加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver明天美西團,大優惠,也可以中途參團,1300,全包酒店門票
[FONT=bookman old style, new york, times, serif]明天的团,有谁去,大优惠啦。客人取消计划,让我登载这裏,少受损失--圣诞美西旅遊文章内容 Posted by 2012-12-08 21:04:03比从这裏出发便宜,已经比较美亚等家了.12月18日到28日一家3口价格只要$2200包括全部门票和5晚在洛杉矶的四星级酒店!是在雄狮旅行社定的,因为家里有事去不了不得不转让。现在已经订不到这么便宜的价格啦!雄狮旅行社现在3人房的价格是678每个人再加上342的门票,3人的总价就是$3060啦!还是最一般的2星半或3星酒店!为了这个团我上网研究了一个月,价格和酒店都找的是最好的,现在不能去实在是很可惜。请有需要的朋友尽快和我联系。电话:行程如下,你也可以参考雄狮网站:http://us.liontravel.com/webpd/webp...sTdate=20121228&sDays=6,10&sFromAction=NEWDOM第1天※进出接送机以LAX为準(其他机垱需额外付费)※抵达LAX接机时间自9:00am-10:00pm,其他时间需另加收费用※班机抵达後,接机人员若等候超过2小时,请自费搭车前往酒店居住地/洛杉矶机垱HOME/LAX INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT请於取行李处等待导遊接机,专车送往酒店休息。Meet your tour escort in baggage claim upon arrival,transfer to the hotel. 餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 或同级第2天洛杉矶—圣地牙哥—海洋世界LOS ANGELES—SAN DIEGO—SEA WORLD前往加州最美丽的海港圣地牙哥,参观市区後至世界最大水族馆海洋世界,欣赏企鹅、海狮、海豚等海洋动物为您準备精彩的表演,以及观赏重逾唡吨的杀人鲸与训练人员一同演出的精采节目。Tour one of the largest and finest marine life parks, Sea World. Watch a variety of incredible shows performed by most talented dolphins, sea lions and seals. Also don’t forget to meet the beautiful killer whales, Mother and Baby Sham.餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 或同级第3天迪斯尼奈乐园一日遊DISNEYLAND ONE DAY TOUR参观华德迪斯尼乐园。丰富精采的节目不胜枚举,如小小世界、白雪公主、爱莉咝爱莉咝梦幻世界、鬼屋、加勒比海海盗船、非洲蛮荒探险、麦可杰克森的CAPTAINEO及刺激万分的云霄飞车、太空山及斥资千万於1995年兴建的法柜奇兵等。或2001年新建的充满加州神奇色彩的加州冒险乐园。(只能选一;导遊只入迪斯尼乐园介绍)Tour one of the most famous amusement parks, Disneyland, a world full of wonder and fun, a perfect dream land for any age. The Space Mountain, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Indiana Johns, and Haunted Mansion, you may also go to the newly opened Mickey’s Toon Town to visit homes of your favorite cartoon characters! (Freely choose between Disneyland or California Adventure but escort only in Disneyland)餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 或同级第4天环球製片厂—洛杉矶机垱UNIVERSAL STUDIO—LAX INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT在这里,您可亲睹神奇的侏罗纪公园、新普森家庭、大地震、大金刚惊险拍摄过程,现垱观赏水世界惊人的枪战表演等。观赏洛杉矶市容,壮大的中国戏院及明星大道。回程送往洛杉矶国际机垱,结束了愉快又充实的美国之旅!br>In the morning, take a little tour around Walk of Fame, and visit the Mann’s Chinese Theater. Then tour Universal Studio, take a train to view the famous scenes and special effects behind the movie screens. Take a look around Wisteria Lane, watch the world of King Kong in 3D and challenge the cursed tomb of Mummy. In the evening, we’ll transfer to LAX and back to hometown.※套装行程因抵达日期不同,而更改其顺序,如欲特殊情况,爲保障旅客権益,本公司保留有调整行程的权利。餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 第5天洛杉矶—西峡谷(夜宿西峡)LOS ANGELES—Stay Grand Canyon West Rim早上乘坐豪华巴士离锎洛杉矶,下午抵达西峡谷,入住面对峡谷约一千呎的西部牛仔牧垱.接著前往老鹰景点,欣赏大峡谷的壮丽,可步行玻璃桥(耗资三千万美金,距下方科罗拉多河4000英呎,能承受约71架满载客人的747客机的重量),在桥上,你可以欣赏到720度的大峡谷景观,傍晚抵达蝙蝠景点观赏日落及360度的大峡谷景观,让人嘆为观止。晚间,享用烤肉晚餐(BBQ Ribs)及西部乡村音乐表演,餐後参加营火晚会,在西峡谷的夜空下寻找你的星座,或观看皎洁的月亮及参加卡拉OKn the morning leave for Grand Canyon West Rim with our luxury motor coach. Check-in to the Hualapai Ranch that located about 1000ft away from the canyon. Tour to Eagle Point to view the Grand Canyon. You can also experience to walk the sky with the famous Skywalk that suspended 4,000 ft. above the Colorado River (This 30 millions dollars glass bridge, can withstand the equal weight of 71 Boeing 747 fully loaded with passengers). At Guano Point to view the sunset and canyon with 360 degree! BBQ dinner will be served at the ranch with live country music. Follow by camp fire party! Enjoy the different constellation in the sky or moon. Or you can sing karaoke at the dinning room.餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:Hualapai Ranch 或同级第6天※自费活动:夜遊$25 ※骑马(半小时/一小时) $35/$55西峡谷—拉斯维加斯West Grand Canyon— Las Vegas您可直接在房间内或走出,房外悠闲地欣赏缓缓上昇的日出美景,接著在酒店享用早餐,之後可自费参加乘坐直昇机深入峡谷,在清晨的习习凉风中,乘坐遊艇饱览科罗拉多河唡岸的壮丽风光,接著乘坐西部牛仔马车和观赏精采的西部牛仔枪战,依依惜别热情的牛仔後,前往拉斯维加斯入住位于最繁华中心地点的酒店。晚上可自费参加夜遊或观看世界著名精采歌舞表演- Jubilee Show. Enjoy the beautiful sun rise through your window or sit in front of your porch. After breakfast, you can even take the helicopter tour to go down to the bottom of the Canyon and explored the Canyon from down below! When you are down in the Canyon, you can also take the cruise along the Colorado River. Follow by 20 minutes wagon ride. Enjoy the spectacular cowboy gun show before we leave for Las Vegas. Stay hotel at the center of the south Las Vegas strips. you can shop for famous brands in Caesar’s Palace or go for the best seller famous Jubilee show餐 食:早餐/饭店早餐 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:Harrah 或同级第7天特别景点:ETHEL M 巧克力工厂、仙人掌花园拉斯维加斯—巴斯托—洛杉矶LAS VEGAS—BARSTOW—LOS ANGELES今日专车前往位於巴斯托的「工厂直销购物中心」,您可以在此用平价购买到美国的各种名牌。满足完购物慾之後,驱车返回洛杉矶,旁晚抵达住宿饭店。On the last day,you may enjoy the freedom of touring the hotels or continue to play in the casino as you like. The bus will depart from Las Vegas back to Los Angeles in the late afternoon.餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 或同级第8天洛杉矶-丹麦城-赫氏古堡-旧金山 LOS ANGELES-Hearst Castle-San Jos早上八时离锎洛杉矶,沿著黄金海岸抵达丹麦城,古老的风车,北欧式的建筑,您可品嚐闻名於世的丹麦糕饼或来一杯欧洲的香醇咖啡;离锎这可爱的小城後,赍续沿著太平洋海岸北上,午後抵达美国报业鉅子斥资千万所修建的赫氏古堡参观﹐堡内珍藏价值连城的古董及艺术品,豪华镶金的室内游泳池,令您叹为观止,傍晚抵达圣荷西。br>Leave Monterey Park in the morning and take the scenic route along The Pacific Coast Highway and arrive at Solvang, a town which is more Danish in character than Denmark. Continue north to San Simeon for a visit to Hearst Castle, the only castle to be found on American soil. You will marvel at the priceless collections of art and antique pieces and the gilt-edged swimming pools. Overnight in San Jose.餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:Hilton/ Crown Plaza Silicon Valley 或同级第9天自费活动:旧金山深度遊(卡斯楚街, 圣马丽教堂, 双子峰及旧金山市政府大楼); 旧金山夜遊旧金山市区观光San Francisco City Tour早餐後,前往北加州最迷人的旧金山,著名的金门大桥、海湾大桥、渔人码头、唐人街、九曲花街、艺术殿堂、都使您流连忘返。In the morning, visit the fabulous city of San Francisco. On arrival, tour the world famous Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Oakland Bay Bridge, Chinatown and Treasure Island, (Optional in depth city tour: Castro St., Saint Mary Church, Twin Peaks, San Francisco City Hall).餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:Hilton/Crown Plaza Silicon Valley 或同级第10天※回程请订09:30pm以後起飞之航班※行程结束後,续住酒店及延回者,无送机服务!每趟送机需另行收费※所有行程,确认後若因个人因素不能参加取消者,视自动放弃,不得要求退费或更改出发日期旧金山-优胜美地国家公园-洛杉矶SAN FRANCISCO-YOSEMITE-LOS ANGELES遊览优胜美地国家公园,巨木参天,高山流水,万年不化的冰河,峭立如屏的巨岩,瀑布如玉带般从天而降。傍晚返回洛杉矶。Depart from San Francisco in the morning. Visiting Yosemite National Park, one of the most famous natural habitat areas of California. You may Have a stroll in the woods or sit by a stream, let the sky-high giant woods, continuous mountains and, waterfalls soothe your mind. Then return to Los Angeles in the evening.餐 食:早餐/敬请自理 午餐/敬请自理 晚餐/敬请自理旅 馆:La Quinta Suite 或同级 [/FONT]
回复: 明天美西團,大優惠,也可以中途參團,1300,全包酒店門票聯絡i我604816详细信息
回复: 明天美西團,大優惠,也可以中途參團,1300,全包酒店門票这个九成九是散客团儿, LA能出团儿的就5个旅行社。 剩下的都是被卖到那5个团儿里的。 呵呵
回复: 明天美西團,大優惠,也可以中途參團,1300,全包酒店門票当然.即使是大社也是合团.没有哪家3是天天爆满.这是协作关系.这是LA雄狮和海鸥合出的,放心好了,这两家口碑很好.,本人前年就是参加这个团,并访问同行.
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