在加拿大 Therefore in Proforma Invoice there must be indicated the price per 1 kg inclusive of the cost of delivery as well as delivery conditions (in a separate line). 这句话怎么理解呢? 评论 形式发票上要注明每KG单价、运费及运...华人论坛
在加拿大 Therefore in Proforma Invoice there must be indicated the price per 1 kg inclusive of the cost of delivery as well as delivery conditions (in a separate line). 这句话怎么理解呢? 评论 形式发票上要注明每KG单价、运费及运...华人论坛
在加拿大 FULL DETAILS AS PER PROFORMA INVOICE NO. 1/DP/09,DT:11.02.09 A)YARN COMPOSITION: 100PCT VISCOSE 2/30S B)LCA FORM NO.32611 C) IRC NO.BA-0178158 D)EXPORT L/C NO.33LI-C88176-BR7N E) BTB L/C NO.100509060003 F)H.S.CODE NO.8108903100 大家帮我看...华人论坛
在加拿大 SUIVANT FACTURE PROFORMA NR AB-2105555 DD 05.10.2012 什么意思,求解 评论 估计是要求要在提单上显示形式发票的编号AB-2105555 和日期 05.10.2012 评论 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3016962-1-1.html 你可以看看这...华人论坛
在加拿大 I want to share some of my thoughts about the jobs relating to the real estate we can see in job market. most of the time, we usually have to do business with a real estate agent, a notary, an inspector of building during our transactions of...华人论坛
在加拿大 用ACROBAT PROF填表的字很大,在哪调?为什么在表格中一填,表格的线就不见了,本来是几行的,字一填,分行的线就不见了,是不是填地址只能用手填啊。 评论 超赞 赏 加拿大民工 0$...华人论坛
在加拿大 I want to share some of my thoughts about the jobs relating to the real estate we can see in job market. most of the time, we usually have to do business with a real estate agent, a notary, an inspector of building during our transactions of...华人论坛
在加拿大 如题。在他们网站上看到office 2013 professional 才187刀,而future shop 要519刀呀,怎么会差那么大?有没有懂行的来帮看看?目前需要家里的电脑上装上全功能的excel 和acess,是不是直接买这...华人论坛
在加拿大 用ACROBAT PROF填表的字很大,在哪调?为什么在表格中一填,表格的线就不见了,本来是几行的,字一填,分行的线就不见了,是不是填地址只能用手填啊。 评论 回复: 用ACROBAT PROF填表的...华人论坛