加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryCheck engine light 和 no tc light on 并显示engine power reduced 正常吗


照片如图 好像每次出现都是在路况不太好时. 停车重新打火 只有check engine light on 一般过一阵 就灭了。正常吗. 这种情况反复l 两次了



飞翔的云 说:正常如果正常的意思是不正常点击展开...是什么意思呢?我的车好像也出现过那样的情况。哪个图标表示check engine? TC有个横杠划过的那个吗?

VERY dangerous reduced engine power issue!!http://www.underhoodservice.com/tech-tip-reduced-engine-power-message-displayed-on-gm-vehicles/http://chevroletforum.com/forum/malibu-15/very-dangerous-reduced-engine-power-issue-62499/This has happened to me 4 times in the past two weeks, and I am honestly lucky to be alive. I have a 2011 Chevy Malibu with 58,000 miles on it. My husband and I just moved from Dallas to Atlanta, so I have had to make several trips back and forth to handle things with our home in Dallas. The first time this happened, I was about 70 miles outside of Atlanta going 70 MPH on the highway surrounded by 18 wheelers. Suddenly my traction light and service engine light came on and the reduced power notification came on, the car slowed to about 10 miles an hour very suddenly and the car was shaking violently. The 18 wheeler behind me could not stop fast enough and the only reason I was not hit was because I was able to veer onto the shoulder. 抓紧时间送去维修吧。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。VERY dangerous reduced engine power issue!!http://www.underhoodservice.com/tech-tip-reduced-engine-power-message-displayed-on-gm-vehicles/http://chevroletforum.com/forum/malibu-15/very-dangerous-reduced-engine-power-issue-62499/This has happened to me 4 times in the past two weeks, and I am honestly lucky to be alive. I have a 2011 Chevy Malibu with 58,000 miles on it. My husband and I just moved from Dallas to Atlanta, so I have had to make several trips back and forth to handle things with our home in Dallas. The first time this happened, I was about 70 miles outside of Atlanta going 70 MPH on the highway surrounded by 18 wheelers. Suddenly my traction light and service engine light came on and the reduced power notification came on, the car slowed to about 10 miles an hour very suddenly and the car was shaking violently. The 18 wheeler behind me could not stop fast enough and the only reason I was not hit was because I was able to veer onto the shoulder.抓紧时间送去维修吧。点击展开...查过了 是throttle sensor 有问题

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