加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?
在寻找,迷茫中....... 超赞 赏 Marshies 0$(VIP 0) 1,8052010-03-13#2 回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?如果在加拿大上学的话学校应该会有青春期教育。
家里恶狗的成长日记和Product Review 超赞 赏 admin管理成员 4,297$(VIP 1) 32,2392010-03-13#3 回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?男孩子,爸爸去谈
回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?学校教的已经不少了.
回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?我90年的,上九年级的时候学姐学长来gym课,教我们怎么用安全套和辨认各种性传播疾病的病症。初中的时候老师也该教过男孩子发育时候的问题。所以作为家长,我觉得你最需要的是跟他说你们不排斥他的生理发展,也不觉得长大了是件羞耻的事情。并且跟他说你们能接受和不能接受的性行为,比如说如果有女朋友能带回家否,等等。
家里恶狗的成长日记和Product Review 超赞 赏 fangzhenyuinca 0$(VIP 0) 1,6492010-03-14#6 回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?tell him to get a girlfriend!!!! then he will know everything...
既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤tell him to get a girlfriend!!!! then he will know everything...点击展开... too simple sometimes naive
[SIGPIC]tell him to get a girlfriend!!!! then he will know everything...点击展开...This is how unwanted pregnancies happen.
家里恶狗的成长日记和Product ReviewThis is how unwanted pregnancies happen.点击展开...that simply because you never tell your kids how to spell condom.
既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤 超赞 赏 Marshies 0$(VIP 0) 1,8052010-03-14#10 回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?Condoms are only 97% effective WHEN used correctly, never mind all those under-trained eager young males trying to navigate a vagina for the first time.Getting a girlfriend won't solve the problem. It'll become the beginning of a new problem.I think sexuality in teens is more than just GIRLFRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS. It's about parental and personal attitudes, as well as self and familial acceptance.And for your information, I have taught kids to put on condoms. I'm a volunteer for the AIDS and Condoms workshops. Condoms aren't the HOLY solution to diseases or pregnancies, it's just the one that requires minimal monetary and time investment.
家里恶狗的成长日记和Product ReviewCondoms are only 97% effective WHEN used correctly, never mind all those under-trained eager young males trying to navigate a vagina for the first time.Getting a girlfriend won't solve the problem. It'll become the beginning of a new problem.I think sexuality in teens is more than just GIRLFRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS. It's about parental and personal attitudes, as well as self and familial acceptance.And for your information, I have taught kids to put on condoms. I'm a volunteer for the AIDS and Condoms workshops.点击展开... iright , u win
既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤 超赞 赏 C chentimmy 0$(VIP 0) 442010-03-24#12 回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?看答案,可是歪楼了,有没有什么软件可以过滤色情网站?
回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?看答案,可是歪楼了,有没有什么软件可以过滤色情网站?点击展开...如果你觉得他们讨论的话题不在你接受的范围内, 你还是别带孩子来加拿大了.
回复: 如何对13-14岁的男孩子进行性教育?看答案,可是歪楼了,有没有什么软件可以过滤色情网站?点击展开... 有parental control可以上啊。
家里恶狗的成长日记和Product Review看答案,可是歪楼了,有没有什么软件可以过滤色情网站?点击展开...那孩子心理上的色情网站,永远都无法过滤的,必须要叫他们自己把握好一个度。谁都是这么过来了。
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