加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 stevenchenxi 0$(VIP 0) 4,2802008-06-25#2 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节up
回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节那位大仙露一手。
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202008-06-26#4 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节华人北美论坛 -> 贷款投资 -> 新手如何投资加拿大股市? 登录 -> 注册 -> 回复主题 -> 发表主题 Peter 2007-02-21 18:24 对于那些投入不太大,想自己拿主意,不愿意付太多手续费的投资者来说,最好的方法是到包括几大银行在内的「折扣中间人」(Discount Brokerage)那里开户。他们当中的绝大部份机构在资金方面没有数量限制,而且一经开户,基本上都可以炒作北美,甚至全球主要金融市场的股票。这些机构下单的方式目前可以分为电话委托和网际网路交易两种,收取的手续费也因此而不同。由于客户自行研究和制定投资策略,这类机构所收取的佣金费用远远低于那些提供全面服务的投资公司,每笔交易的最低佣金额由二十五到三十五元不等,具体金额视交易大小而异。这种方式的弱点在于无法得到行家的提示,投资风险比较高,而且在行情比较火爆的时候可能会出现设施不足,例如网路塞车或电话排队时间过长等。也可在汇丰证券开立股票投资帐户,只需提供有关身份证件,填妥申请表格以后两三天内即可开始操作。他们对开户所需的资金没有下限要求,对于在这间银行开有个人帐户的客户,只需要填写一份授权书,就可以通过直接转帐方式进行股票买卖。另外一个特点是在这里开户的投资者除了可以买卖北美股票以外,还可以投资包括香港在内的其他国家或地区股市。对于那些投资金额较大而又不希望承担太大风险的投资者,不妨将资金委托给一些专门从事证券投资的投资顾问们。这样做最大的好处是可以时时得到一些投资建议,降低投资风险,在需要进行股票买卖的时候,指令可以很快被执行。当然,你会因此而支付一部分服务费用。如果你不想承担太大的风险的话,不妨试试投资互惠基金(Mutual Fund),也就是将个别投资者的资金集合起来交给专业基金经理去做各项投资。互惠基金的最大优点就是风险比较低,投资者可以根据自己的看法将投资分散在不同类型的基金当中;其次,互惠基金对于开户资金要求很低,非常适合工薪族。投资人更可以每月从薪水当中抽出一部分作为长期投资,真正做到积少成多。住在加拿大,若想投资股市,最简单的方法是找股票经纪人帮您开户。想买股票时,只要帐户里有资金,一通电话,您的股票经纪人就可以帮您处理。他会根据您的交易金额扣佣金;若要卖股票,您也只要一通电话告诉您的股票经纪人,扣完佣金後的钱,也会直接入到您的帐户。另外有些银行也提供电话专线由您自己买卖股票,当然也是有营业员帮您处理交易,例如加拿大信托就有所谓的EasyLine Brokerage,据他们调查,透过EasyLine Brokerage的服务手续费较一般提供Full Service的经纪公司便宜70%左右,所以投资加拿大的股票市场,要注意佣金费用,否则买卖股票的价差若不足以支付佣金,那就白忙一场了。 EasyLine Brokerage收佣金的标准提供给您参考:Basic Flat Fee $35 (加币)每股价格 每股加收$1 以下 $0.005$1.01-$2 $0.02$2.01- 5 $0.03$5.01-10 $0.04$10.01-15 $0.05$15.01-25 $0.06$25.01-35 $0.07以下类推加拿大的证券交易所得是一种Capital Gain(资本利得),其75%是要并入个人所得缴所得税的。 查看完整版本: [-- 新手如何投资加拿大股市? --] [-- top --]Powered by PHPWind v4.3.2 Code © 2003-05 PHPWind Time 0.545450 second(s),query:5 Gzip enabledYou can contact us
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202008-06-27#5 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节有人不
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202008-09-28#6 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节到银行开户,非贵宾户要押5000加,因为是三天后交割,一手25元,会有7-9元,但要在银行存款6万加,开户后可以买卖美加股票。如果要按揭交易,会要求更多,开户时要求提供资产收入。
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 Elephant 0$(VIP 0) 1,7592008-09-29#7 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节这里比中国复杂多了,不同机构都不同.不象中国一刀切.
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负. 超赞 赏 E excellence 0$(VIP 0) 1682008-10-03#8 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节也有兴趣。
回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节股市报价系统竟然停了,这算国际笑话吗?
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202008-12-17#10 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节Technical glitch halts TSX trading Email story Print Choose text size Report typo or correction Today's markets Highs and lows Mutual fund finder Dec 17, 2008 10:48 AM Be the first to comment on this article... Malcolm Morrison THE CANADIAN PRESSThe Toronto stock exchange is dead in the water an hour after the trading day opened, meaning investors can't buy or sell on the country's largest market."We've halted the Toronto stock exchange and TSX Venture Exchange and we will update you as soon as we are able," said Caroline Quick, director of communications at the TSX."It's a technical issue", she added, declining to elaborate on the nature of the problem.New York markets moved lower, giving back a big chunk of yesterday's gains that followed the U.S. Federal Reserve's move to cut its federal funds rate target to a range of zero to 0.25 per cent to deal with a rapidly worsening economy.The Canadian dollar moved down 0.11 of a cent to 83.1 cents US after a weaker U.S. currency sent the loonie up more than two cents.New York's Dow Jones industrials gave back 127.5 points to 8,79.6 following a 359-point jump.The Nasdaq composite index declined 23.67 points to 1,566.22 while the S&P 500 index declined 14.75 points to 898.45 amid a much worse than expected earnings report from Morgan Stanley, which lost US$2.37 billion during its fiscal fourth quarter as it took a range of losses on assets amid one of the roughest quarters for investment banks.The New York-based firm, which is aggressively building on its new status as a bank holding company, lost $2.34 per share for the quarter, much worse than the 34 cents a share that analysts had expected.The January crude contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange was unchanged at US$43.60 ahead of an announcement expected later in the day that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will slash production by at least two million barrels a day to put a floor under prices that have retreated since hitting a US$147 high in July.The February bullion contract in New York rose $36.20 to US$878.90 an ounce.In other corporate news, The Globe and Mail reported that Canadian Pacific Railway Co. (TSX: CP) plans to cut 600 union jobs in an effort to reduce spending during tough economic times.The newspaper cites an internal message to staff that also laid out plans to restrict air travel, suspend bonuses and eliminate six flex days awarded to staff less than two years ago.In the internal message, chief executive Fred Green conceded the moves will be unpopular but said they were necessary to survive a sharp economic downturn that has cut into the railway's freight delivery business.Kingsway Financial Services Inc. (TSX: KFS), a major insurance company under pressure from one of its biggest shareholders to improve its finances, says the company is cutting costs by about US$20 million next year.Commercial printer Quebecor World Inc. (TSX: IQW) says Pierre Karl Peladeau, Erik Peladeau, Jean Neveu and Jean La Couture have resigned from the Montreal company's board.The moves come as former parent Quebecor Inc., headed by the Peladeaus, sues Quebecor World, which is restructuring under bankruptcy protection.On the earnings front, pharmaceutical company MDS Inc. (TSX: MDS) reported a fourth-quarter loss of US$255 million on a big after-tax writedown related to the troubled Maple medical-isotope reactor project.And it said the results are preliminary and do not include another writedown announced last week, estimated at between $270 million and $370 million related to goodwill at its MDS Pharma Services division. That will be accounted for when it releases its annual report next month.Travel operator Transat AT Inc. (TSX: TRZ) said that non-cash and non-operating items drove the company into the red for fiscal 2008, amounting to a net loss of $50 million.Transat also reported a $45.7 million writedown related to asset-backed commercial paper and a $2.3 million foreign exchange loss.Meanwhile, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox blamed regulators for a decade-long failure to investigate Wall Street money manager Bernard L. Madoff, now accused of running a US$50 billion Ponzi scheme.Cox said staff attorneys never bothered to seek a formal commission-approved investigation that would have forced Madoff to surrender vital information under subpoena.Markets overseas were mixed.Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 0.52 per cent, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng index rose 2.18 per cent.In late morning trading, Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.3 per cent, Germany's DAX index was off 0.12 per cent, and France's CAC-40 was down 0.85 per cent.Shares of BNP Paribas plunged as much as 16 per cent Wednesday after the French bank said extreme market volatility triggered a loss of US$972 million over the first 11 months of the year due to steep losses in its investment banking operations over the last two months.
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202009-04-24#11 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节stockhousestockstream软件不错
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202010-02-08#12 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节https://www.tdwaterhouse.ca/t_chinese/T_Chinese_Trade.pdf
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202010-05-07#13 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节<CENTER>Nasdaq取消部分交易 股市公信力何在?</CENTER><HR SIZE=1 width="100%">2010-05-07 | 新闻来源: 北美中文网 | 评论: 0 | 字体: 放大 缩小 | 收藏 | 打印格式 | 寄给朋友<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=0 align=left><TBODY><TR><TD><IFRAME id=ads frameSpacing=0 height=250 src="http://ads2.iask.ca/server//cache/ads_10.html" frameBorder=no width=300 name=ads scrolling=no></IFRAME></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>北美中文网专讯 华尔街股市昨日(美东时间6日)瞬间暴起暴落,道琼斯工业指数一度狂泻近千点,不但看得投资人心惊胆战,美国联邦财经部门也大呼不妙。美财政部长盖纳(Timothy Geithner)看到股市跌幅高达近9%,马上认定发生错误,启动应变机制,也立即报告欧巴马总统。据纽约时报网站昨晚消息,联邦证券管理委员会(SEC)官员表示,在周四股市交易中失血的投资人,要看当时的情况或原因提出证明,再做处理。但那斯达克(Nasdaq)官员昨晚表示, 将取消下午2点40分至3点之间、美股暴跌前,上涨或下跌逾60%的所有交易。那斯达克表示,将提出一项受影响个股及交易股价将被取消的清单,此决定不接受申诉。那斯达克已针对下午2时40分至3时之间的交易展开调查。信心是最大损失 那么,周四的大跌行情到底是怎么回事?有传言是因为花旗银行某员工交易失误所带肋,不过随后花旗的发言人否认了这一传闻。到现在为止,还没有人给出令人信服的解释。道琼斯工业平均指数盘中一度下跌过992点,跌幅实在吓人。它之所以令人恐惧,固然是在于股市因此遭到的损失,但更重要的,恐怕还是它对信心造成的损害人们曾经是如此信任这个系统,认定它可以保护自己的身家,帮助自己创造更多的财富。在这个交易日开始之前,我们其实已经有足够的理由相信熊市将成为主导,比如希腊经济的崩溃、欧元面对的巨大压力、以及英国大选的重重变数,等等等等。因此,当股市开始下跌的时候,并没有人真正感到吃惊。不过接下来就发生了一些非同小可的事情,一些让交易所官员和市场监管方面挠破头都想不清楚的事情,一些让投资者神经冻结的事情。只是若干分钟内,道指的跌幅就变戏法般地成了300点,600点,直至900点。好在最后它又海啸一般地卷了回来。任何亲眼目睹了这一切的人都会吓个目瞪口呆。当市场重新恢复呼吸,人们立即便开始怀疑,自己所看到的可能并非真实,而是某种技术故障导致的扭曲结果。上一次交易者们会这样考虑问题,其实是在1987年9月,当时电脑化的买进卖出程序释放了它们可怕的力量。天知道那时候有多少电脑在同一时间对着同一价位开火,以超出人类想象的速度在执行交易?人们很快采取了措施,来防止市场受到这种自动化恐慌的冲击。于是投资者开始感到安心,认定这样的事情永远都不会再重演了。或者我们与其说人们相信一切都安 全了,还不如说人们希望一切都是安全的,就像众多的欧洲人希望他们的国家经济和货币不要出问题,众多的美国人希望他们的金融机构能够自我监管一样。像这样的事情虽然吓到了今日的市场和投资者,但是显然不是世界末日,关键在于,它动摇了投资者的信心,而后者恰恰是资本主义的核心之一。对于那些全然指望着自己的储蓄的退休人士而言,这样的日子尤其是不好过。他们的财富还能经得起几次这样的打击呢?大跌本是瓜熟蒂落? 美国投资者Mark Hulbert说,其实,过去一段时间以来,大跌的迹象就已经非常明显了对于市场的前景,投资顾问们看好得过了头,因此市场在潜在的下跌可能性面前,地位已经变得非常脆弱。可是即便如此,周四戏剧性的行情仍然可以说是为我们提供了进一步的证据,告诉我们情绪究竟有着怎样重要的地位和作用。股市确实是自身已经到了该下跌的时候。至于对希腊问题的忧虑或许是压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草。毕竟,一个市场若想要下跌,总是可以找到理由的。现在的关键在于,我们需要确定周四的日间低点是否只在短期角度有意义,抑或还是标志着什么长期性的问题。事实上,这恰恰取决于这一低点自身,取决于它是否能够让足够数量的投资顾问放弃盲目看涨的观点,转入悲观的阵营。
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202010-05-07#14 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节Technical Difficulty - Delayed Trade Fill Reports Due to technical difficulties since May 5th, trade fill reports on all markets, US and Canadian, may be delayed. We strongly advise you to not re-enter your order without previously checking with a BMO InvestorLine representative to avoid double fills. Any cancellations or modifications are subject to prior fill. Please ensure you receive an Order Reference Number when placing any orders. For further assistance, please contact a BMO InvestorLine representative at 1-888-776-6886 from 8:00am to 8:00pm ET, Monday to Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 海格Z 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202010-05-07#15 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节Orders Cancelled and Adjusted From Trades May 6<SUP>th</SUP>, 2010Please note, regulators in the United States have ruled to break all equity trades executed between 2:40p.m. and 3:00p.m. ET on May 6, 2010 that increased more than 60% or decreased more than 60% away from the price at 2:40p.m. or immediately prior. If any trades in your account occurred during these times, they may be cancelled. For Canadian markets, orders on symbols FTS, IPL.UN, and XRE will have prices adjusted. These cancellations and corrections will not appear in your accounts today. Please use extreme caution when placing any orders. If you have any questions, please send us a MyLink message, or contact us at 1 888 776-6886 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.
太阳升起也落下 超赞 赏 M Mikai 0$(VIP 0) 1482010-05-13#16 回复: 介绍一下在加拿大和美国开立股票帐户的具体细节感兴趣,留爪
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