加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.
I spent two years collecting all necessary MCC examination materials, for personal reason, I withdraw my Canadian doctor pursuing, here I want to transfer these useful test materials for MCCEE, QE part1 and some also for USMLE STEP 1.2 Below are the lists of these materials, if you are interest pls contact me :MATTHEWCHEN426 at G M AIL .1.Kaplan USMLE Step 2 Lectures(Video)(including step1&3)2.IMG school written exams preparation course for MCC(Recording)3.The former IMG review lectures run by U of T(Recording)The IMG review lectures were run by U of T's Continuing Medical Education program and were open to all foreign medical graduates. The University of Toronto's International Medical Graduate (IMG) review lectures offered a boost to foreign physicians seeking to qualify to practice in Canada. The 100-hour lecture series offered a review of 23 key medical topics, such as cardiology, medical ethics, infectious disease and obstetrics. The sessions, identical to those taught to fourth-year undergraduate medical students, assist foreign medical graduates in preparing for the Medical Council of Canada qualifying exam.4. McGill MCC review Video course5.previous real MCCEE /MCCQE questions and University of Toronto practice examination[/font]6. Kaplan lecture Notes CK (2008-2009).pdf[/font]7. Kaplan lecture Notes Question book[/font]8. First Aid USMLE Step 2 CK.pdf[/font]9. First Aid Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf[/font]10. Lang Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf[/font]11. First Aid USMLE Step one.pdf[/font]12. Kaplan Q bank[/font]13. Radiology for MCCEE and PART 1[/font]14. ColourAtlas[/font]
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.我正在准备MCCEE,请问能给我一些资料么?谢谢。QQ2861153720 ,邮箱 candianc1979@yahoo.ca。
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.楼主您好 请问方便发一份到邮箱否 susiesdd@gmail.com qq32636475
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.Samanwen@gmail.com 非常感谢楼主!
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.是免费提供吗?
身在加国 超赞 赏 fishyyy 2$(VIP 0,#352) 2,2132013-03-21#6 回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur 超赞 赏 5 5899839 0$(VIP 0) 3782013-03-30#7 回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.s
身在加国 超赞 赏 fishyyy 2$(VIP 0,#352) 2,2132013-04-19#8 回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.$$$$$$
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur 超赞 赏 5 5899839 0$(VIP 0) 3782013-04-20#9 回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.谢谢楼上回复。 因为最近在搜集关于考牌的信息和资料,在丁香园上面看到了LZ的帖子,没记错的话,不是FREE的,所以没收到是意料之中。 另外据朋友说,还有一条成为加拿大住院医的方法,是读这里的医学院,拿到MD 的学位,再进入实习, 不过据说是国内有MD学位是不允许重读的,不知道具体的情况,不知有没有同学知道走这条路的可行性和具体的细节。是不是要通过多大的一个叫MCAT的考试,考试的难度似乎很大。 请知道的TX多多介绍情况啊~~~
身在加国 超赞 赏 fishyyy 2$(VIP 0,#352) 2,2132013-04-21#10 回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.$$$$$$
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur楼上:可以重读,和本地大学毕业生一样申请。你申请的profile得很强才行。以往的医学背景没有太明显用处。另,听说过其他省份有从医学院三年级开始读的桥接课程。不是我现在考虑的方向,所以没有进一步研究过。感兴趣可以查一下,如果有戏烦请告知详情。点击展开...谢谢LS同学的讨论。放狗随便搜了一下,看到汉密尔顿有一个“bridge program” for IMG,不过和我想象的差别很大。“12 Sessions with more than 120 Medical Encounters played by Experienced Professional Simulated Patients.More Post-Encounter Questions, Therapeutics Warm-up and Data Interpretation”;“Since 2005 International Medical Doctors (IMDs) formerly known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs) or Foreign Trained Doctors in Hamilton have received help from this program. Many who received this training are at this moment either practicing Medicine in Canada or preparing themselves for the interviews prior to starting residency.”“This innovative way of training cannot be replaced by studying at home with a book. International Medical Doctors in Canada are encouraged to enrol in similar programs if they really want to obtain good scores.”http://www.internationalmedicaldoctors.com/从这些简短说明中,我感觉这个bridge program更像一个参加工作前的“岗前培训”,或者说“orientation”。我觉得这个program,更适合考完笔试以后参加,可以用来准备实践操作考试,也多累积一些北美临床经验,以利于match。
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.$$$$$$
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur那个不是我说的,是属于私校考前培训的。看这个http://gho.medicine.dal.ca/dalhousie-students/dalhousie-IMG-clerkship.htm以及类似的。点击展开...非常感谢!可惜这个是海洋省的,我目前住在BC,至少得在NS省住满1年方可申请:Have been living in Nova Scotia for at least one year - must be within one (1) year of the application deadline.无论如何,是个好消息,虽然对我用不上。希望大家继续互通有无,互相鼓励。
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.非常感谢!可惜这个是海洋省的,我目前住在BC,至少得在NS省住满1年方可申请:Have been living in Nova Scotia for at least one year - must be within one (1) year of the application deadline.无论如何,是个好消息,虽然对我用不上。希望大家继续互通有无,互相鼓励。点击展开...是啊是啊,互相鼓励!你已经开始准备考了吗?
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.是啊是啊,互相鼓励!你已经开始准备考了吗?点击展开...还早呢,我连认证还没有做,还在准备普通英语和专业单词。常常上这里看看,给自己鼓鼓劲儿。请问您现在准备到哪个阶段了啊?
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.还早呢,我连认证还没有做,还在准备普通英语和专业单词。常常上这里看看,给自己鼓鼓劲儿。请问您现在准备到哪个阶段了啊?点击展开...我跟你差不多!我也还没有做认证呢!现在在读博士,已经下定决心坚决不走科研的道路了!一定要回到本行!我打算一毕业就开考
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.我跟你差不多!我也还没有做认证呢!现在在读博士,已经下定决心坚决不走科研的道路了!一定要回到本行!我打算一毕业就开考点击展开...您目前博士在读,那比我年轻。现在年轻人的基础好,考起来要简单些。像我这样年纪的人,毕业时间久了,又要补公共英语,又要补专业英语,努力了很久,却看不到什么成效,有时候真的很沮丧。大脑里似乎塞了一堆废纸,再怎么看书,也填不进东西去了,翻来覆去还是只有以前年轻时候记住的那些东西。现在复习的内容,总是“左耳进右耳出”,看完转头就忘了,郁闷哪!
回复: Useful examination material for MCCEE,QE part1, also for USMLE Step 1 and 2.您目前博士在读,那比我年轻。现在年轻人的基础好,考起来要简单些。像我这样年纪的人,毕业时间久了,又要补公共英语,又要补专业英语,努力了很久,却看不到什么成效,有时候真的很沮丧。大脑里似乎塞了一堆废纸,再怎么看书,也填不进东西去了,翻来覆去还是只有以前年轻时候记住的那些东西。现在复习的内容,总是“左耳进右耳出”,看完转头就忘了,郁闷哪!点击展开...我从国内医学院毕业有四年了,以前考试都是靠突击,学的一点也不扎实,现在天天做实验,脱离临床这么久,要捡起来还得费点功夫,一点点来吧!我知道的成功案例就是十年抗战的!其实也没有想象中那么难,很多人都是因为别人说太难了就放弃了,其实努力一下是完全有可能的!不过英语的重要性没的说,我知道的一些CMG已经拿到执照开业了,但是因为口语逊色些也没少被患者抱怨投诉的。
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