加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal英语成人高中5年级的法语相当于法语高中几年级?
教材是:Médias-cibleFrench, Second Language(FRE-5091-6)All courses in this program L'assassin silencieux L'inconnu de la gare Médias-cible Placement Test Saturday Morning Theatrics: Êtes-vous amateur? The Detective's Apprentice Médias-cibleENLARGEPRESENTATIONThe student will enter the world of news media: he or she will read L’Écho de Cocagne and listen to NIFÉ, la radio terraquée! to get a meaningful and accurate view of the world around. In French (or in any language): la réalité dépasse la fiction.CONTENT• 8 chapters enabling the student to communicate orally and in writing in situations linked to business/commercial, cultural, public and social domains• Annexes: Vade-mecum (for text revision); Dialogue transcriptions; List of intermediate objectives bychapter; List of grammar pages by chapterRECIPIENTSLevel 5 (advanced) anglophone adult students.PREREQUISITESLevel 4 (FRE-4091-6) or Placement test.NOTESCompulsory reference material for all courses: French Grammar, a Modern Guide, sold separately (7-0501-06).Duration : 150 heures Number of units : 6ASSIGNMENTSWEIGHTINGCORRECTIONS TIME425 % each assignment30 minutes (estimate for each assignment)Including written explanations and comments.EVALUATIONOfficial ministry in-class examination (Pass Mark: 60%)CONCEPTIONAuthor(s) enyse PhilieProduction date :April 1997谢谢!
这个很难说,没有具体对应关系。最准确的办法是去法语成人高中参加分级测试。或者,也可以参考以往的经验:1、COFI班学完的学生经过法语成人高中分级测试,往往分在présecondaire;2、而同样的COFI班学完的学生在英语成人高中可以直接上5年级的法语。尽管这样的对比不科学,但是分级结果差异如此之大,是令人吃惊的。究其原因,一个是langue maternelle的课程,一个是langue seconde的课程。如果跳出魁北克,放眼全球,我们是否能将中国高三英语水平(langue seconde)和美国初一英语水平(langue maternelle)进行比较呢?
Dora2006 说:谢谢!知道大概水平了。点击展开...加油!暂时不要太注意所谓的“水平”,学下去即可,有志者事竟成。
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