加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科友人申请City of Toronto的cleaner,通知笔试,谁了解考什么内容
朋友申请了City of Toronto 的cleaner-part time. 昨天接到电话通知笔试,好像是用计算机考。有人知道大概考什么吗?岗位是清洁工啊。 一点提示都没有,都不知道如何准备。
旅游户外置顶贴原创加拿大露营入门图解 http://forum.iask.to/showthread.php?t=599986加东55日自驾游16篇游记攻略http://blog.sina.com.cn/archerfishbaby 超赞 赏 前生为鱼Moderator 0$(VIP 0,#492) 5,4442014-01-25#2 回复: 友人申请City of Toronto的cleaner,通知笔试,谁了解考什么内容AssessmentsAssessments are completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Practical and Written Assessments and the Interview Process Guidelines.An assessment may include a practical test, written test and/or interview. The following qualifications may be assessed: skills, knowledge, ability, aptitude, experience, and equivalent experience and education as identified in the job description/job posting.HR reviews all assessment tools, to ensure that they are fair, equitable, objective, and based on the bona fide occupational requirements.Practical and written assessments are conducted by HR and/or the hiring manager.Interview panels are conducted by the divisional/operational hiring manager.https://wx.toronto.ca/intra/hr/poli...9af0be24620846d7852576c40057fd25?OpenDocument这是在网上翻到的,但不知是否就是如上所说的。有些公司有计算机的测试,是那种性格测试或工作态度,记时的,选择题。带上手表会帮助掌握时间。Good luck!
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