加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科PC 银行的软肋
最近申请了PC的Daily and Saving账号作为一个辅助,方便日用和余钱存款。PC为了降低运营成本,鼓励客户使用网络、ATM和电话银行等手段,所以没有柜台服务,所以没有日常费用。但是PC银行缺乏网上跨行转账的便利,日前问了两个问题,这是官方的答复:Q:Can PC bank account receive the Interac Email Money Transfers in standard way (no fee)? If not, will you plan to do that? A:Dear Sir or Madam: Thank you for taking the time to write President's Choice Financial. President's Choice Financial does not offer the ability to send Email Money Transfers. However, our customers can receive Email Money Transfers. They can deposit transfers using the CertaPay Web site. This is called a CertaPay transfer, and usually takes three to five business days. CertaPay charges a transfer fee, which is deducted from the transfer amount. Regretfully, I have no information if and when President's Choice Financial will introduce this option to our suite of services. I invite you to periodically check for new information pertaining to upcoming products and services on our Web site. Thank you for visiting www.pcfinancial.ca. Sincerely, 正确地说,PC可以接受这里Big 5通用的 CertPay Interac Email Money Transfer行间及时转账,但正如答复中所说,不仅时间长(2-3天),费用更是高($2.5每笔接收,标准是免费),这样一来,划一笔帐需要$4(转出标准$1.5)。作为一个专业网上银行,缺乏此功能好像不太说得过去,PC要求我把薪水直接打到账上,现在看来为时过早,PC作为专业银行可能还需时日。BTW, 看了看CertPay的计划,他们倒是说会尽快把PC之类网进该系统来,最迟会明年初。从他们的统计看,PC是最大的非成员行用户,说明PC用户的需求是强烈的,只是机构间自生的利益分配问题阻碍了这个进程。
银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm 超赞 赏 水 水门提督Guest 0$(VIP ) 2006-11-06#3 对PC银行不熟悉,只用过他们的信用卡.多谢楼上两位的介绍.
精彩纷呈的电影,美妙动人的音乐尽在“电影音乐版” 可以和别的银行的帐户建立电子链接,以后就可以在PC和某银行间互相转帐了。点击展开...建立电子连接,自己用还可以,况且建连接还要书面申请,与其网络银行声誉不符。CertPay的网上银行间及时资金转移功能远远不是自己转转帐那么简单,如果用多了你就知道好处了。
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