加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT数码及移动互联 - Please help me Powerpoint 2013 homework


Hi IT Guys This semester I chose the wrong course, it is so difficult to me. Please is anybody can help me Please! If you can do this please we can tlak about it. Thanks!Northern LightsProject Description: In the following project, you will edit an existing presentation that describes the Northern Lights and ideal viewing areas.Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:StepInstructionsPoints Possible1Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named go_p01_grader_H3.pptx.0.0002Replace all occurrences of the text North with Northern and then change layout of Slide 1 to Title Slide.5.0003Apply the Ion Boardroom theme, and then change the Variant to the blue variant option.5.0004Change the Slide Size to Widescreen (16:9).5.0005Display Slide 2, open the Reuse Slides pane, and then from your downloaded grader files browse for and display the presentation go_p01_grader_Slides.pptx. If necessary, clear the Keep source formatting check box, and then insert the last two slides.10.0006Display Slide 2. In either the slide pane or in the slide outline, click at the end of the first bullet point after the word time. Press SPACEBAR. Add the words for viewing and then in the same slide, increase the list level of the second and third bullet points.10.0007With Slide 2 still displayed, select the title and change the Font Size to 32. In the Notes pane, type the following notes: The lights reach their peak in September and March. Be sure to type the period at the end of the sentence.10.0008Display Slide 3. Select the paragraph of text, and then change the Font Color to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 60%-in the last column, the third color. Change the Font Size to 18, and then apply Bold.10.0009In the same paragraph, change the Line Spacing to 1.5, and then center the paragraph and the slide title.5.00010With Slide 3 still displayed, format the picture with the Soft Edge Rectangle picture style and the Marker artistic effect.5.00011Display Slide 4. In the content placeholder on the right, from your downloaded grader files, insert the picture go_p01_grader_Lights.jpg. Apply the Reflected Rounded Rectangle picture style.5.00012Move Slide 3 between Slides 1 and 2.5.00013Display Slide 4. Insert a New Slide with the Section Header layout. In the title placeholder type Visit Fairbanks and View the Northern Lights. In the text placeholder type With Kodiak West Travel.10.00014Apply the Uncover transition and change the Effect Options to From Top. Change the Timing by increasing the Duration to 01.25. Apply the transition effect to all of the slides.10.00015Insert a Header & Footer on the Notes and Handouts. Include the Date and time updated automatically, the Page number, a Footer with the text Northern Lights Presentation and then apply to all the slides.5.00016Save and close the document. Exit PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.0.000Total Score100.000

  ·生活百科 奶奶公寓的子板
·生活百科 戴维·雷恩班克



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