, as opposed to services"  governance 治理 "the act, process, or power of governing"  grade 等级 "a level, step, or stage in a scale of progression, quality, or size"  Greater China 大中华区 "a term use to refer to commercial ties, cultural interactions, and prospects for political unification among ethnic Chinese"  grey-collar 灰领 the balance of employed people not classified as white- or blue collar

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 故乡的云Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 56,3882010-08-04#19 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)grocery 杂货店 a marketplace where groceries are sold  groom 对...进行岗前培训 "to train or prepare for a particular task, occupation, etc"  group 集团 a number of companies all controlled by a single company or common owner  group buying 团购 a recently developed shopping strategy originating in the People's Republic of China  Group Corporation 集团公司 e.g. Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation  growth potential 成长性 the potential to produce rich earnings  guide 指南 e.g. user's guide  h.p.n 标称马力 horse power normal  Hamel 哈梅尔 an American management expert  handler 经办人 a person who handles an affair  handler 承办人 somebody who deals with a particular thing  handling personnel 经办人员 the personnel handling relevant matters  hands-on 亲手操作的 involving active participation  hangtag 吊牌 a small slip attached to an item being sold and giving information about it  headhunting 猎头 to engage in the profession of employee recruitment  headquarter 总部 "n&vt, the administrative center from which the affairs of an organization are directed"  high temperature allowance 高温费 an allowance for a working condition of high temperature  high-end 高端的 expensive and likely to appeal to sophisticated and discerning people  high-ranking 高级的 of high status or holding great responsibility in a hierarchical organization  high-tech 高科技的 using or relating to advanced technological devices and methods  hire purchase 分期付款购物 an arrangement that enables somebody to take possession of an expensive item while making regular payments for it  hit product 拳头产品 Intel is counting on a hit product to get demand rolling for mobile Internet devices based on Centrino Atom  hoarding 囤积 speculative hoarding of scarce supplies  holding company 控股公司 a company that owns enough voting stock in another firm to control management and operations by influencing or electing its board of directors  holon 合弄 "an autonomous self-reliant unit, esp in manufacturing"  Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 "a major conglomerate company that produces a variety of consumer products, engineering services, and aerospace systems"  house agency 专属广告机构 不如“in-house agency”常用  HR 人力资源 human resource  human error 人因失误 an error caused by a human being  human resource 人力资源 "all the people who work in a business or organization, considered as a whole"  human-based management 人本管理 在整个企业管理过程中充分注意人性要素,以充分开掘人的潜能为己任的管理模式  humanistic management 人性化管理 在整个企业管理过程中充分注意人性要素,以充分开掘人的潜能为己任的管理模式  HYUNDAI 现代 韩国公司  I/L 进口许可证 import licence  IAOP 外包专业人员国际协会 International Association of Outsourcing Professionals  ICC 国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce  icehouse 冰库 a house for storing ice

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 故乡的云Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 56,3882010-08-04#20 回复: 分享有英文定义的精准工商管理词汇(a-c)identification 标识 act of recognizing and naming somebody or something  identification number 标识号 a number assigned for identification  identity 独特性 individual characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized  IFB 投标邀请函 "(WTO, HK, PRC) invitation for bids"  IFT 投标邀请函 (World Bank) invitation for tenders  Ikea 宜家 瑞典家居产品企业  IMP 进口 short for import  import 进口 "n&vt, to bring sth. in from another country, usually for commercial or industrial purposes"  importer 进口商 someone whose business involves importing goods from a foreign country  impractical 无法实行的 not able to work effectively or be without problems when put into practice  improvement 改进 a change or addition that makes sth. better  in line with international practices 与国际接轨 Its management should be in line with international practices in an all round manner  in place 在适当的位置 in a proper place or site  in short supply 供不应求的 in a condition that the total of stock on hand and anticipated receipts during a given period are less than the total estimated demand during that period  Inc. 公司 an abbreviation for incorporated  incentive 激励性的 encouraging or motivating  incentive 激励措施 an additional payment made to employees as a means of increasing production  incentive mechanism 激励机制 The ranking of vendors will be utilized as an incentive mechanism for cost containment  incitement 刺激 an act of urging on or spurring on or rousing to action or instigating  incompetence 不胜任 lack of physical or intellectual ability  incompetent 不能胜任的 not good enough or unsuitable for something  incorporate 组建公司 "to form a corporation, or give something the legal form of a corporation"  indenture 凭单 "a formal or official list or certificate authenticated for use as a voucher, etc"  independent 独立的 carried out or operating without interference or influence from interested parties  independent accounting 独立核算 独立进行经营活动,能同其他单位订立经济合同;独立计算盈亏,单独设置会计机构并配备会计人员,并有完整的会计工作组织体系  individual booth 特装展位 "a booth constructed as per the customer's design, equipped with original furniture, etc"  induction training 岗前培训 a type of training given as an initial preparation upon taking up a post  industrial 实业的 of or relating to the industry  industrial accident 工伤事故 "a sudden and unforeseen event, attributable to any cause, which happens to a person, arising out of or in the course of his work and resulting in an employment injury to him"  industrial and mining enterprise 工矿企业 The explosion-proof safety measures of industrial and mining enterprises  industry 工业 "organized economic activity concerned with manufacture, extraction and processing of raw materials, or construction"  industry standard 行业标准 a generally accepted requirement to be met for the attainment of a industrial objective  inefficiency 低效率 a condition or fact of being inefficient  inferior 劣等的 lower in value or quality  in-house 机构内部的 "working, carried out, or existing within a company or organization"  in-house agency 专属广告机构 a department within an organization that fulfills the function of an external advertising agency  initial fee 加盟费 特许人将特许经营权授予受许人时所收取的一次性费用  initiation 加入 a formal entry into an organization or position or office  initiative 创新精神 readiness to embark on bold new ventures

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华人网最近去百幕大,波士顿旅行,拍了不少视频。有的是用相机拍的,有的是用GoPro 拍的。想把这些视频根据日期,地点等加在一起。谷歌后发现微软Windows 11 带有 Clipchamp 这个视频编辑器, ...


开车的成本,我的10年Ford Edge

华人网我的福特开了10年,里程是85000公里,去养护时,问了一下这些年花费了多少维修费用?工作人员告诉我一共$4700,加上我前两年换了轮胎$1000,电池几百刀,合计6千多加元。在国内时我 ...



华人网随便打开一个网页,发现temu的广告到处都是,上下左右,霸占了一大半面积,简直是强行抢占了别人的页面,非常离谱。我试图使用Google Report an ad/listing功能,填写Complaint on multiple ad ...



华人网拼多多最近在加拿大开店了。 评论 拼多多app被Goolge下架了。Google suspends Chinas Pinduoduo app on security concernsAlphabet Incs Google suspended the Play version of PDD Holdings Incs Pinduoduo app for security concerns ...



华人网家人在国内一直每天服用下面两种抗焦虑症的药,试过其他药都没有效果。准备回加拿大了,但是在加拿大的医保卡已经过期,另外不知道来加拿大有没有同样的替代药物?请问有没有 ...



华人网上来报个到,亚马逊账号被黑了,都不知道对方是怎么操作的...故事有点长,等有时间了再来更新。 评论 现在都有two step authentication,还能被黑,难道魔高一丈?最有效的解决途径是打 ...



华人网在大统华做supervisor要什么条件才可以升副主管,主管?薪水大约多少? 评论 大统华labor太卷了 评论 zxzwan2010 说:大统华labor太卷了点击展开...我问卷不卷了吗? 评论 赞!!! 太棒啦! ...



华人网大家觉得有必要立遗嘱吗在安省 现在自住房想以后留给孩子独生子 评论 有比没有好, 没有的话万一有事真的很麻烦 评论 平安书有钱有业有孩子的必须做,如果大吉利是忽然走了,所 ...



华人网互联网 榜首反而最具设计感? 评论 美学向来没有一定的準则,每个人的审美观各有不同,话虽如此,但当大多数人都认为一件事物是美或醜,总会有一定的参考价值。 评论 早前国外一 ...