加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT数码及移动互联 - digitization Young girls wanted 23 -year-old Qiang


Qiang Li Yan set up a stall selling embroidery. Meng Jian photo Yingxiu a roadside board room area, 23-year-old girl Qiang Qiang Li Yan is a stall selling embroidery. Such as she has always insisted Qiang embroidery girl is running out. lonely 23-year-old Qiang embroidery artist in Yingxiu board room area, Qiang from time to time to see some special things to show and the Dujiangyan Irrigation District board room,digitizing embroidery designs, etc. different: the wall pattern painted on the sheep, the sheep are Qiang people's totem; some residents of the home, also close to the shuttle Yingxiu board room area, at any time to see people dressed in national costumes Qiang, Li Yan is one of them. The difference is with others, she set up a stall selling Qiang embroidery. Qiang her side wearing clothes around the girl group, envy, praise her, but business is light. Li Yan with the words: Yan this level; And embroidered a large,stitch digitizing, at least six months, might as well go out to work. 20-year-old Qiang girl, not many are willing to use it as a living. In this regard, Li Yan is helpless: . Earthquake, the hotel where she was working collapsed, her luck ran out. Her own village, only a very proficient Qiang ritual dance of elderly people were killed. Since then, they rarely mentioned the Qiang village dance. Qiang Li Yan insisted embroidery, Qiang is a gap in the labor of rural women to complete the folk art, Li Yan from an early age to follow his mother to learn embroidery. It is understood that, as early as the time of the Ming and Qing, Qiang embroidery had been widely prevalent in the local. Li Yan said, according to tradition, women must be proficient in embroidery, Qiang; But now, many Qiang girl just learn some fur, which makes her some concern: P> Li Yan said, Qiang Xia dynasty, who is one of the pioneers. Earthquake, so that only 30 million people killed 30,000 compatriots Qiang Qiang population dropped 10% off, including show Qiang Qiang, including intangible cultural heritage is facing the danger of collapse points. want Qiang culture to the world Yingxiu board room in area restaurants, shops all over, but rarely see the sale of crafts Qiang, Li Yan's stall particularly conspicuous. One side of the Minjiang finishing the 76-year-old Qiang vegetable Granny said her home in board room, display of all things modern; in addition to the traditional festivals Qiang, Qiang her dance, crafts, know very little. She said: had. How she did not attend school, but that after last year's earthquake, with a rebirth of the Qiang culture. Because, after the earthquake, Wenchuan disaster areas such as the Qiang people, began to receive national and worldwide attention, Qiang dance, Qiang embroidery and other non-material cultural heritage,digitization, has never been so much attention.

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