加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求助: 我被威胁辞职了吗?
13 Oct.Hi Dan8707,Yesterday marks your 2 weeks absent for Quarantine. You did not show up to work today.Are you Planning to come to work?If not, please let me know as you mentioned that you might not come back, when I asked you if you want to work here or not?Thank you.XXXX (my boss)Yes, XXXXI said I love to work with the team here until I receive the same respect as everyone else. Any other position that I can work with? I am afraid I could not continue current job.Thanks,Dan8707Hi Dan8707,Thank you for bringing up your concerns. I don’t believe that you have ever complained about dis-respect.In fact Jin (my colleague) Brought up Dis-respect when you shouted at her and Susi witnessed it.I can organize a meeting with Ceria (HR) and myself to address this issue.Currently I do not have any other opening for you to work.If you don’t want to work in *****( my company ), I will need an official resignation from you.After receiving the resignation, you will have to drop off your id. Card and keys and we will process any owing.Thank youXXXXHI XXXX,Thanks, Firstly1. AAA (one of our customer) ordered one bucket of Bean Chili, and one of Chickpea dow, but reported that two buckets of Bean Chili were received instead 3 days later. The fourth day morning, you asked me ' why did I give them two buckets of Bean Chili' ? Better ask instead ' AAA ordered Bean chili and chickpea dow but received two buckets of bean chili, may i know what's happening?'2. I did not shout to anyone in the workplace. The truth was : Someone came to the office and said, 'The office door was open last night.' JIn asked me, ' Dan8707, did you close the door last night? I said, ' Yes, I close'. I spoke with a low voice. That man said again, he was working night-shift, the door was open when he was at the office about 9:30 pm. Jin asked me again, I repeated: ' Yes, The Door Was Close' . I spoke slowly and increased the voice a bit to make sure she could hear. I have never been asked to tell the truth.I will drop the key this week someday.Regards,Dan8707Hi Dan8707,Instead of discussing this over email, we can have a sit-down conversation.And before you drop the keys, I do need an official resignation from you.Thanks.XXXXHi XXXX,Thanks , I can come tomorrow 2:00pm or join a conference call, if you prefer.Dan8707Hi Dan8707 and XXXXI’ll be sending a webex cisco link for 2pm in a few minutes. It will be sent from LT (HR assistant) as I will be using her account. Please let me know if you do not receive it.Ceria14 OctHi Dan8707,We’re just on the call now. Are you having issues joining?CeriaHi Ceria,Sorry I did not receive any link for the conference call.Dan8707Hi Dan8707,Perhaps it is better that we meet you in person during your next scheduled shift. I’ll let yourself and XXXX connect on that.Ceria.Hi Dan8707,You are already in schedule and have been Absent since last Monday.After missing the call, I actually thought that you abandon the job as you didn’t show up 3 consecutive days (MOnday is Thanksgiving)Could you please confirm that you still want to work at ?If yes, please come to work tomorrow at 10:00am and we will have a chat and add Ceria with conference call when She is available.Please let me know your decision.Thank you.XXXX
楼主Dan8707 没有改邮件内容?看邮件内容,不知道为什么要absent, 应该楼主回来上班就没事了吧?
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:宇航员 0.00 M MySunflower327未关注(999土豆) 8$(VIP 0,#133) 1,6432020-10-15#5 你隔离十四天公司应该都知道吧?第十五天没去上班你应该先通知公司。这点是你自己不周到,如果老板真想辞你,是可以揪着你这小尾巴开始发难了。这些都不重要了,现在是你同意不干了,但老板还想当面一起沟通下,至少我是想他让其他人知道原因吧。如果你还想干,那么:第一,承认自己的错误;第二,澄清之前他们对你的误会;第三,表明你对他们的误会,你自己情绪化了(因为你假设他们不想你干了,反过来,老板在假设你自己不想干了)有可能最终还是不适合,有可能能挽回。自己选择了。
楼主还是概括一下吧 我看了两个邮件看不下了...
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 游 游客_ 0$(VIP 0) 2,3022020-10-15#8 从楼主提供的信息看 。楼主在应该工作的日期,不上班工作,又不通知雇主。然后用工作上出现的未证实的disrepect作为借口。公司尝试沟通,楼主却屡次履约或回避公司安排的会议。没有体现解决冲突,误解的诚意。本身就是Disrepect the company and co-workers。不论是否想继续工作。应该积极,善意地解决工作中的争端。
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 超赞 赏 Dan8707 0$(VIP 0) 1102020-10-15#10 非常感谢楼上各位的回复,建议及批评,谢谢!补充几个信息,尽管我知道除了我自己,很难把所有事情来龙去脉描述清楚,1. 邮件里面设计人的全部用了替名,Dan8707 也就是我自己,尽量避免了公司和员工隐私,只是为了就事论事;2. 我检讨,自己的确有点情绪化了;3. 关于未能通知雇主按时回来上班,这里还有给信息,9月29,我邮件通知老板不舒服,需要测Covid 19, 但不给测,然后申请隔离14天,老板同意,10月12日应该是隔离到期,但感恩节,不上班,所以13日应该是隔离后回去上班的第一天,未有邮件老板解释,(检讨,这里有错,心里其实已经确定了不回去上班了)老板写邮件问为什么不回去上班.
1. AAA (one of our customer) ordered one bucket of Bean Chili, and one of Chickpea dow, but reported that two buckets of Bean Chili were received instead 3 days later.The fourth day morning, you asked me ' why did I give them two buckets of Bean Chili' ?Better ask instead ' AAA ordered Bean chili and chickpea dow but received two buckets of bean chili, may i know what's happening?'这件事情应该是起因,其实也是个很小的事情,正如sofia 说的,很多人也这么问了,可在当时其实我已经打算离开公司了,因为有其他计划。心里不爽这个事情,主要是因为老板那样问就是等于说没有证据的情况下说我已经做错了这件事情。我那样的期望老板问只是一箱情愿。我在国内带过的团队比现在公司的人还要多,我绝不会那样问下属。这件事情其实已经过去了,我没有太放心上,想着差不多的日子就提出离职的。没想来了第二件事情。
Dan8707 说:非常感谢楼上各位的回复,建议及批评,谢谢!补充几个信息,尽管我知道除了我自己,很难把所有事情来龙去脉描述清楚,1. 邮件里面设计人的全部用了替名,Dan8707 也就是我自己,尽量避免了公司和员工隐私,只是为了就事论事;2. 我检讨,自己的确有点情绪化了;3. 关于未能通知雇主按时回来上班,这里还有给信息,9月29,我邮件通知老板不舒服,需要测Covid 19, 但不给测,然后申请隔离14天,老板同意,10月12日应该是隔离到期,但感恩节,不上班,所以13日应该是隔离后回去上班的第一天,未有邮件老板解释,(检讨,这里有错,心里其实已经确定了不回去上班了)老板写邮件问为什么不回去上班.点击展开...赞你对不同意见开放的心态。不管工作的性质,都需要严肃对待。请病假,或隔离,一般应及时同公司沟通。你尊敬他人,他人一般会尊敬你。每个人都能对创找良好的工作环境做出贡献。如想辞职,直接写信辞职就可以。对一般的工作,最好给雇主2个星期的通知。这个好像也不是强制的规定。很多general labour的工作,雇主也不会很在意这个提前通知。
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 超赞 赏 反馈:bbjj 和 游客_ 0.00 Dan8707 0$(VIP 0) 1102020-10-15#14 第一件事,老板问话后,我什么也没有说,只是强调我没有弄错,同事也有double confirm 我发出的产品。发生第二件事情的时候其实也没有什么,可老板处理的方式我实在不能认同:同事JIn 第一时间向老板汇报,我shouted her, 老板第一时间找办公室了的证人,证实JIn 说的话,这些都没有我在场的情况下的。后老板单独找我说第一句话: do you really still want to work here ? 我一下子火了,控制好情绪后,说,No,until I receive the same respect as everyone else ... (这发生在9月28日)这就是为什么出现了第一封邮件Yesterday marks your 2 weeks absent for Quarantine. You did not show up to work today.Are you Planning to come to work?If not, please let me know as you mentioned that you might not come back, when I asked you if you want to work here or not?Thank you.XXXX (my boss)
sofia 说:自己不想去了就辞职为啥说被威胁辞职?无故不来上班老板问问还不行?点击展开...区别在于能不能拿EI?
大家都是狼,何必要装羊楼主Dan8707 没有改邮件内容?看邮件内容,不知道为什么要absent, 应该楼主回来上班就没事了吧?点击展开...这信息忘了补充,HR 说要发一个meeting link,三方通话了解情况。 开会前我没有收到会议链接,但正好那个时间要送太太去做产检。本来想推了会议改期的,考虑到约三方不容易,太太进去了clinic ,我应该就能参加会议,没想没有收到会议链接(也没问HR,我欠考虑了,当然这里也有我的情绪,因为打定回去上班了,所以没有那么主动去为什么没有会议链接),也很不满意老板的 After missing the call, I actually thought that you abandon the job as you didn’t show up 3 consecutive days (MOnday is Thanksgiving)
~snowwolf~ 说:区别在于能不能拿EI?点击展开...没区别啊
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 没区别啊点击展开...自己辞职拿不到吧?受到威胁就不同。
大家都是狼,何必要装羊这信息忘了补充,HR 说要发一个meeting link,三方通话了解情况。 开会前我没有收到会议链接,但正好那个时间要送太太去做产检。本来想推了会议改期的,考虑到约三方不容易,太太进去了clinic ,我应该就能参加会议,没想没有收到会议链接(也没问HR,我欠考虑了,当然这里也有我的情绪,因为打定回去上班了,所以没有那么主动去为什么没有会议链接),也很不满意老板的 After missing the call, I actually thought that you abandon the job as you didn’t show up 3 consecutive days (MOnday is Thanksgiving)点击展开...你还是有些态度不对,一个劲的强调他让你恼火,事出有因,你的行为到底有没有先让别人产生其他想法?包括你没如约赴会,你没有行动表示你是积极参与这个远程会议的。你因为自己有事所以耽搁就耽搁了,自己没有提前询问工作中的问题,没有解释你自己为什么来不及参加。
MySunflower327 说:你还是有些态度不对,一个劲的强调他让你恼火,事出有因,你的行为到底有没有先让别人产生其他想法?包括你没如约赴会,你没有行动表示你是积极参与这个远程会议的。你因为自己有事所以耽搁就耽搁了,自己没有提前询问工作中的问题,没有解释你自己为什么来不及参加。点击展开...Hi Ceria,Sorry I did not receive any link for the conference call.Dan8707 邮件解释了
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