加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科美食天地 - 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)


你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)锅店的服务员说不沾底锅(Teflon)每过一两年就得换,她自己担心那掉下来的coating有致癌性,多年以前就改用不锈钢锅了。看来还是不锈钢锅安全。大家用过日本产的五层(5 layer)不锈钢锅嘛? 价格贵, 但是经久耐用,比起一两年一换的不沾底锅从长远来说还是便宜。

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 超赞 赏 反馈:乡村 和 (已删除的会员) 传 传说中的鸟人Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-09-12#2 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)用的是不沾锅,但不是teflon的,是一个意大利牌子的。

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)http://www.teflon.com/NASApp/Teflon...g/housewares/keyword/teflon_keyword_home.html Learn more about DuPont -- Teflon For more than 200 years, DuPont has put science to work, resulting in the creation of products that contribute to healthier, safer, and better lives for people. A major DuPont innovation that has made these contributions significant is Teflon®.Discovered in 1938 at our Jackson Research Laboratory in New Jersey, Dr. Roy Plunkett was experimenting when he realized that a chemical sample surprisingly changed its properties into a white, waxy solid with unbelievable characteristics. This innovation was the product we now know as Teflon®.Teflon® is best known for its slipperiness, which is useful where non-stick features are important. DuPont revolutionized the cookware industry with the introduction of Teflon® non-stick coatings for cookware, making cleanup a breeze. High-rise buildings that use DuPont™ Certified Limited Combustible Cable are safer from smoke damage. And, Teflon® used in fabric protection keeps clothing and carpets looking newer, longer.Please explore our Teflon® Web site to learn more about the wonders of Teflon® and about other Miracles of Science from DuPont. Do you own a domesticated bird? MORE

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 超赞 赏 crystal_clear 0$(VIP 0) 6,3882007-09-12#4 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)http://www.cancer.ca/ccs/internet/standard/0,3182,3172_1295614293__langId-en,00.htmlTeflon™ and non-stick cookware and cancer riskNon-stick cookware has raised concerns among the public about its possible association with increased risk of cancer. One concern is that cooking with non-stick products may increase cancer risk. Another concern is that potential cancer-causing chemicals used to make non-stick products are released into the environment during manufacturing. Teflon and other brandsCooking with non-stick cookwareChemicals used to make non-stick productsWhat Canada is doingWhat the Canadian Cancer Society is doingWhat other countries are doing Teflon and other brandsNon-stick cookware refers to cookware with a non-stick coating. All non-stick cookware is made up of a chemical called PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). The same chemical is used to make GORE-TEX fabrics and some industrial products, such as specialized electronic wire insulation, hoses and gaskets. Teflon is the brand name for DuPont’s non-stick cookware, but many other companies (for example T-Fal and Silverstone) also make non-stick cookware. Cooking with non-stick cookwareThe fumes given off from non-stick cookware used at higher temperatures are harmful to your health. Health Canada states that: “Non-stick coatings are a risk if they are heated to temperatures greater than 350°C or 650°F”. Some studies show that heating non-stick coatings to 300°C (572°F) can create fumes that contain a suspected cancer-causing chemical (tetrafluoroethene-TFE) and several chemicals that are toxic to humans. Currently, there is no evidence that eating small quantities of non-stick coating that has flaked off into your food is bad for you. The use of non-stick cookware to reduce the amount of butter or oil used in cooking may be good for your health, but you should not use cookware with non-stick coatings at high temperature or leave it empty or unattended on a hot stove or in a hot oven. Empty pans can reach higher temperatures more quickly than pans containing food. You should not use non-stick cookware for broiling or other high temperature baking and cooking. Temperature settings vary between appliances but as an example, olive oil typically begins to smoke at 210°C (410°F), below Health Canada’s recommended maximum temperature for using non-stick coatings (350°C/650°F). Health Canada, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration do not advise against using non-stick coatings or other products containing PTFE, if used properly. Chemicals used to make non-stick productsA number of chemicals are used to make non-stick cookware including TFE, a known carcinogen, which may also be present in the fumes given off by non-stick cookware used at high heat. Another chemical used during the making of non-stick coating, PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), may be present at very low levels in the cookware, according to at least one study. Some studies have shown that exposure to PFOA over long periods of time may be linked to cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer, though this research is not conclusive and is continuing. Several studies show that PFOA causes cancer in laboratory animals. Based on these and other studies, the majority of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Scientific Advisory Board believes that PFOA likely causes cancer. PFOA has also been found in higher-than-expected amounts in humans and in our environment. Research into the source of these chemicals in humans and the environment is ongoing. What Canada is doingHealth Canada advises against using cookware with non-stick coatings at high temperatures (above 350°C/ 650°F). Health Canada and Environment Canada are currently assessing the potential health risks of exposure to PFOA. Their draft report is due in fall 2006 or early 2007. This assessment is part of a larger action plan to assess a group of related chemicals called PFCAs (perfluorinated carboxylic acids). Some PFCAs are believed to be of greater concern for human health than others, and the recent move to prevent the introduction of four such chemicals in Canada until further studies can be completed is part of the action plan. Health Canada provides information on other cookware including anodized aluminum. Anodized aluminum surfaces are sometimes referred to as non-stick surface as well, but are scratch resistant, can be used at higher temperatures and are made without the use of PTFE or PFOA.What the Canadian Cancer Society is doingWe are providing this information to the public about non-stick cookware because we know Canadians are concerned. We will continue to monitor this issue and will update our information if warranted. We will advocate where appropriate about this issue. What other countries are doingThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues to study PFOA and in January 2006 invited manufacturers of PFOA to reduce and eventually phase out emissions and product content levels of PFOA and related chemicals. The European Union is funding PERFORCE, an industry-paired consortium studying environmental exposure of certain PFCA-related substances. Suggested Links: CanadaHealth Canada, non-stick cookwareEnvironment Canada, PFCA Action Plan United StatesU.S. Environmental Protection Agency PFOA information pageU.S. Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Advisory Board Report EuropePERFORCE

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 超赞 赏 人 人傻钱多Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-09-12#5 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)我几种锅都用,包括铁锅.不能多选,我不知道投哪个好.

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)我几种锅都用,包括铁锅.不能多选,我不知道投哪个好.点击展开...偶不用锅,偶用人体盛~

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。 超赞 赏 反馈:风间月 前生为鱼Moderator 0$(VIP 0,#492) 5,4442007-09-12#7 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)投了。用生铁锅,华人店有卖。没涂层的。

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)不锈钢锅~~

[URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"][/URL][URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"]行事从容,低调向前走~~~[/URL] 超赞 赏 阿拉蕾 0$(VIP 0) 1,1252007-09-12#9 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)不沾底锅

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)该换锅咯~

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)加拿大没法炒菜,只能煮八煮八吃。你这问题没啥意义。

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)我们家用的是生铁锅,个人觉得不锈钢锅也可以,但绝对不用不沾锅。

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)铁锅

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 Z zhhejun 0$(VIP 0) 642007-09-13#14 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)生铁锅最好,维生素破坏少,老外也比较中意地

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)中国人用了几千年的铁锅是我不二的选择。

2006年8月FN2010年1月18日MER2010年2月22日PL 超赞 赏 oolong 0$(VIP 0) 3,1812007-09-13#16 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)烤炉

以上内容不代表本人立场 超赞 赏 galik 0$(VIP 0) 1752007-09-14#17 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)乐无烟 ~~~乐无烟

回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)呵呵。我还在国内。用的是一个叫炊大师的合金不粘锅。不是涂层,也不是不锈钢的。感觉还不错。是不是有有害元素,就不得而知了。

新的征程:13-09-24,一家三口的枫叶卡寄到朋友那了,13-08-11,两个 G2 都收到了,13-07-16,小镇考G2,13-07-15,银行户口激活,领信用卡,考G1,13-07-14 登陆 Toronto。 超赞 赏 crystal_clear 0$(VIP 0) 6,3882007-09-14#19 回复: 你用什么锅炒菜? 不沾底锅(non-stick) 还是 不锈钢锅(stainless)很多同学用铁锅啊, 就是爱生锈,对不?

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 呵呵。我还在国内。用的是一个叫炊大师的合金不粘锅。不是涂层,也不是不锈钢的。 感觉还不错。是不是有有害元素,就不得而知了。点击展开...这个是什么东东?

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