Fremont 高中好学区联体别墅2B2.5B,1196英尺,99.8万
在加拿大 ,地产经纪培训。请联系Jerrty Li:408-915-9235 1.Fremont 近Bart,购物方便,豪华全新装修,4间卧室3间全浴室,1660尺,樱桃硬木地板,$119万等您入住华人论坛
在加拿大 ,地产经纪培训。请联系Jerrty Li:408-915-9235 1.Fremont 近Bart,购物方便,豪华全新装修,4间卧室3间全浴室,1660尺,樱桃硬木地板,$119万等您入住华人论坛
在加拿大 Alhambras new Condo, near Main Street and Atlantic Blvd, has two bedrooms and one living room. One of the bedrooms is for rent, with a separate bathroom in the bedroom. There is a private garage. I now live in one of the bedrooms with a sepa...华人论坛