加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科职场实用英语:图表词汇盘点
1.各种图表的名称(Types of chart) 饼状图(Pie chart): 饼状图内部分成一块一块,用于表示所占分量,那一块一块就叫"segment"。 线形图(Line graph): 横轴叫axis,枢轴叫vertical,实线是solid line,虚线是broken line柱状图(Bar chart): 每一个矩形就叫一个bar表(Table): 表的“行”是“row”,“列”是“column”流程图(Flow chart)组织结构图(organigram 2.描述变化时(Describing Change) (1)向上的趋势(Upward movement): To increase/rise/go up To grow/expand To rocket/boom/soar e.g. We increased sales。 We expanded our workforce。 We raised our prices。(注意:Raise是及物动词) (2)向下的趋势(Downward movement) To decrease/fall/drop/decline/go down To slump/collapse/plummet/crash 注意:decrease和drop是及物动词 (3)不再变动(an end to movement) To flatten out/ level off (4)无变化(No change) To remain constant/stable To stay the same/ at the same level To maintain/hold/keep e.g. We need to hold our costs down。 我们需要保持低成本 3.变化的程度(Degree of change) Dramatically/considerably/significantly/moderately/slightly e.g. Sales have fallen considerably。 销售大幅度下降 Profits rose slightly。 利润缓慢上升 4.变化速度(Speed of change) Rapidly/quickly/suddenly/gradually/steadily/slowly e.g. Sales went up rapidly。 销售迅速增长 有了以上词汇,在描述一幅图表的时候就有了更多的选择啦! 希望能够在考试或者presentation的时候帮到大家!
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