加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科小词meet的丰富含义知多少
朱自清(Zhu Ziqing)的《背影》(The Sight of Father’s Back)可是我们很熟悉的课文呢。 原文:回家变卖典当,父亲还了亏空;又借钱办了丧事。这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半为了丧事,一半为了父亲的赋闲。 译文:After arriving home in Yangzhou, father paid off debts by selling or pawning things. He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses. Between grandma’s funeral and father’s unemployment, our family was then in reduced circumstances。 支付丧葬费译为to meet the funeral expenses。meet在这里应为“应付(困难等)”的意思。 这里小编重点给大家介绍meet的妙用: meet和meet with在运用时下面几点该注意: a. 说“遇到(迎面而来的人)”,“迎接(人)”,“跟(人)结识”,“跟(人)会谈”或“与(人)对抗”,用meet。例如: I often meet him in this street。 I shall meet him at the station。 I was fortunate enough to meet him at dinner。 The owners were ready to meet the miners。 John came out to meet Henry in the duel。 b. 说“偶然遇到(人)”用meet或meet with都可以,说“偶然遇到(物)”用meet with,说“(在阅读的时候)偶然遇到(词或语句)”用meet或meet with都可以。例如: I often meet (with) him in the library。 I sometimes meet with such fish in the market。 I seldom meet (with) this idiom in literary works。 c. 说“应付(困难等)”用meet。例如: I shall do my best to meet this misfortune。 d. 说“遭遇(困难等)”用meet with。例如: I met with this misfortune on the way。 e. 说“得到(赞成等)”通常用meet with,有时用meet。例如: My book met (with) a warm reception。 f. 说“满足(要求、希望等)”用meet。例如: This will meet the market’s demands。 g. 说“偿(债)”、“践(约)”等用meet。例如: Jack always meets his obligations。 怎么样,就连meet这么一个太常见太普通的小词,也有各种用法哦。
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