加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgaryjust come from Calgary


Calgary Spirit....人人为我,我为人人I just come from Calgary.I stayed there from Feb09 to Feb 20.There are very nice residents there.If you want to come back to China in several years,you would better not land Calgary. : ),For you will be fooled by everyone in China.For I got helpful information in the site B4.If anyone has any question, I will give an answer as possible as I can.The important tips:1.If you want to go to college/university/school with free fee,you should save the most of your money in safety deposit box in bank instaead of the account after yr landing.2.If you just take a short landing ,you would better make a English-assessment appointment b4 yr landing,and you will be assessed right after you land Calgary.Assessment Centre tel:1-403-262-26563.If you want to get drive licence (G7)in a shortest periad,you should study the <<Basic licence Driver's Handbook>> and take the practice Class 7 Test online.http://www.trans.gov.ab.ca/DriversInfo/Handbooks.asp

What do you mean? You have a lot of information at hand and you want to help those who want to get help?

Nice guy! I'd like to know what the average cost is for a family of three living in Calgary a month. THX!

Let's have a cup of tea.Nice guy! I'd like to know what the average cost is for a family of three living in Calgary a month. THX!点击展开...The 4 main part cost in yr daily life are shawn as below:一.home rent1.basement(90~100m2) :about 500 2.one-bedroom flat :525~680,The higher is floor,the more is rent.3.two-bedroom flat:700~850,二.food:300~500,三.health insuance:88/family plan*mon四.traffic fee:about 50~100 You can calculate the sum according to your choices and money in yr pocket.Bow valley college is a famous one besides UC and SAIT in Calgary.you may get infor.in the below site.www.bowvallelycollege.ca

thanks a lot.

Let's have a cup of tea. 超赞 赏 J jimgao 0$(VIP 0) 252005-03-10#6 你的名字改一下,里面有个chow---意思是中国狗!!!


穿别人的鞋走自己的路让他们找去吧! 超赞 赏 王 王乐乐 0$(VIP 0) 172005-03-11#8 Please explain the meaning of short landing?If you just take a short landing ,you would better make a English-assessment appointment b4 yr landing,and you will be assessed right after you land Calgary.Assessment Centre tel:1-403-262-2656U mean , I 'd better call the number above before coming Calgary. As u know, I plan to stay in Calgary for 20 days, but my wife will stay for longer.

I have just viewed the website of bowvalleycollege. Do you have some idea about this college? If I don't enter the LINC, can I go directly to this college to take the Diploma course, and get some reduction on the tuition fee? BTW, Is the marketing/sales diploma of any use?

Let's have a cup of tea. 超赞 赏 S suusan 0$(VIP 0) 4142005-03-14#10 Dear sirFor your first precious tip with regards to schooling I quote here "1.If you want to go to college/university/school with free fee,you should save the most of your money in safety deposit box in bank instaead of the account after yr landing."You suggested those who want to enter colleges or universities not put money in their bank accounts and put in security box. Would u pl tell us that what the maximum amount of money showing in ones accounts is, I mean not affect one` application for free schooling education, and how to start ones bank safety deposit box, is it complicated?

You r such a nice guy that what you provide here is very helpful. thank you and I`m looking forward to your more information you think that one is need to know or to do first as a new comer to Canada. Meanwhile I want more here, I want to get to know you personally with face talk if you don`t mind. I will be in Calgary in no more than one month.

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